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Full Version: 10 Uncomfortable Truths About Retirement That You Need To Hear…
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Some can Own time own timing.
In Singapore most will never be able to afford retirement
(29-04-2023, 07:08 AM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]In Singapore most will never be able to afford retirement

Can explain why others cannot but you being poor with just a dream can live a retirement's life. Some more can shiok shiok drink coffee in Starbuck for half a day having 10 refills. .... Big Grin
I think ah butt could be FA's ultra rich uncle pretending to be poor. Trading or investing is just his pastimes
This guy not only talks about how to make money in stock and property markets but also how long people can live and how much money you must have for medical cost and retirement as nobody knows how long they can live, they are still alive and kicking today but could pass away the next day and lots of money left behind. That is why he says when you die make sure you leave no money behind.
When age catches up with you, you just have to retire whether you like it or not.

Those with little or insufficient retirement funds will be very challenging indeed....

Retire already, relax relax drive taxi for daily expenses loh
Most people are worry about retirement because they have spent all their lives living for "others". When the day you start living for yourself, you will have no fear of retirement. Then like Ah Butt, you no need to work or worry and can drink coffee in Starbuck reading books. ... Big Grin
You don't need much when old. 
Roof over head, 3meals medisave.
Some pocket money to buy toto. 
Stay positive, 
With smart phone nowadays time passes very fast.
Stay healthy, enjoy.
(29-04-2023, 03:37 PM)Migrant Wrote: [ -> ]You don't need much when old. 
Roof over head, 3meals medisave.
Some pocket money to buy toto. 
Stay positive, 
With smart phone nowadays time passes very fast.
Stay healthy, enjoy.

You can spend less even eat less, the thing is you might get cancer or have liver or heart failure even if you exercise daily and eat healthy food, it is wear and tear just like an old car. Medical cost won’t stay the same, it will go up yearly, by the time you are hospitalised you may have to use up all your savings for cancer treatment. Your Medisave account is not sufficient to cover….No joke! Confused
(29-04-2023, 03:51 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]You can spend less even eat less, the thing is you might get cancer or have liver or heart failure even if you exercise daily and eat healthy food, it is wear and tear just like an old car. Medical cost won’t stay the same, it will go up yearly, by the time you are hospitalised you may have to use up all your savings for cancer treatment. Your Medisave account is not sufficient to cover….No joke! Confused
"To be or not to be"... From Hamlet

The idea of whether is it better to live or to die.
This guy is an life insurance agent, and talked like the many I met.

He's too young to understand the truths about retirement.
(29-04-2023, 03:37 PM)Migrant Wrote: [ -> ]You don't need much when old. 
Roof over head, 3meals medisave.
Some pocket money to buy toto. 
Stay positive, 
With smart phone nowadays time passes very fast.
Stay healthy, enjoy.

My dad's lifestyle almost similar to what u described.
If you are 55 yo to date, you only have 10,000 days left before you reach 83.7 (national average lifespan)
Every time I see this kind of video pop up, I always think to myself "what is the video creator trying to sell to me?".
(29-04-2023, 03:03 PM)CharsiewNotfatnotnice Wrote: [ -> ]Retire already, relax relax drive taxi for daily expenses loh

 Socializing to the max, meeting all kind of people.  Big Grin
(29-04-2023, 05:53 PM)Rubitin Wrote: [ -> ] Socializing to the max, meeting all kind of people.  Big Grin

Brudder, u got drive taxi or phb?
(29-04-2023, 03:37 PM)Migrant Wrote: [ -> ]You don't need much when old. 
Roof over head, 3meals medisave.
Some pocket money to buy toto. 
Stay positive, 
With smart phone nowadays time passes very fast.
Stay healthy, enjoy.

Not cheap if an unmarried senior is wheelchair-bound and semi-dependent on a caregiver.

Realised it as one relative is in such a state.
When the helper is on Sunday off, the stand-in caregiver from Homage costs more than $200 a day.

Yet to encounter when the helper is on prolonged sick leave especially hospitalised, but I guess the cost for the stand-in caregiver for such a scenario will be extremely costly - at perhaps $500+ for both day n night. Not many old folks can afford such a high expense.
Not everyone can drink daily, those with low blood pressure or on blood thinning medication.