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[Image: 1-D05166-B-CCD0-4-AB8-AD3-F-30-B8-EBE435-DA.jpg]

Imagine killing somebody sons and daughters hiaz
Angmo cok suckers here will say it's CCP news.

at least western ADMITTED their mistake
which is credible

not like some motherfarking country

STILL REFUSE TO ADMIT the existing of xinjiang rape camp and THEIR MISTAKE!


sicko is ok cause everyone fall sick once in a while
and also lied and REFUSE TO ADMIT the horrid and chaotic covid situation in china

china is CHEAT LIED and STEAL country
(07-01-2023, 03:49 PM)grotesqueness Wrote: [ -> ]yes

at least western ADMITTED their mistake
which is credible

not like some motherfarking country

STILL REFUSE TO ADMIT the existing of xinjiang rape camp and THEIR MISTAKE!


sicko is ok cause everyone fall sick once in a while

Tell USA to admit 911 was inside job not terrorists.
Also ask them why release COVID to destroy China.

Xinjiang happening are all reported by western news can trust ah?
(07-01-2023, 04:19 PM)Notdumb Wrote: [ -> ]Tell USA to admit 911 was inside job not terrorists.
Also ask them why release COVID to destroy China.

Xinjiang happening are all reported by western news can trust ah?


continue your Choa Cheese Pie (CCP) lies and deceit  and  your refuser to admit

and you called on your own china to admit SARS are released by CCP wuhan lab
(07-01-2023, 04:35 PM)grotesqueness Wrote: [ -> ]yes 

continue your Choa Cheese Pie (CCP) lies and deceit  and  your refuser to admit

and you called on your own china to admit SARS are released by CCP wuhan lab

U really must be a true dumbfark. Rotfl
(07-01-2023, 04:41 PM)Notdumb Wrote: [ -> ]U really must be a true dumbfark. Rotfl


you are a dumbass CCP cock suckers
(07-01-2023, 04:43 PM)grotesqueness Wrote: [ -> ]yes

you are a dumbass CCP cock suckers

Chinese people don't suck. Only people like u suck angmo coks for a living. Rotfl
wumao dog barking again
Angmo cok suckers very unhappy to see the truth.
(07-01-2023, 03:53 PM)grotesqueness Wrote: [ -> ]and also lied and REFUSE TO ADMIT the horrid and chaotic covid situation in china

china is CHEAT LIED and STEAL country

They 没人格 one la..
(07-01-2023, 05:50 PM)Sharexchange Wrote: [ -> ]They 没人格 one la..

And u a disgrace to Chinese people. Rotfl
(07-01-2023, 05:50 PM)Sharexchange Wrote: [ -> ]They 没人格 one la..

没人格 always associate with 骗`谎`偷 cheat,lie,steal like china chinese
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-22-17-50-28.png]
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-04-23-57-03.png]
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-06-19-31-26.png]
how dare you
[Image: Screenshot-2022-09-04-at-12-45-20-Guess-...ll-now.png]
(07-01-2023, 07:49 PM)Rubitin Wrote: [ -> ]Teaches sex to people at age 68.funny.

At age 68, he must be no more strong urge for how to advice people about sex........? Laughing
(07-01-2023, 03:43 PM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote: [ -> ][Image: 1-D05166-B-CCD0-4-AB8-AD3-F-30-B8-EBE435-DA.jpg]

Imagine killing somebody sons and daughters hiaz

Aiya these sick yummy dogs 🐕 only scold china
(14-02-2023, 08:57 PM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote: [ -> ]

Black market itself is a market in a weak system.
[Image: CE32-C336-B8-B2-45-BC-8991-C14-E23-F614-A1.jpg]

Four people killed and 28 injured in Alabama shooting at birthday party

Most of the victims teenagers from shooting at dance studio during 16th birthday party in Dadeville

Video shows US police at wrong house before shooting homeowner

Robert Dotson, 52, was killed by police on April 5 in New Mexico after officers responding to a domestic violence report arrived at the wrong house.
(17-04-2023, 03:22 PM)cityhantam Wrote: [ -> ]

Four people killed and 28 injured in Alabama shooting at birthday party

Most of the victims teenagers from shooting at dance studio during 16th birthday party in Dadeville

OK I admit there are rampant shootings in USA......................that is why I am hesitant to go there for a holiday................ Big Grin

Shocking moment 'Flash Mob' looters raid 7-Eleven in LA street takeover
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