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Please SACK your Maid to shorten the pain - Printable Version

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Please SACK your Maid to shorten the pain - Ola - 27-12-2022

My cousin was running around and discussing with my aunties 

and in the midst of their several conversations

summary of maids Chute- pattern, liao

1) Use handphone more than the House Rules set
even during working hours, morning, afternoon, night and in the toilet for 15 mins
and lie to say learning how to cook, English, map of Singapore . . .

RE: 12 Signs that Show you must Sack your Maid - Ola - 27-12-2022

2) Act blur when they know

(25-10-2022, 12:25 PM)Ola Wrote:  aiyah! why same story

Every week her maid cook pork porridge

Yesterday, ask her to prepare and cook chicken porridge

After 3 hours, still no porridge and the maid said don't know how to cook

She got another 2 hours of scolding again

RE: 12 Signs that Show you must Sack your Maid - RiseofAsia - 27-12-2022

Dont think so much.
Just send her to the maid agency if she break the rules too many times.

Dont because of maid issue make your family in hell condition.

RE: 12 Signs that Show you must Sack your Maid - RiseofAsia - 27-12-2022

This kind of helper, your cousin shd employ.

RE: 12 Signs that Show you must Sack your Maid - Ola - 31-12-2022

3) Maids lie and lie

When the maid yanked out the water heater pipe

Used up 1 whole box of tissue paper within 7 days

And say she is tired with 12 hours of sleep everyday

Time to send her Home!

RE: 12 Signs that Show you must Sack your Maid - Ola - 06-01-2023

4) Maid starts to sit on every body's bed

when she has her own bed to sleep and rest

RE: 12 Signs that Show you must Sack your Maid - kc172021 - 06-01-2023

(27-12-2022, 10:59 AM)Ola Wrote:  My cousin was running around and discussing with my aunties 

and in the midst of their several conversations

summary of maids Chute- pattern, liao

1) Use handphone more than the House Rules set
even during working hours, morning, afternoon, night and in the toilet for 15 mins
and lie to say learning how to cook, English, map of Singapore . . .

on the Hand phone part, one thing i have learned from another employer in the agency  -- i over heard --- as mom do not allow employer to keep maid HP, this guy told the maid put her hand phone on the table top where every one can see and do not touch it in the day time until at night when wall house chores completed in front of the agent. If the maid agree then no dispute in future. if not agree, dont take the maid

RE: 12 Signs that Show you must Sack your Maid - surfer - 06-01-2023

When they start questioning the employer's instructions and retort back.
Some of the maids start having relations in this red dot even though they are married back home and becomes lazy and don't do their work.

RE: 12 Signs that Show you must Sack your Maid - dynamite - 06-01-2023

All the above are valid.

RE: 12 Signs that Show you must Sack your Maid - menghuii - 06-01-2023

surely 5 out of my 6 maids didnt finish term will give u an idea how u hv to be very super forbearing to keep all of them till fullterm.

RE: 12 Signs that Show you must Sack your Maid - keys - 06-01-2023

this you sack your maid....buddy, get a life

its all about trust and expectation, you need to manage it

RE: 12 Signs that Show you must Sack your Maid - Wy:Nox - 06-01-2023

(27-12-2022, 11:05 AM)Ola Wrote:  2) Act blur when they know

Of course. It is their job but refusal to do it. Just do Army Training style if they dont know, then do 20 times until they know .

RE: 12 Signs that Show you must Sack your Maid - debono - 06-01-2023

(06-01-2023, 04:34 PM)Wy:Nox Wrote:  Of course. It is their job but refusal to do it. Just do Army Training style if they dont know, then do 20 times until they know .

Need to teach them 20 times..........? Thinking

RE: 12 Signs that Show you must Sack your Maid - singaporean1964 - 06-01-2023

my brother's maid call a blangah to ffuck her in my brother's master bedroom
then throw the condom under the bed

RE: 12 Signs that Show you must Sack your Maid - Ola - 07-01-2023

5) Maid comes home at 11pm or 3am on her off days

RE: 12 Signs that Show you must Sack your Maid - surfer - 07-01-2023

(06-01-2023, 04:41 PM)singaporean1964 Wrote:  my brother's maid call a blangah to ffuck her in my brother's master bedroom
then throw the condom under the bed

wah.... your brother's maid very daring. Laughing

RE: 12 Signs that Show you must Sack your Maid - WhatDoYouThink! - 07-01-2023

On Internet usage, most routers can set timings. Let's say from 10am to 3pm, 8pm to 12mn, shd be more than enough.

