Very Serious : WP MP alleges Police mishandled sexual assault case

WP MP's allegations of police mishandling sexual assault case are serious, says Desmond Tan

Workers' Party MP Raeesah Khan's allegations that the police mishandled a sexual assault case are serious and need to be investigated, said Minister of State for Home Affairs Desmond Tan.

He was responding in Parliament on Tuesday (Aug 3) to Ms Raeesah (Sengkang GRC), who said she had accompanied a rape survivor to make a police report three years ago.

But the 25-year-old woman came out of the police station crying, she added.

Speaking during a debate on empowering women, Ms Raeesah said: "The police officer had allegedly made comments about her dressing, and the fact that she was drinking."

She said there was a need to train more officers to handle such cases and suggested that counsellors also be deployed at police stations.

That, she added, will help build confidence and capacity among law enforcement officials to handle difficult issues delicately, and encourage more victims of sexual violence to come forward.

Responding, Mr Tan said Ms Raeesah needed to provide more details so that the authorities can investigate the matter.

He said: "We take any form of questions raised about how the police have handled or mishandled this case very seriously, and it should be investigated."

Ms Raeesah said she did not want to bring the issue up again. "Like I mentioned, it was three years ago and I do not wish to re-traumatise the person that I accompanied. But I have to say that these anecdotes are not isolated," she added.

The hope, she added, is that such anecdotes can spark a conversation on how survivors of sexual assault are treated when they make reports - not just to the police, but to other institutions.

Mr Tan said Ms Raeesah should file a parliamentary question if she had specific queries on the issue, to which she agreed.

Making a clarification later, she said the intention of her speech was not to cast aspersions on the police. "The police is part of the solution, not the problem," she said.

Ms Raeesah added that she has been unsuccessful in contacting the woman since the incident three years ago. She also said she would communicate directly with the Home Affairs Ministry given a similar situation in the future, even as she works to preserve her relationship of confidentiality with the victim.

"I believe that given the topic at hand, consent is imperative, not least to avoid re-victimisation," she said.

Leader of the House Indranee Rajah then rose to remind all MPs to exercise their parliamentary privilege responsibly.

She said: "I just wanted to remind members of the House that when assertions and allegations are made, members must be prepared to substantiate them."

She added that this is especially important when an assertion is made against an agency that is not in a position to defend itself.

She should just keep her mouth shut and nothing will happen.

Now she will be in trouble for speaking up

Lousy MP.

Raeesah has lots to learn.
u dont just blare moreover in parliament what? 3 years ago matter!
and without any evidence?

but of course how can you do any video recording in a police station?

only a cctv in the station can reveal if such an incidence ever happen!

She should have the facts ready to be given out, rather than TKSS in ParLEEment.
[+] 1 user Likes Stoki's post

Looks like she is in deep shxt for talking loosely as though she is in coffee shop forgetting it is the parliament. After questioning by Tan she tried to brush away by saying she do not wish to talk on this 3 year old matter again in order not to traumatize the victim. 
Dun think PAP will let this case rest and a legal case cud be coming soon. If she cannot defends what she claimed, then it looks like her political career is over and dragging WP into the mud also.......... Rolleyes

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung
[+] 1 user Likes Huliwang's post

also remember the racial thing just before elections.............perhaps a mole ?

She should be more cautious and know the givt cannot let this type of thing go.

Her story may be true ...there are so many police officers the way they conduct investigation is different.

But if one cite such an need to prepare to follow with evidence because they will ask for proof. can't just stop at the story.

What she has is she was there and heard what the victim said.
But if there was no decision at that point to follow with a formal complaint....was it serious or not serious?

How did she expect the govt to response?

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
[+] 1 user Likes sgbuffett's post

If indeed the police commented on dressing etc, that is very wrong. Because the job of the SPF is to investigate. SPF is not to pre judge or make such subjective conclusion, unnecessary comments but to conduct proper investigation.

Rape or any other harassment to another cannot be an outcome that the victim has to bear simply because of how she or he is dressed. Even if the lady, in this instance, is naked, no one has to right to harass her.

Only police can apprehend her for indecent exposure.
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(04-08-2021, 09:44 AM)Huliwang Wrote:  Looks like she is in deep shxt for talking loosely as though she is in coffee shop forgetting it is the parliament. After questioning by Tan she tried to brush away by saying she do not wish to talk on this 3 year old matter again in order not to traumatize the victim. 
Dun think PAP will let this case rest and a legal case cud be coming soon. If she cannot defends what she claimed, then it looks like her political career is over and dragging WP into the mud also.......... Rolleyes

Not wrong for her to bring this up but she needs to substantiate and back up her allegations. Beri naive not to realise  PAPaya like to make mountains out of molehill over any weakness shown by the opp. She won't get into any legal trouble bcos no defamation took place lah.

