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Zelensky, meanwhile, has written to invite China’s President Xi Jinping for talks, according to his wife, Olena Zelenska, who said that the letter had been handed over in Davos to the Chinese delegation.

“It was a gesture and invitation to dialogue and I hope very much that there will be a response to this invitation,” she told reporters.
I can see the end result now. Ukraine will be like Korea. Divided into half or few parts. Stubborn will get nowhere. Zelenski will be forever sinner.
It is becos Germany doesnt have a lot cannon balls lah.

China cannot help him lah.

East Ukraine and West Ukraine.
(19-01-2023, 10:55 AM)theold Wrote: [ -> ]East Ukraine and West Ukraine.

If it were to stop the war between Russia and Ukraine, it is a good gesture......... Rotfl Laughing Laughter-68
(19-01-2023, 10:55 AM)theold Wrote: [ -> ]East Ukraine and West Ukraine.

North, South, East, West!  Laughing
Trying to play both sides?
if Russia lose, next they will go after China.. China has no choice but to take Russia side...
(19-01-2023, 11:05 AM)growthorvalue Wrote: [ -> ]if Russia lose, next they will go after China.. China has no choice but to take Russia side...

Russia will NOT lose!  Big Grin


2020年年底,中国投资者就马达西奇收购案向乌政府提出国际仲裁,要求乌方赔偿约36亿美元。华盛顿智库大西洋理事会高级研究员、瑞典经济学家Anders Aslund也称,马达西奇的国有化表明,乌克兰“即使付出极大代价也要站在美国一边,美国应对此心怀感激”。
The only way for any serious viable peace path to emerge is for the situation in Ukraine to get so untenable that Zelenskyy or anyone that replaces him can go to the people and communicate the idea that they have no hope to carry on and the only choice is to sue for peace even if it means giving up interests.

The only way that is going to happen is if US agrees. The fact of the matter now is most of the major western European countries are dragging their feet and have no intention to really help Ukraine. The Easterners are all hot air and no substance. That leaves the US which unfortunately I struggle to see to what benefit is it for to have a peaceful Europe.

As long as US continues its policy of giving scraps to Ukraine just enough to keep the narrative going, both the EU and Ukrainian government would be morally cornered to keep the war going even if everyone knows it will only make things worse for ordinary Ukrainians in the end.

The ordinary Ukrainians made a gamble to elect Zelenskyy out of desperation and disappointment with traditional elite politicians; they figured things couldn’t get worse than it already was. They now find out the painful truth the hard way.
(19-01-2023, 02:10 PM)maxsanic Wrote: [ -> ]The only way for any serious viable peace path to emerge is for the situation in Ukraine to get so untenable that Zelenskyy or anyone that replaces him can go to the people and communicate the idea that they have no hope to carry on and the only choice is to sue for peace even if it means giving up interests.

The only way that is going to happen is if US agrees. The fact of the matter now is most of the major western European countries are dragging their feet and have no intention to really help Ukraine. The Easterners are all hot air and no substance. That leaves the US which unfortunately I struggle to see to what benefit is it for to have a peaceful Europe.

As long as US continues its policy of giving scraps to Ukraine just enough to keep the narrative going, both the EU and Ukrainian government would be morally cornered to keep the war going even if everyone knows it will only make things worse for ordinary Ukrainians in the end.

The ordinary Ukrainians made a gamble to elect Zelenskyy out of desperation and disappointment with traditional elite politicians; they figured things couldn’t get worse than it already was. They now find out the painful truth the hard way.

The most important point : ..... if US agrees!  Big Grin

But will US agree before Russia is significantly weakened by the war?  Thinking
(19-01-2023, 02:14 PM)cityhantam Wrote: [ -> ]The most important point : ..... if US agrees!  Big Grin

But will US agree before Russia is significantly weakened by the war?  Thinking

I agree that US is unlikely to agree to a peace deal, but not really because of Russia per se.
Although a lot of people like to frame this whole conflict as a smart strategy from US to stir up trouble to weaken Russia with little costs, this war is actually very damaging to US in the long term as well.
If we look at the situation as it is now, the pluses for US from this war is more than offset by the deeper minuses. The pluses from US POV is naturally the strengthening of NATO and control over EU, maybe some small money to be made by the military industrial complex through selling arms to EU and a weaker Russia.
However, the really dangerous minuses that are seldom mentioned are as follows:

1) Busting of the myth of the so called financial WMD through SWIFT ejection – The fact that an economic midget like Russia can somehow survive this nuke is living proof that this tool can at best do only moderate damage to the real threat, China. This has serious implications on the rest of the world who are now deciding on where to stand in the G2 contest.

2) A much more weaker EU that needs security from US more at the same time also needs economic and trade with China more. Various forces are pulling apart EU in different directions and it is getting harder and harder for EU to even maintain a façade of unity. Once this unity collapses, there runs a real risk the entire Europe could split into different sides sitting at different camps. That will be a disaster for US.

3) The Russians are in a desperately dire situation and are now forced to subsume under Chinese influence. They are dependent on the Chinese for money, they have no choice but to cede Central Asian influence to China and open up their Far Eastern territories to Chinese investments.  The real development here is not that Russia is moving closer to China, but that it is moving under China.

4) Yet another “abandonment” of another friend fresh from the Afghanistan debacle. Bullshitting a bunch of MLRS, Javelins and Switchblades on mass media might work for the masses, but leaders all over the world know exactly what is happening i.e. US has no intention to really help Ukraine win the war and everyone can see the situation deteriorating rapidly for the Ukrainians. Again, this will have deep impact on how the rest of the world, including US allies, position themselves in the G2 tug of war.

Is the US aware of this increasingly national interest damaging war? Yes I suspect most US leaders are aware of that, but the irony is they can’t stop. They’ve whipped up public sentiment to such a high strung emotional level that anyone who dares to suggest talking to Russia now will be instantly labelled a traitor to freedom and democracy. Their only option now is to maximize whatever pluses they can milk from the saga to mitigate future loses.
(19-01-2023, 10:51 AM)theold Wrote: [ -> ]Zelensky, meanwhile, has written to invite China’s President Xi Jinping for talks, according to his wife, Olena Zelenska, who said that the letter had been handed over in Davos to the Chinese delegation.

“It was a gesture and invitation to dialogue and I hope very much that there will be a response to this invitation,” she told reporters.
news reported ,Canada will support 200 armoured carriers.
Like tugou here, everything must drag china in. When china in troubles, they got help or not?
(19-01-2023, 04:34 PM)Blin Wrote: [ -> ]news reported ,Canada will support 200 armoured carriers.

Now even Canada comes into play......... Clapping Love
(19-01-2023, 11:59 AM)cityhantam Wrote: [ -> ]Russia will NOT lose!  Big Grin

Nato can try attack Russia. Putin is the last man standing mindset.
(19-01-2023, 04:40 PM)Blin Wrote: [ -> ]Nato can try attack Russia. Putin is the last man standing mindset.

NATO has no guts to declare war with Russia!