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Will Malaysia ever surpass Singapore? - Printable Version

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Will Malaysia ever surpass Singapore? - Hamletprince - 24-01-2024

RE: Will Malaysia ever surpass Singapore? - Scythian - 24-01-2024


In water supply

RE: Will Malaysia ever surpass Singapore? - K88 shu shu - 24-01-2024

it can never be.

RE: Will Malaysia ever surpass Singapore? - Blin - 24-01-2024

(24-01-2024, 06:15 AM)K88 shu shu Wrote:  it can never be.

Cos they never wanted to be. Or they couldn't figure out how  MIW formula lah.

RE: Will Malaysia ever surpass Singapore? - Oasis - 24-01-2024

If Malaysia PM can uproot corruption culture
Never allow a top ranking officer to stay the same post for more than 3 years with exception good performance
Rotation of senior officers is one way to reduce corruption 
A good government can stay in power for 15 years and beyond and will succeed in overtaking a country with little natural resources.

RE: Will Malaysia ever surpass Singapore? - ODA TETSURO - 24-01-2024

When you see every Malaysia street got LED street lamps meaning they gonna surpass us.

RE: Will Malaysia ever surpass Singapore? - p1acebo - 24-01-2024

Although I may occasionally poke fun at some of our own politicians for their ineptitude, verily verily I say unto thee, Singapore is still one of the best places to be Big Grin

RE: Will Malaysia ever surpass Singapore? - Hope - 24-01-2024

No one knows the future.There was no America few hundred years ago. When America collapse everything else will collapse.

RE: Will Malaysia ever surpass Singapore? - Migrant - 24-01-2024


RE: Will Malaysia ever surpass Singapore? - Stoki - 24-01-2024

Yes, in racist extremism.


RE: Will Malaysia ever surpass Singapore? - K88 shu shu - 24-01-2024

yes when MR $1 = 5 Sg $

RE: Will Malaysia ever surpass Singapore? - [[ForeverAlone]] - 24-01-2024

(24-01-2024, 08:10 AM)ODA TETSURO Wrote:  When you see every Malaysia street got LED street lamps meaning they gonna surpass us.

talking about LED street lamps. My side here they got installed along the payment. Last time they have turn on but I see not bright. Now those led street lamp never turn on. Not sure is it my area Town council officer is sleeping or what.

RE: Will Malaysia ever surpass Singapore? - Huliwang - 24-01-2024

Stupid country picking on a peesai size country to compete. They should be looking to surpass China or US if they have some wisdom.      Big Grin

RE: Will Malaysia ever surpass Singapore? - WhatDoYouThink! - 24-01-2024

Can malaysia surpass tw which is rather backward in many areas?

RE: Will Malaysia ever surpass Singapore? - sgbuffett - 24-01-2024

Malaysia surpass Singapore on many bad things...

1. Pollution : due to lack of good public transport 98% of households.are forced to buy a car to get around polluting the environment.

2. Obesity : high incidence of obesity cause by too much cheap food around and people eating out too often.

3. Lazy, unmotivated population.  Always heard them use the word "relak". Kampong lifestyle. Instead of striving hard like the people of Singapore.

4. Poor quality of education system. Vs the high quality of education we give to our young to make them rank top in the world. Singapore is either rank top or 2nd in the world after PSLE. Malaysia is in 50th place. Their children waste most of their time playing games and watching TV. The whole childhood is wasted unlike in Singapore.

5. Poor development of the country. I go see only KL is well developed. The rest is like jungle, river and rural. Instead of making full use of the land to host more people,  the land is idle. Just look at Singaproe every inch of land is well used.

6. Low wealth. Unlike Singaporeans who can accumlute high wealth in property. ..even my family 2 room flat is worth more than landed property own by friends living  in Malaysia. I see them live in poverty also feel sorry for them.

RE: Will Malaysia ever surpass Singapore? - surfer - 24-01-2024

They may in the future IF the people work for the country and not to line their own pockets.

