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Full Version: many shops/cafes etc start to change for bags
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talk about saving enviromebt ...
now marche start to charge for PAPER BAGS...

and this is their packaging....that they wrap bread,  sandwiches in..

[Image: NlkKz1t.jpg]
if they so concerned, then they should at least cut the plastic in their packaging...

wanna charge for bag in order to make more profit, then just say so lah
heng ar
body bag is still free

[Image: shutterstock_1383219011-scaled-e1679320643511.jpg]
Siao, lah!

Food wrap also charge?

Next time, we should give them our assorted type of containers or teng- kart

and see how they properly organise to fit long sandwich, fries and coke!

[Image: Tingkat.png]
THE FOoD WRAP is free
they use paper carrier bags that they now charge for in the name of the environment
(07-08-2023, 05:31 PM)wendychan Wrote: [ -> ]talk about saving enviromebt ...
now marche start to charge for PAPER BAGS...

and this is their packaging....that they wrap bread,  sandwiches in..

[Image: NlkKz1t.jpg]

Many cake and bread shops also lah! Big Grin Even paper bag also charge liao lah!
Some even increased the cost of tapao box to 30 cts. All these caused by who ahh. Who is that MP who mooted the idea of charging for plastic bag in the name of protecting environment. We buy things in the spur of the moment when we are outside. Expect us to carry carrier bag all the time.
The flood gates have been opened's a free for all now.
Pure profiteering  ...
(07-08-2023, 09:00 PM)hansamu Wrote: [ -> ]The flood gates have been opened's a free for all now.
Pure profiteering  ...

First is the MP who suggested refundable 20 cts deposit for tray. That started the rise of foodcourt prices.  Now plastic bags charge. What they going to suggest next for saving environment. They think they are God. Saving environment!
(07-08-2023, 06:12 PM)Ola Wrote: [ -> ]Siao, lah!

Food wrap also charge?

Next time, we should give them our assorted type of containers or teng- kart

and see how they properly organise to fit long sandwich, fries and coke!

[Image: Tingkat.png]
No use one. I brought this container to dabao mee rebus. The stall holder said cannot, must use their disposable box and charge me 30 cents for it. It is not saving the environment at all.
i think change.pap and their useless minister more environmental friendly .
Last weekend went Chinatown, the supermarket above CK heng heng no charge for plastic bags.
Now they even charge for paper bag and paper/cardboard container. 

To be more environmental friendly try not to take away.
(08-08-2023, 08:42 AM)Gstalk Wrote: [ -> ]Now they even charge for paper bag and paper/cardboard container. 


my point exactly
my side got one provision shop next month going to charge 5 cent for plastic bag...
(11-08-2023, 05:56 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]my side got one provision shop next month going to charge 5 cent for plastic bag...

HAO Mart is it leh?  Thinking
No law to make clear and ending up all charge first
(11-08-2023, 05:58 PM)cheekopekman Wrote: [ -> ]HAO Mart is it leh?  Thinking

Hao mart long time ago already charge is 10cent I think , just that that provision shop around my place never charge all along but it stated next month sept 1 start to charge at 5 cent.