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AA judged he must do well in his education to get a good job. He studied hard and at 18 years old scored the best results among his peers in school but not good enough to get a place in college. 

He applied for a clerical vacancy in an international company and secured the job there. He was active in the company's football team and traveled abroad for games too.

After two years, the words "Education is the key to success" rang in AA's head. He looked around him. Is that all there is?

AA saw an advertisement for a UK Computer Programming course in the top Education Center in Kuala Lumpur. He went and made enquiries about the course. He signed up and attended evening classes. Weekends AA will go to the National Library to research more.

After two years, he received the result from the UK exam. AA scored the Best Student award and a Distinction for his Certification. 

AA applied for a position as Systems Engineer with Sing Tech and was hired. He got posted in Jurong Technology Park. AA was working with mainframe system engineering then and his skills in Computer Programming was a big asset.

After two years, AA was head hunted to work for world's largest software company in New York. He worked in the HQ for 7 years and got transferred to Sydney when the company expanded its business into SE Asia. 

Later as Asean business grew, the company set up a regional office in Singapore and AA was transferred there. AA's Malay language skills was highly popular with Indonesian and Malaysian clients.   AA even developed a software that was very popular in Malaysia and Indonesia. AA was invited to Peurto Rico to receive a Global Award from the Chairman of the American software company he was working with.