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2008 : TKL help petition for mini bond victims...where was Tharman - Printable Version

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RE: 2008 : TKL help petition for mini bond victims...where was Tharman - forum456 - 02-08-2023

(02-08-2023, 10:42 AM)Oyk Wrote:  Finance Minister?  Chey!

He was higher than that.  He was DPM wor.

Finance Minister knows all details and secrets about the reserves.
he has the greatest conflict of interest.

RE: 2008 : TKL help petition for mini bond victims...where was Tharman - forum456 - 02-08-2023

(02-08-2023, 10:49 AM)forum456 Wrote:  Finance Minister knows all details and secrets about the reserves.
he has the greatest conflict of interest.

if $1 billion is missing in reserves, ex-Finance Minister will be the 1st person to be interviewed by CPIB.
if the ex-Finance Minister becomes President, he will not give approval to CPIB to investigate.
this is the conflict of interest.

RE: 2008 : TKL help petition for mini bond victims...where was Tharman - WhatDoYouThink! - 02-08-2023

(02-08-2023, 08:52 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  People can dislike for various reasons I don't care ..because his actions speak for itself....

You shd care, if you want him to win

RE: 2008 : TKL help petition for mini bond victims...where was Tharman - p1acebo - 02-08-2023

Nice titties Big Grin

RE: 2008 : TKL help petition for mini bond victims...where was Tharman - Dan - 02-08-2023

Why argue so much over a silly president who is moved by strings attached?
Did OTC achieved what he desired?
Did any of the past presidents has a chance to used his power if he has any to start with?
Why go so deep into credentials and personalities comparison?
Just vote the one with absolutely no PAP connection and enjoy.
So difficult meh?

RE: 2008 : TKL help petition for mini bond victims...where was Tharman - p1acebo - 02-08-2023

(02-08-2023, 08:11 AM)Gstalk Wrote:  TKL for president. He is really, really, really independent and willing to question

But his eye keep winking at meimei Big Grin

RE: 2008 : TKL help petition for mini bond victims...where was Tharman - Lukongsimi - 02-08-2023

(02-08-2023, 11:08 AM)p1acebo Wrote:  But his eye keep winking at meimei Big Grin

That siao worse keep dripping saliva over Diana

RE: 2008 : TKL help petition for mini bond victims...where was Tharman - Lukongsimi - 02-08-2023

(02-08-2023, 09:03 AM)Sentinel Wrote:  TKL is ok

He has the motivation and the ability

Maybe previously he has a weak point, he likes very pretty women

If my memory did not fail me, his office was on the 7th floor, that whole floor you can find all the ladies there are super pretty, 'A' class beauties, only his floor, IAM not pulling your leg, bcos I married one..
Rubbish early morning gays like u where got married

RE: 2008 : TKL help petition for mini bond victims...where was Tharman - lioncityftw - 02-08-2023

(02-08-2023, 08:02 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Did Tharman do anybthing? Actually his MAS failed to regulated these toxic products that caused elderly uncles and aunties to lose their life savings.

Then they tried to manage away the problem. If not for TKL and many who also spoke up, they would have swept the problem under the carpet.

Only protests brought the govt to get banks to compensate.

This is one up for TKL doing the people''s work.
Tharman is for the banks and big businesses

Tharman also have... that President salary not enough and need to increase...:
" On Thursday, Finance Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam, who proposed that the House support the change, said this caters for the “recruitment of an additional staff officer to support the work of the Council of Presidential Advisers and a butler manager to meet increased demand for butler services at the Istana, and to meet the higher variable payments on account of a strong economic growth”

RE: 2008 : TKL help petition for mini bond victims...where was Tharman - Sentinel - 02-08-2023

(02-08-2023, 11:14 AM)Lukongsimi Wrote:  Rubbish early morning gays like u where got married

You no chance lah, I married your heart out

Big Grin

RE: 2008 : TKL help petition for mini bond victims...where was Tharman - Stoki - 02-08-2023

(02-08-2023, 11:35 AM)lioncityftw Wrote:  Tharman also have... that President salary not enough and need to increase...:

Greedy for money. Money no enough

RE: 2008 : TKL help petition for mini bond victims...where was Tharman - Oyk - 02-08-2023

(02-08-2023, 10:49 AM)forum456 Wrote:  Finance Minister knows all details and secrets about the reserves.
he has the greatest conflict of interest.

FM knows all the "secrets" because you say so? Lol!  Rotfl

RE: 2008 : TKL help petition for mini bond victims...where was Tharman - Oyk - 02-08-2023

(02-08-2023, 09:36 AM)Harry Lee Wrote:  Tharman was Minister for Finance between 2007 and 2015

Just to digress a little. Those HiFart investors can go and fly kite.  Rolleyes

RE: 2008 : TKL help petition for mini bond victims...where was Tharman - luncheonmeat - 02-08-2023

TS makes good points as does bro placebo. The reality iz Sinpwn Prez got beri little powers yah. Iz a waste of Tharman's ability so to sacrifice him. PAPaya must really be trying to protect state secrets. TKL is actually academically inclined as well and could have got scholarship to study @ any prestigious UNi but for starting work early to sarpot family. However he iz lauya @ politicking, even George Goh iz more savvy dan him. Now TKL suddenly decide to throw in his hat @ such late hour. High chance lose deposit again.

RE: 2008 : TKL help petition for mini bond victims...where was Tharman - p1acebo - 02-08-2023

We cannot have specially someone to be Prezzie because she will spend all her time on Facebook and wearing char kiat to official functions.

One may say it’s ok to dress as one pleases. But at least have some respect for the institution you represent and the entitie(s) that are hosting you Big Grin

Hope this bad habit of hers is not passed on to her descendants Big Grin

RE: 2008 : TKL help petition for mini bond victims...where was Tharman - Stoki - 02-08-2023

(02-08-2023, 12:38 PM)luncheonmeat Wrote:   Now TKL suddenly decide to throw in his hat @ such late hour. High chance lose deposit again.

Last time he threw in his hat very early and lost. Now, he is smart and threw in his hat late.

Going to win if only 2 contenders, and no splitting of votes.

RE: 2008 : TKL help petition for mini bond victims...where was Tharman - p1acebo - 02-08-2023

One forumer using the honestboy monicker in the old Sgtalk forum is especially pissed over Hyflux.  I think he lost a few hundred k Big Grin

RE: 2008 : TKL help petition for mini bond victims...where was Tharman - Observer - 02-08-2023

(02-08-2023, 12:27 PM)Oyk Wrote:  Just to digress a little. Those HiFart investors can go and fly kite.  Rolleyes
Come and fark my daughter at Geylang instead

RE: 2008 : TKL help petition for mini bond victims...where was Tharman - talky - 02-08-2023

(02-08-2023, 08:11 AM)Gstalk Wrote:  TKL for president. He is really, really, really independent and willing to question


RE: 2008 : TKL help petition for mini bond victims...where was Tharman - talky - 02-08-2023

(02-08-2023, 09:36 AM)Harry Lee Wrote:  Tharman was Minister for Finance between 2007 and 2015