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赫爾松烏游擊隊暗殺300俄軍! - Printable Version

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赫爾松烏游擊隊暗殺300俄軍! - kokee - 19-05-2022

Ukraine army kill 300, 600 or even more russian army on some day, using all the information provided by the west, also using NATO or US weapons.
many days I saw such news, just ignore, since comie dogs like such news just post it here.
that is why russia army morale is super low now as >30000 of their army already died in Ukraine yet now everyday ton died & this war will continue to drag on.
same to those in steel mill or mariupol, just how soon.


RE: 赫爾松烏游擊隊暗殺300俄軍! - cityhantam - 19-05-2022

Kokee's hallucinations are very powderful!  Rotfl

RE: 赫爾松烏游擊隊暗殺300俄軍! - webinarian - 19-05-2022

Alam Kok's flg fake video news a lot.   



RE: 赫爾松烏游擊隊暗殺300俄軍! - webinarian - 19-05-2022

Alam Kok,  

You have nothing useful to do meh?  


RE: 赫爾松烏游擊隊暗殺300俄軍! - ArielCasper - 19-05-2022

(19-05-2022, 06:31 PM)kokee Wrote:  Ukraine army kill 300, 600 or even more russian army on some day, using all the information provided by the west, also using NATO or US weapons.
many days I saw such news, just ignore, since comie dogs like such news just post it here.
that is why russia army morale is super low now as >30000 of their army already died in Ukraine yet now everyday ton died & this war will continue to drag on.
same to those in steel mill or mariupol, just how soon.


Err.. the lady is not even a military expert. Trust her??

Might as well trust a stranger who tell you to buy Luna now..

RE: 赫爾松烏游擊隊暗殺300俄軍! - kokee - 19-05-2022

Ukraine has demolish so many camp of russia army using all the war information from US.
all the russia army movement are in tight monitoring inside Ukraine.
not only >30000 of russia army died, >50 generals & chief commanders, russia's general exact location & bomb it.
still have ton of injured & POW. ratio of russia & ukraine casualty is 5:1.


RE: 赫爾松烏游擊隊暗殺300俄軍! - webinarian - 19-05-2022

Demolish so many Russian equipment meh?   

This kind of statement any one just open mouth also can make. A says demolish B's equipment and B also can say demolished many A's equipment.   

But final outcome counts lah. Who surrenders finally and captured?   

Don't make such stupid statement.  

Why sanctions until ownself's currency becomes toilet paper leh?  

Stop all the stupid statements and show real evidence.   

I show you the Ruble-USD chart lah.  Why sanction until Ruble fly to sky?    

Rotfl Rotfl Rotfl    Laughing Laughing Laughing    
[Image: Ruble-USD220518.png]

RE: 赫爾松烏游擊隊暗殺300俄軍! - webinarian - 19-05-2022

Alam Kok,

Why Ruble doesn't become toilet paper and fly to sky instead leh?  


RE: 赫爾松烏游擊隊暗殺300俄軍! - kokee - 20-05-2022

(20-05-2022, 07:26 AM)kokee Wrote:  russia both economy & military near collapse now, no money to pay russia army salary now, dont talk about buy weapons or make new weapons due to no parts because of sanction.
by now, russia army death body all over in Ukraine, no youngsters want to join army or re-call now, >32000 already died, >50-60% of weapons destroyed. war drag on, russia cannot drag for too long now, that is why keep using nukes to threaten almost everyday to finland, Ukraine, poland non stop, left only mouth to bark like all comie dogs here lies & BS, russia say this & that, communist rubbish.


as above, 17 battalions, ton of platoon, totally attack & slaughtered by ukraine army, that is why russia casualty is 5x higher than Ukraine.
below, whole control center of russia all killed in once.
all movement & location of russia army are all recorded by foreign war information to provide to ukraine.


RE: 赫爾松烏游擊隊暗殺300俄軍! - Omnipresent88 - 20-05-2022

(19-05-2022, 07:53 PM)webinarian Wrote:  Alam Kok,

Why Ruble doesn't become toilet paper and fly to sky instead leh?  


RE: 赫爾松烏游擊隊暗殺300俄軍! - Notdumb - 21-05-2022

Farking moron Kokee the angmo coks sucking cina boy showing his coks sucking skills again.🤣🤣🤣

RE: 赫爾松烏游擊隊暗殺300俄軍! - kokee - 21-05-2022

(19-05-2022, 07:22 PM)kokee Wrote:  Ukraine has demolish so many camp of russia army using all the war information from US.
all the russia army movement are in tight monitoring inside Ukraine.
not only >30000 of russia army died, >50 generals & chief commanders, russia's general exact location & bomb it.
still have ton of injured & POW. ratio of russia & ukraine casualty is 5:1.


same here, how many battalions or platoon or camp or convoy or gang of russian army kena demolish, ttotal around 35000 russian army, general & commanders died in this war.

russia & ukraine casualty to date is 5:1, whether is died, injury, POW, surrender is around this ratio.
but comie dogs here spam lies, spread rumour, stir shit like no russian army died & all ukraine army kena slaughtered, LOL LOL, all these morons can live in deny & brainwash like real idiots here, hahaaaa.

RE: 赫爾松烏游擊隊暗殺300俄軍! - webinarian - 21-05-2022

Alam Kok,   

You always claim win but why Ukraine soldiers keep surrendering and Ruble grow stronger and stronger vs US$ leh?  

Stop posting fake news of flg lah.   

Really kock!   


RE: 赫爾松烏游擊隊暗殺300俄軍! - kokee - 21-05-2022

Destroying Russian tanks at ambush site

Russian Mortar Positions Destroyed! Ukrainians Show Precision Artillery Work!