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after almost 90 days, russia control 1 inch of Ukraine land? not even steel plant.
fighting is still going on & russia army almost retreating everyday even in 100% russian speaking area in donbas.
from the casualty between russia & ukraine of 5:1, all can see russia army died almost 35000 to date, plus all the POW, injury & run road, number shot up to sky.
only morons bother all comie dogs lies here.

Ukraine is Already Winning Right Now

(23-05-2022, 05:21 AM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]after almost 90 days, russia control 1 inch of Ukraine land? not even steel plant.
fighting is still going on & russia army almost retreating everyday even in 100% russian speaking area in donbas.
from the casualty between russia & ukraine of 5:1, all can see russia army died almost 35000 to date, plus all the POW, injury & run road, number shot up to sky.
only morons bother all comie dogs lies here.

Ukraine is Already Winning Right Now

Well done lah! Clap for you!
already  said many times, this ukraine war, the largest exposed is russia military is super weak & backward, totally in big mess.
thaat is why they can only anyhow bomb, destroy building, kill civilians, criminal act in war on civilians, using criminal weapons not allowed in war, all the inhuman act, threaten to use nukes, hypersonic & totally useless to fight war with ukraine army.
then announce win by all comie here in this forum but truth fact is around 35000 russia army died now, casualty is 500% more than Ukraine.
comie dogs here support nazi killer invaders of civilians in war, has karma wan.


[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-05-23-07-38-22.png]
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-05-23-07-41-30.png]

Last Russian speaking area of Severodonetsk occupied being liberated by Russian troops.
Heavy bombardments.
Kokee, advice from India!

(23-05-2022, 05:33 AM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]already  said many times, this ukraine war, the largest exposed is russia military is super weak & backward, totally in big mess.
thaat is why they can only anyhow bomb, destroy building, kill civilians, criminal act in war on civilians, using criminal weapons not allowed in war, all the inhuman act, threaten to use nukes, hypersonic & totally useless to fight war with ukraine army.
then announce win by all comie here in this forum but truth fact is around 35000 russia army died now, casualty is 500% more than Ukraine.
comie dogs here support nazi killer invaders of civilians in war, has karma wan.


russia both economy & military almost bankrupt now.
drag on will make them bankrupt faster.
debt already defaulted, almost60% of army & weapons finish & no way to replenish now.
yet NATO, US & Ukraine still have millions of army & unlimited supply of weapons everyday.


in term of army casualty, russia is 500x higher than Ukraine.
Russia army kill civilians & bomb residential building, these are all criminal act, war is between army not civilians. That is why russia is evil devil invader yet comie dogs here support devil to kill civilians, all these comie dogs here are totally inhuman dogs.
Ukraine bomb russia army, that is why russian died almost 35000 now & russia used up all their weapons & missile on civilians & building, now left little & no way to produce now, russia will never start any war again with these weapons in next 10-20 yrs.

俄烏戰爭 / 烏克蘭平民遭「屠殺棄屍」 殘忍影片曝光!

(22-05-2022, 10:10 AM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]US, NATO & their alliance drill in few places surrounding russia.
large scale in poland, also in  other eastern bloc country.
for show & fun, russia? can only use mouth only, can even fight Ukraine, russia is just an ant to US & NATO, just when to press it to die, nukes? russia will surrender & end faster.

Nato and allied soldiers conduct large-scale drills in Poland - DEFENDER-Europe 2022

comie liar lie about poland in another thread.
poland is strong alliance of Ukraine, poland Pm just give a speech in Ukraine kiev yesterday to give full support to Ukraine to fight russia.

波蘭總統基輔演講 力挺烏克蘭決定自己未來

Yup UKRAINE have Moscow surrounded plus they have caught one the steel mill near it. Power sia
sure, lies by comies & all liars here are very power.
Biden is going to release 40b to help Russia to defeat Ukraine.
Kokee ok.
Now UKRAINE have surrounded Moscow. Ok kokee.
Putin lost until pants drop. Asking USA for $40b advance weapons to shoot Ukraine. 🤣🤣🤣
(23-05-2022, 12:27 PM)Notdumb Wrote: [ -> ]Putin lost until pants drop. Asking USA for $40b advance weapons to shoot Ukraine. 🤣🤣🤣

Yup lor ...kokee can celebrate liao
what is $40B, frozen russia oversea asset of US$400B, will for Ukraine to use too.
comies can continue to spam lies or personal abuse here.
Alam Kok,

Just claim winning here got use meh?   

What happened to Maiupol and the steel factory?   

Is Russian still ocupying East Ukraine?   

Is the southern shore all occupied by Russia and Ukraine has no sea port for export now?  

The 10 million refugees Ukrainians or Russians?  

Just answer the above and you know who wins?  

Rotfl Rotfl Rotfl  

(23-05-2022, 05:21 AM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]after almost 90 days, russia control 1 inch of Ukraine land? not even steel plant.
fighting is still going on & russia army almost retreating everyday even in 100% russian speaking area in donbas.
from the casualty between russia & ukraine of 5:1, all can see russia army died almost 35000 to date, plus all the POW, injury & run road, number shot up to sky.
only morons bother all comie dogs lies here.

