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AA noticed PCs was making it's way into corporate computing and at the same time Y2K challenges were being played up by Consulting Firms in America. 

AA went in for a discussion about Y2K with the world's largest Consulting Firm and found they have no solutions too. AA's friend recommended him to work for UK's largest Consulting Firm to tackle the Y2K. In 1998, AA set up a team of software developers and helped many mid sized companies address their Y2K issues.

In Q1/2000 after all Y2K issues were addressed, AA retired and set up an IT college to work on new technologies. 

AA was hired to head a worldwide project and ended very well. It was the biggest financial reward he received in his entire career.

AA bought Mdm Liew an apartment and set her up financially for life. Every year AA will send Mdm Liew to a tour of her choice. He even brought Mdm Liew to stay with him in New York for six months. 

AA made much money from his IT college when he sold it to an investor in 2016. AA is very happy to have visited over 30 countries in his career and made many good friends.