China's Food Culture: The double-flavour hotpot
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《舌尖上的中国》第一季 A Bite of China EP2 主食的故事【CCTV纪录】
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Mala bat anyone?
Delicacy of Wuhan.

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《舌尖上的中国 》第一季 A Bite of China EP3 转化的灵感【CCTV纪录】
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(13-05-2023, 03:34 PM)Sharexchange Wrote: [ -> ]Culture? Haha...pls...
Your ex-China wife got no culture?

潼关肉夹馍、太和板面……地方特色小吃闯出大产业 「经济半小时」20230531 | 财经风云
四宝 I said to the young jhb. 这边吃还(是)打包 she asked.
这边吃 I replied.
And she turned to the jhk who was holding a dangerous looking CLEVER and barked sei bo !!!.
Chop chop chop the cleaver went under the experienced hand of the jhk.
So my sei bo were placed on top of the rice that included: siew ngap, siew gei, siew yoke and char siew.
Actually it was loke bo if you count the vegetable and the hor bao dan. The rice, if you include that as well, would be chut (7th) bo. It was not a cheap FP house brand but a good quality fragrant rice.
A special mention of the siew yoke... the skin was very crispy. Pok pok choey.
Verdict: mmg tsor (not bad)👍
I would say that at today's price levels, it's value for money for the quality and quantity given.
Location: Hougang Avenue 9.
My mouth is watering cause every dish looks delicious.
This is the food I recently experienced in a restaurant during my trip to China.