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Full Version: Masks Will be optional, not to be worn in classes
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Said PM Lee Laughing
Only need to be worn on public transport and in hospitals & clinics.
[Image: C3-B8-F6-FB-54-B6-4268-A410-484145-FDBAFC.jpg]
So I presume all MPs will be walking around their constituencies and attending their meet-the-people sessions without masks too.
Shopping center Leh?
(21-08-2022, 08:22 PM)Niubee Wrote: [ -> ]Shopping center Leh?

Also no need. Read newspaper for the detailed rules tmr.
> are in prolonged close contact in a crowded space
minister and elite dun need to take public transport mah. many office are as prolonged and crowded as public transport
all so stupid

I no wear

kaypoh keep reminding me
very irritating

wear for fark
(21-08-2022, 08:40 PM)Talent Wrote: [ -> ]all so stupid

I no wear

kaypoh keep reminding me
very irritating

wear for fark

wear your panties?
Not base on science, but popularity.
Outdoor or shelter with open windows rarely infected areas, so not wear is suitable call
but fully indoor like bus, lift, train, enclose office should still put on
because Jab vaccine cannot produce antibodies at nose and respiratory areas.
Especially Sg is already open for all to visit.
(21-08-2022, 08:18 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]Only need to be worn on public transport and in hospitals & clinics.
(21-08-2022, 10:23 PM)watchfirst9 Wrote: [ -> ]Not base on science, but popularity.
Outdoor or shelter with open windows rarely infected areas, so not wear is suitable call
but fully indoor like bus, lift, train, enclose office should still put on
because Jab vaccine cannot produce antibodies at nose and respiratory areas.
Especially Sg is already open for all to visit.
I am going to miss the mask as JHK going to add saliva to my chai png again
If one is scare, u can continue to wear, no one ask u not to.

there is no law to say u cannot wear,
(21-08-2022, 08:17 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]Said PM Lee Laughing

How about shopping malls, hawker centres, cinemas, etc... leh?
Still need booster shot for vaccination status or they going to forget vaccination thingy?
Good good …. when can no need wear? No news on that
Unless they ban masks,
Otherwise, I am wearing regardless.
It has become part of me, and it's fashionable.
COVID is over, let’s party
For own protection,  I prefer to wear at malls or crowded places.
I for sure won't wear unless it's the law. As its absolutely unnecessary.  nudie
better don't take risk,

first is really Sick and weak you will be sick for nearly 2 weeks. You think can " Keng from work or school " ? LOL this is foolish thinking get yourself sick whole day sleep , throat dam irrating can't enjoy your foods etc.

Next long term side effect also hard to say , already show some got some long term side effect.
(22-08-2022, 01:50 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]better don't take risk,

first is really Sick and weak you will be sick for nearly 2 weeks. You think can " Keng from work or school " ? LOL this is foolish thinking get yourself sick whole day sleep , throat dam irrating can't enjoy your foods etc.

Next long term side effect also hard to say , already show some got some long term side effect.

But you not afraid of monkeypox liow … what is no mask risk
(22-08-2022, 01:50 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]better don't take risk,

first is really Sick and weak you will be sick for nearly 2 weeks. You think can " Keng from work or school " ? LOL this is foolish thinking get yourself sick whole day sleep , throat dam irrating can't enjoy your foods etc.

Next long term side effect also hard to say , already show some got some long term side effect.

PAP damn lousy in their decision making

and cannot explain why Students/ Young Children 

should not be protected
(22-08-2022, 01:50 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]better don't take risk,

first is really Sick and weak you will be sick for nearly 2 weeks. You think can " Keng from work or school " ? LOL this is foolish thinking get yourself sick whole day sleep , throat dam irrating can't enjoy your foods etc.

Next long term side effect also hard to say , already show some got some long term side effect.

Agree too. Even the relatively harmless chickenpox virus can hide in our body and resurface years or decades later as the deadlier shingles.
I have heard of one guy who got 3 shingles flare ups when he is not even over 50yo.

So nobody knows if the Covid virus will do similar stunt by hiding in brain cells or nerves, and to resurface like the chickenpox virus to attack the brain and nervous system (leading to dementia, loss of senses or paralysis). And I tend to believe it is likely so, so best is to avoid the virus as much as possible.

Oxford study finds increased dementia risk 2 years after COVID infection
why say optional
just say no need can alreadi
u say opional
most kiasee singaporlian will 'optionally' wear it anyway

just look at the roadside
actually is no need to wear
but I cannot find anyone who dont wear
(22-08-2022, 12:55 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]COVID is over, let’s party

Today only 1000 plus lah!
(21-08-2022, 08:22 PM)Niubee Wrote: [ -> ]Shopping center Leh?

Chinatown peoples park need. The rest malls dont need.
(22-08-2022, 06:01 PM)Sharexchange Wrote: [ -> ]Chinatown peoples park need. The rest malls dont need.

Ah neh can party liao ..saw many many neh never wear mask bra panties in the malls… maybe Neh complain to PM how come india no wear here need wea!!!  Our PM lan lan must cock tow ?!!!

(22-08-2022, 06:01 PM)Sharexchange Wrote: [ -> ]Chinatown peoples park need. The rest malls dont need.

I think LHL said wearing mask is no longer mandatory except clinics, hospitals and public transport. The way I see it is the govt no longer wants to use law to force anyone to wear mask but instead make wearing of mask voluntarily. He did not specifically tell people to stop wearing mask. So whether you want to wear mask or not, the decision and responsibility has been pass to you. This is good decision...... Rolleyes
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