Ukraine is Already Winning Right Now

winning is what this video said.

I dont twist thread title like all comie liars here.
never use news or videos title, self created a lies as title to con or brainwash morons here 7/24.
(23-05-2022, 05:21 AM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]after almost 90 days, russia control 1 inch of Ukraine land? not even steel plant.
fighting is still going on & russia army almost retreating everyday even in 100% russian speaking area in donbas.
from the casualty between russia & ukraine of 5:1, all can see russia army died almost 35000 to date, plus all the POW, injury & run road, number shot up to sky.
only morons bother all comie dogs lies here.

See lah. Don't just post flg videos and fake news.   

[Image: Ukraine40.png]

Mariupol: Russia declares complete victory at Azovstal plant - BBC News   

now no youngsters in russia want to join army, no morons want to sacrify their life to these moronic dictator now, also no money to pay army salary.
Rssia start to recuit old folks to be army as they are really lack of army, almost 60% of army to fight in Ukraine already died, injury, surrender, POW & run road.
all these rubbish  old army, heard bomb sound, all run road, LOL LOL.
all the BS by comie dogs here on steel plant & mariupol, with all these moronic russia army & weapons, fight? bomb toilet instead.

俄军在顿巴斯死拼硬打,损失巨大! 俄老兵学乖了:听到炮声,跳出装甲车就跑! 俄昂贵导弹打海滩厕所,引起国际社会大声嘲笑!

(23-05-2022, 12:43 PM)webinarian Wrote: [ -> ]
See lah. Don't just post flg videos and fake news.   

[Image: Ukraine40.png]

Mariupol: Russia declares complete victory at Azovstal plant - BBC News   


No lah  manriupol in Russia : UKRAINE declared win and have the full control of it.

You must believe what kokee is saying ok...
(23-05-2022, 12:20 PM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]sure, lies by comies & all liars here are very power.

ton of powerful sore liars here, judge yourself.
(23-05-2022, 03:34 PM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]now no youngsters in russia want to join army, no morons want to sacrify their life to these moronic dictator now, also no money to pay army salary.
Rssia start to recuit old folks to be army as they are really lack of army, almost 60% of army to fight in Ukraine already died, injury, surrender, POW & run road.
all these rubbish  old army, heard bomb sound, all run road, LOL LOL.
all the BS by comie dogs here on steel plant & mariupol, with all these moronic russia army & weapons, fight? bomb toilet instead.

俄军在顿巴斯死拼硬打,损失巨大! 俄老兵学乖了:听到炮声,跳出装甲车就跑! 俄昂贵导弹打海滩厕所,引起国际社会大声嘲笑!

Talk so much cok, u been to Russia ??
flg posts berry comical de
IAM ur awaking soul
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-05-23-16-04-58.png]
comie liars bark lies from ass with no content or nonsense are norm here 7/24, all these dogs bark BS day & night here.
almost 35000 russia army died, comie bark 1 canada or american or few hundreds, so? all these russia life is nothing? deserve it? these dogs keep barking nonsense in thread title, but lost the war, that is all they can con morons here.
russia & putin died till death body also dont want.

Russian soldier corpses pile up in refrigerated trains as 'Putin set to lose 30k men' in Ukraine

russia economy & military almost bankrupt now.
russia default almost all binds now.
military wise army & weapons almost used up now, use old folks as army, old junk stock of weapons like old tanks in war now.
russia almost use up all their money in war now, no money to fight & survive soon.
comie dogs here can bark whatever BS & lies using their fake communist sources or lies in all their thread title, these dogs bark for fun & lies, fact & truth are there.


(25-05-2022, 05:06 AM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]comie dogs can bark whatever lies using fake thread title created themselves, norm here, all these comie liars.
almost 35000 rusia army died in ukraine war, casualty between russia & ukraine is 5:1.
russia economy & military is almost bankrupt now, lack of weapons & army, using old folks to fight & super old junk weapons due to weapons used up.
how long more russia can drag on?
Ukraine just need to drag on the war, russia will be gone totally.


how long more you think russia & putin can drag on?
economy & military both gone case, putin also almost game over now.
no money & no more weapons to fight, wait to be slaughtered?


[Image: monophy.gif]
comie liar is real brainless, US already provided few $10B to Ukraine so far, now give another US$40B & pentagon come out & said Ukraine lost? smlj lies also bark, all these comie liars here, real panic & desperate now, can only bark lies.
Russia military & army already almost give up totally now after 90 days of war, the more they fight, the more they retreat back to russia now, watch below videos.
totally no morale to fight now, died almost 35000 & almost no more weapons to fight now, so tired & lack of army, using all old fools now, LOL LOL.


Ukraine winning meh?   

Why fighting still in Ukraine? Why not in Russia leh?    

(25-05-2022, 01:45 PM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]comie liar is real brainless, US already provided few $10B to Ukraine so far, now give another US$40B & pentagon come out & said Ukraine lost? 


Why fighting still in Ukraine?   

Providing $10B means winning meh?  

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