RE: Will Malaysia ever surpass Singapore? - ODA TETSURO - 24-01-2024

(24-01-2024, 10:08 AM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  talking about LED street lamps. My side here they got installed along the payment. Last time they have turn on but I see not bright. Now those led street lamp never turn on. Not sure is it my area Town council officer is sleeping or what.

No battery liao lah...

RE: Will Malaysia ever surpass Singapore? - RiseofAsia - 24-01-2024

A country needs to be strong.
Most important criteria, it must not be religious base.

Next, ppl must be educated.

Thirdly, culture must be strong. Must have common goal.

RE: Will Malaysia ever surpass Singapore? - cheekopekman - 24-01-2024

(24-01-2024, 12:17 AM)Hamletprince Wrote:

Cannot make it one lah! Big Grin

RE: Will Malaysia ever surpass Singapore? - WhatDoYouThink! - 24-01-2024

(24-01-2024, 02:09 PM)RiseofAsia Wrote:  A country needs to be strong.
Most important criteria, it must not be religious base.

Next, ppl must be educated.

Thirdly, culture must be strong. Must have common goal.

And most importantly, no corruption.

A country or province with vast resources and yet couldn't advance, the only reasons are laziness and corruptions.

RE: Will Malaysia ever surpass Singapore? - cumonlah - 24-01-2024

(24-01-2024, 02:26 AM)Scythian Wrote:  Yes

In water supply

under the native rule is hard..and impossible..wait long long also no

RE: Will Malaysia ever surpass Singapore? - RiseofAsia - 24-01-2024

(24-01-2024, 02:53 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote:  And most importantly, no corruption.

A country or province with vast resources and yet couldn't advance, the only reasons are laziness and corruptions.

Difficult to have no corruption.

Ah Xi 每年抓拿十万贪官,都抓不完。

RE: Will Malaysia ever surpass Singapore? - moonrab - 24-01-2024

Will la..
Country so big with natural resources...
👍 Cheers!

RE: Will Malaysia ever surpass Singapore? - victortan - 24-01-2024

(24-01-2024, 12:17 AM)CHamletprince Wrote:
Can if the Govt is Chinese. Malay are lazy like Dr M himself say so. Not me.

RE: Will Malaysia ever surpass Singapore? - WhatDoYouThink! - 24-01-2024

To some ppl, 天生天养,work hard for what? Here aso got such ppl

RE: Will Malaysia ever surpass Singapore? - RiseofAsia - 24-01-2024

(24-01-2024, 04:55 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote:  To some ppl, 天生天养,work hard for what? Here aso got such ppl

Now I also worry, our kids are strawberry generation.
Dont know really can take hardship or not.

RE: Will Malaysia ever surpass Singapore? - sgh - 24-01-2024

(24-01-2024, 04:33 PM)RiseofAsia Wrote:  Difficult to have no corruption.

Ah Xi 每年抓拿十万贪官,都抓不完。

Nobody is asking for zero corruption. It is about how prevalent corruption is in daily life activities. If you and family kena a few times a year something wrong. Of cuz one can argue if you are very careful won't kena. So one need to be extra careful when living in your country?

RE: Will Malaysia ever surpass Singapore? - watchfirst9 - 24-01-2024

My already surpass Sg in GDP but if MYR continue to fall,
Sg will retake the lead.

As for to overtake GDP or income per capita will be quite impossible task.
Obvious reason is My have more people to fed and needs lot more output
to spread among its people.
Nevertheless cannot rule out entirely because also depends on Sg not making mistakes.

RE: Will Malaysia ever surpass Singapore? - Blasterlord2 - 24-01-2024

This kind of question got meaning meh? You might as well ask if Spore can become a superpower.

RE: Will Malaysia ever surpass Singapore? - LittleBirdStreet - 24-01-2024

(24-01-2024, 06:15 AM)K88 shu shu Wrote:  it can never be.

Please visit KL and make your own judgement, their newly built mega malls are 5 times bigger than our largest mall and are all trendy and futuristically designed. None of our malls can beat them.