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Full Version: FBI chief Christopher Wray : China lab leak most likely
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3yrs already still "most likely"? Cannot confirm?
It's true but funded by Americans.
(01-03-2023, 10:56 AM)way Wrote: [ -> ]

The US is completely paralyzed and adrift: President Biden can’t get his own executive officials in order while the House Republicans are hell bent on causing his administration as much disruption as possible even at the cost of national interest. The US boasts of how ideologically united they are against the Chinese and yet when it comes to implementation, the messages and policies are all over the place.
There is no coherence and central theme in their story telling and policies – today one random US politician peddle one particular perspective on one particular issue, the next day the story gets drowned out when another random talking head comes up with another sensational anti-China stance from another angle.
These politicians adopt the strategy of simply throwing buckets of shiit all over the place thinking no matter what they will win as long as some of it sticks. The glaring problem they neglect is these buckets take a huge toll on the integrity and credibility of the nation, goodwill that has been painstakingly built up over decades by the generation before them.
Almost none of these shenanigans deal any structural damage to the Chinese but collectively this has led to a stage of anti-China lethargy even amongst the most China unfriendly quarters. People can only take so much BS before it gets tiresome. Everyone is busy trying to stave off upcoming political, environmental and/or economic challenges this year. At this stage who really cares about COVID origins? What is the purpose of performing thread necromancy on such an old issue?
At this critical juncture where both US and China are locked head to head in a contest to attract the rest of the world to their vision of the future world order, instead of providing positive inspirational leadership to its current and potential allies, the US is busy slapping one protectionist policy after another on its close allies while spewing a deluge of incoherent and sometimes even self-conflicting anti-China policies.
All this has achieved to date is to scare the rest of world into fence sitting or even outright embrace of Chinese influence. While the Chinese are performing their perfunctory indignancy and outrage rah rah in public, they are probably staring at disbelief in private at the self-implosion of the US.
(01-03-2023, 10:59 AM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote: [ -> ]3yrs already still "most likely"? Cannot confirm?

Every year got one "May" lah!  Rotfl
Everybody knows wuhan virus come from evil china.

They created the virus to kill their old people because they have declining birth rate. Which lead to few young people and too many old folks which will become burden to society.

CCP cult trying to start a genocide like cultural revolution and great leap forward.
Whether lab leak or from animal l don't see a big deal ...

If lab leak, it is likely the funding for work came from the west it has already been shown that after US banned gain of function research for virus ....the funding for such work flowed to China.