If she dun want to give details how she expect them to look into the matter and act on it? Next time just post on FB lah.

(04-08-2021, 11:13 AM)luncheonmeat Wrote:  Not wrong for her to bring this up but she needs to substantiate and back up her allegations. Beri naive not to realise  PAPaya like to make mountains out of molehill over any weakness shown by the opp. She won't get into any legal trouble bcos no defamation took place lah.

If she dun want to give details how she expect them to look into the matter and act on it? Next time just post on FB lah.

Can SPF sue her or not if she cannot substantiate her allegation?....... Rolleyes

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung

she is a liability for wp.

(04-08-2021, 11:20 AM)Huliwang Wrote:  Can SPF sue her or not if she cannot substantiate her allegation?....... Rolleyes
 Parliamentary privilege.

Anyway, I believe what she said is true...but she should be prepared if she wanted to make the point.

Now she gave PAP a bone to chew on...they will bite and milk as much out of it to damage her.

She should have know better.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
[+] 2 users Like sgbuffett's post

(04-08-2021, 11:20 AM)Huliwang Wrote:  Can SPF sue her or not if she cannot substantiate her allegation?....... Rolleyes

I no lawyer but so far neber heard of lawsuit over accusations of insensitivity. Some more she dint specify which mata and which station, everything beri general. What would the damages be? 

Can come up with damages Papaya oso won't dare bully minority opp MP bcos of public backlash. At most just sit on her head until she say sorry.
[+] 1 user Likes luncheonmeat's post

(04-08-2021, 11:51 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:   Parliamentary privilege.

Anyway, I believe what she said is true...but she should be prepared if she wanted to make the point.

Now she gave PAP a bone to chew on...they will bite and milk as much out of it to damage her.

She should have know better.

Tiohlah. Forgot abt dat. But PAPaya oways beri good at finding loopholes to tekan opp.

(04-08-2021, 11:54 AM)luncheonmeat Wrote:  I no lawyer but so far neber heard of lawsuit over accusations of insensitivity. Some more she dint specify which mata and which station, everything beri general. What would the damages be? 

Can come up with damages Papaya oso won't dare bully minority opp MP bcos of public backlash. At most just sit on her head until she say sorry.

Most such cases of defamation the damage to whatever is claimed by the PAP just like Leong Sze Hian article sharing incident....the damage is like $200K.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(04-08-2021, 11:20 AM)Huliwang Wrote:  Can SPF sue her or not if she cannot substantiate her allegation?....... Rolleyes

I think cannot.

But other MPs can insist that she retract her allegations in parliament and apologise.
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(04-08-2021, 12:31 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  I think cannot.

But other MPs can insist that she retract her allegations jn parliament and apologise.

indranee give her chance lor.

She can say base on her own experience.
Nothing wrong right.

Those who do not follow rules will ask real questions.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

Allegations that police did wrong.
Without evidence, just her words.
Its not on FB but in Parliament.
This is another case of her insensitive conduct.


(04-08-2021, 12:39 PM)RiseofAsia Wrote:  She can say base on her own experience.
Nothing wrong right.

Those who do not follow rules will ask real questions.

If what she said is true,  actions need to be taken against the policemen and policewomen involved.

She made a serious allegation against SPF which will tarnish the image of our SPF.

(04-08-2021, 12:23 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Most such cases of defamation the damage to whatever is claimed by the PAP just like Leong Sze Hian article sharing incident....the damage is like $200K.

Was referring to dis type of damages:

Quote:Definition of damage (Entry 1 of 2)
1: loss or harm resulting from injury to person, property, or reputation

Goat flower will be jumping up and down with glee over the latest developments Big Grin

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

(04-08-2021, 11:51 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:   Parliamentary privilege.

Anyway, I believe what she said is true...but she should be prepared if she wanted to make the point.

Now she gave PAP a bone to chew on...they will bite and milk as much out of it to damage her.

She should have know better.

DisGraceFool will ask her to “apologise, apologise, apologise “


Think of the worst scenario.. What if Raeesah said is true, if the police or govt whack her hard enough, and the victim decided to come forward and release concrete evidence (eg voice recording) to support what Raeesah said.

It will be a slap to whoever is attacking Raeesah now, and give free publicity and credibility to Raeesah. So, unless they are dead sure it didn't happen, if not better be more conservative when attacking Raeesah.

1. I have served the nation in a combat unit for 2.5 + 10 years. I had fulfilled my duty as a citizen, but has the country do it's part for me?
2. I don't know where the threat of CCP is, but I know the threat of CECA is already at my doorsteps
3. I had been called a CCP, JHK, Pinoy, but they never called me a CECA..

(04-08-2021, 01:05 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  If what she said is true,  actions need to be taken against the policemen and policewomen involved.

She made a serious allegation against SPF which will tarnish the image of our SPF.

You think the SPF are all 善男信女?
Nobody is above the law.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

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