RE: 12 Signs that Show you must Sack your Maid - singaporean1964 - 07-01-2023

(07-01-2023, 12:35 PM)surfer Wrote:  wah.... your brother's maid very daring. Laughing

at first my brother's wife accuse my brother of bring a girl to ffuck while she is out
but later somehow she know its the maid
and sack her

RE: 12 Signs that Show you must Sack your Maid - dynamite - 07-01-2023

(07-01-2023, 01:47 PM)singaporean1964 Wrote:  at first my brother's wife accuse my brother of bring a girl to ffuck while she is out
but later somehow she know its the maid
and sack her

Do you have a picture of the used condom?

RE: 12 Signs that Show you must Sack your Maid - Ola - 08-01-2023

Maid was sent back to agency after 3 weeks working

RE: 12 Signs that Show you must Sack your Maid - Ola - 08-01-2023

why maids do not have have 2 mths of Training from agency in home country + 1 week of training in SG

before they are allowed to start work?

yet demand full salary around $1500- $2200

(pay + levy + room rental+ clothes+ free flow of toiletries+ buffet meals . . . ) ?

RE: 12 Signs that Show you must Sack your Maid - Symmetry - 08-01-2023

(07-01-2023, 01:47 PM)singaporean1964 Wrote:  at first my brother's wife accuse my brother of bring a girl to ffuck while she is out
but later somehow she know its the maid
and sack her

Maids should never be given so much privacy because it gives them a broader freedom. The previous news said a maid complained about her room being a bomb shelter clearly shows that maids should be charged for different room rates.

RE: 12 Signs that Show you must Sack your Maid - Wy:Nox - 08-01-2023

(08-01-2023, 09:08 AM)Ola Wrote:  Maid was sent back to agency after 3 weeks working

Her English seems pretty good for a maid. However, to be sacked within 3 weeks means she either has very bad performance or attitude issues. Who would want to hire her after that?

RE: 12 Signs that Show you must Sack your Maid - dynamite - 08-01-2023

(08-01-2023, 08:53 PM)Wy:Nox Wrote:  Her English seems pretty good for a maid. However, to be sacked within 3 weeks means she either has very bad performance or attitude issues. Who would want to hire her after that?

The employer will still need to pay her three weeks salary.

RE: 12 Signs that Show you must Sack your Maid - dynamite - 08-01-2023

(08-01-2023, 07:52 PM)Lukongsimi Wrote:  Today met the Pinoy maid that worked with me years ago
Went together to church with rest had lunch at daim siao er 
So much food left

No need to report to us things like that.

RE: 12 Signs that Show you must Sack your Maid - dynamite - 08-01-2023

Many maids just reach home now after a day of "action" outside.

RE: 12 Signs that Show you must Sack your Maid - Ola - 27-01-2023

6) Maids take photos inside your 4 walls of your house without permission
and share with others
a police report can be made

RE: 12 Signs that Show you must Sack your Maid - Ola - 27-01-2023

(22-10-2022, 04:57 PM)Ahnya Wrote:  So employers should check their work history . It's available on MOM website

Thanks. My cousin is aware but really tricky

cos maid so good at the maid agency

some ex- Employers can be contacted and will share

But what about those ex- Employer who do not want to share?

RE: 12 Signs that Show you must Sack your Maid - grotesqueness - 27-01-2023

heng ar

i got this to train my maid

[Image: 81XUQFVTX6L._AC_UL600_SR600,600_.jpg]

RE: 12 Signs that Show you must Sack your Maid - Wy:Nox - 27-01-2023

My friend sacked his maid for being lazy and got another maid who was sitting in the agency office.

[Image: EB07-D3-A0-812-F-4-F5-F-ABD2-3-BF223586648.jpg]