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Full Version: Meng Wenzhou
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Seems like US just want money. Find all sorts of excuses to try and extort money.
Evil act to arrest Meng. 
Now face saving.
Evil American Empire
Very often one will come across Hollywood movies about kidnapping and how to arrange ransom but that of course is Hollywood isn't it?
(18-09-2021, 12:00 PM)winbig Wrote: [ -> ]Seems like US just want money. Find all sorts of excuses to try and extort money.
US even took innocent lives. 
Recent bombing by drone  killed children. 
This is hard to accept.
Like that pervertosan will get jealous lar
(18-09-2021, 12:15 PM)NoActionTalkOnly Wrote: [ -> ]Very often one will come across Hollywood movies about kidnapping and how to arrange ransom but that of course is Hollywood isn't it?

USA politicians take cue from hollywood film makers Big Grin
(18-09-2021, 12:07 PM)CHAOS Wrote: [ -> ]Evil American Empire

Robs, extorts, smears, etc. etc. AL: sorts of evil things!
(18-09-2021, 12:58 PM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote: [ -> ]Like that pervertosan will get jealous lar

He everyday wash his butt clean for Yank Daddy to poke  Clapping Laughing
If Meng just go free, its a slap in US face. 
So they tried to drag and drag......
Anyway, its very GOOD NEWS. She is on the way to Bejing.... Tonight 7pm....👏👏👏👍
Such wars never ends.... what next ?
(25-09-2021, 09:04 AM)Migrant Wrote: [ -> ]If Meng just go free, its a slap in US face. 
So they tried to drag and drag......

can sue if no sue funny.
(25-09-2021, 09:30 AM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote: [ -> ]

Male hormones started appearing,norm.
My Huawei phone value goes up.... 😂
The 2 Canadians got hope liao.
A lesson to those calling US daddy to challenge China, take note. They are deemed to fail.
(25-09-2021, 09:34 AM)FangFang Wrote: [ -> ]Such wars never ends.... what next ?

There is no next, how to catch her if she goes home liao LMAO
(25-09-2021, 09:36 AM)Rubitin Wrote: [ -> ]can sue if no sue funny.

You want to sue mafia in their house?
Happy ending. 2 Canadians on way home.
Ah meng tonight arriving in Bejing.
May all be well.
Tonight Biden cannot sleep
Almost 3 years of precious life screwed by little licking boy Justin Trudeau!

"My life has been turned upside down. It was a disruptive time for me," Ms Meng told reporters after being freed from Canadian detention.
Meng did no crime in Canada. Yet detained.
All on the order of US.
They call this DEMOCRACY.... 😂😂😂
ANGMO are mad...
(25-09-2021, 01:37 AM)Niubee Wrote: [ -> ]He everyday wash his butt clean for Yank Daddy to poke  Clapping Laughing

so desperate ah  Laughing
This sudden release and free of all.charges clearly shows she has been an innocent victim of Trump's anti-chinese political campaign. This says so much of American democracy...... Rolleyes
(25-09-2021, 10:41 AM)Huliwang Wrote: [ -> ]This sudden release and free of all.charges clearly shows she has been an innocent victim of Trump's anti-chinese political campaign. This says so much of American democracy...... Rolleyes

And American "values"!  Rotfl
Where are those syonan bitches Obamao and Yanghua? Still not realised? lol
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