Anchorvale family tells Jamus Lim “finances are an ever-present worry”

Anchorvale family tells Jamus Lim “finances are an ever-present worry”

since 1990
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I think people should first cut down spending.
1. Why spend money every Yr to go overseas?
2. Why eat out when it is cheaper to eat in?
3. Why live in 4 room flat you are strained to buy when you can go for 3 room and 2 room?
4. I see many people using iPhone and Samsung flagship phones. Why not Xiaomi ? $120 instead of $1000.
5.i see neighbor's kids waste money taking bus just 2 to 3 bus stops. Why not take bicycle?
6. Do you need to go polyclinic every time you get sick? Just take panadol and rest can cure.
7. Do you really need mobile, home broad band and land line? Can you do with just mobile?
8. Do you take effort to make your things last longer? For example, I have been gluing outsole onto my slipper and used it for 5yrs and still using. Think also pf the environment when we use and throw
9. Do you waste money on air con, heaters and lights? Did you make effort like switching to LED, using fan? Humans  can live without air con...we have done it for thousands of years.

Yes money can be tight but first thing we have to do as personal responsibility is to be thrifty. Lee Kuan Yew wore socks and under wear with holes and mend his clothes. Because we became more affluent we picked up wasteful bad habits.

We need to go back to basics. Good Times never last forever to bw happy we need only basic things and fill basic needs.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

Don't forget we can't control FT , new citizens and the present young generation are over pampers. Especially the lady who have not serve NS before.

(09-01-2022, 11:27 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  I think people should first cut down spending.
1. Why spend money every Yr to go overseas?
2. Why eat out when it is cheaper to eat in?
3. Why live in 4 room flat you are strained to buy when you can go for 3 room and 2 room?
4. I see many people using iPhone and Samsung flagship phones. Why not Xiaomi ? $120 instead of $1000.
5.i see neighbor's kids waste money taking bus just 2 to 3 bus stops. Why not take bicycle?
6. Do you need to go polyclinic every time you get sick? Just take panadol and rest can cure.
7. Do you really need mobile, home broad band and land line? Can you do with just mobile?
8. Do you take effort to make your things last longer? For example, I have been gluing outsole onto my slipper and used it for 5yrs. Think also pf the environment when we use and throw
9. Do you waste money on air con, heaters and lights? Did you make effort like switching to LED, using fan? Humans  can live without air con...we have done it for thousands of years.

Yes money can be tight but first thing we have to do as personal responsibility is to be thrifty. Lee Kuan Yew wore socks and under wear with holes and mend his clothes. Because we became more affluent we picked up wasteful bad habits.

We need to go back to basics. Good Times never last forever to bw happy we need only basic things and fill basic needs.

You can say this because you are not married. There's always a sense of guilt if you cannot give them a good life. The man in the house can easily save money himself but he cannot save money for the family.
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(09-01-2022, 11:27 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  I think people should first cut down spending.
1. Why spend money every Yr to go overseas?
2. Why eat out when it is cheaper to eat in?
3. Why live in 4 room flat you are strained to buy when you can go for 3 room and 2 room?
4. I see many people using iPhone and Samsung flagship phones. Why not Xiaomi ? $120 instead of $1000.
5.i see neighbor's kids waste money taking bus just 2 to 3 bus stops. Why not take bicycle?
6. Do you need to go polyclinic every time you get sick? Just take panadol and rest can cure.
7. Do you really need mobile, home broad band and land line? Can you do with just mobile?
8. Do you take effort to make your things last longer? For example, I have been gluing outsole onto my slipper and used it for 5yrs. Think also pf the environment when we use and throw
9. Do you waste money on air con, heaters and lights? Did you make effort like switching to LED, using fan? Humans  can live without air con...we have done it for thousands of years.

Yes money can be tight but first thing we have to do as personal responsibility is to be thrifty. Lee Kuan Yew wore socks and under wear with holes and mend his clothes. Because we became more affluent we picked up wasteful bad habits.

We need to go back to basics. Good Times never last forever to bw happy we need only basic things and fill basic needs.

The way sgbuffett listed his criteria, confirmed he don't have kids..

I do agreed with some of the points, but I won't agreed with point 5 and 6..Take bicycle for 2-3 bus stops?? They posed as a risk to themselves, or to others..

Do you need to go polyclinic every time you get sick?? Yes, you might do it to yourself.. Will you do it to your kid (ie they are sick and you say take panadol and go and sleep)? No..

As for point 7, you might as well say go MRT station, library etc to enjoy free wifi and aircon.. No need to spend a single cent. Ensure all your friends are on LINE/Whatsapp so that they can contact you without you incurring mobile charges... In library, you can even charge your device there... Does it work, of course, do it make sense, up to individual.

1. I have served the nation in a combat unit for 2.5 + 10 years. I had fulfilled my duty as a citizen, but has the country do it's part for me?
2. I don't know where the threat of CCP is, but I know the threat of CECA is already at my doorsteps
3. I had been called a CCP, JHK, Pinoy, but they never called me a CECA..
[+] 1 user Likes ArielCasper's post

(09-01-2022, 11:35 AM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  You can say this because you are not married. There's always a sense of guilt if you cannot give them a good life. The man in the house can easily save money himself but he cannot save money for the family.

I accept your comment. It is true being married is a great responsibility one cannot under estimate.

I did see my colleagues at fast food struggle to raise a family and it Is tough....they are torned  apart by wanting to give their families better while trying to make ends meet.

Lesson learned is starting a family is not a trivial decision in Singapore. It can lead to tough times and unmet needs because the pay for .many jobs is very low. ..and govt will make your life harder by importing more people pushing cost of living up.

Couples are having fewer kids or no kids. People choose to remain things have gone down hill for very long. 

It's good that we have MPs like Jamus Lim who go to see what life is like.

But I don't expect things to improve in Singapore because nothing has changed.

Because the leaders are incapable of improving lives ...the only option left is for us to cut our expenses to sustain.

Of you keep hoping govt make things better you will be in more and more trouble because they are going in the direction that can only make things worse

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
[+] 1 user Likes sgbuffett's post

(09-01-2022, 11:41 AM)ArielCasper Wrote:  The way sgbuffett listed his criteria, confirmed he don't have kids..

I do agreed with some of the points, but I won't agreed with point 5 and 6..Take bicycle for 2-3 bus stops?? They posed as a risk to themselves, or to others..

Do you need to go polyclinic every time you get sick?? Yes, you might do it to yourself.. Will you do it to your kid (ie they are sick and you say take panadol and go and sleep)? No..

As for point 7, you might as well say go MRT station, library etc to enjoy free wifi and aircon.. No need to spend a single cent. Ensure all your friends are on LINE/Whatsapp so that they can contact you without you incurring mobile charges... In library, you can even charge your device there... Does it work, of course, do it make sense, up to individual.

I am not saying all my suggestions are suitable for everyone we just have to think harder and try harder to save ...there is not need to argue which of my suggestion is good or bad. They are just my personal examples.

There is no choice when you can't make ends meet.

Even if you can spend a bit more every month. You need to think of retirement you need to save that bit for retirement instead of spending it away!

The govt is preparing the people for shorter or non existent retirement yrs by pushing up retirement age. At the rate it is likely most will not have retirement a few decades from now.

I find the whole situation calls for more drastic personal action. Telling Jamus your problem will not achieve anything. If Jamus pushes too hard they will just fix him.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

#6. you said you went to polyclinic last week for runny or running nose?

(09-01-2022, 11:53 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  I am not saying all my suggestions are suitable for everyone we just have to think harder and try harder to save ...there is not need to argue which of my suggestion is good or bad. They are just my personal examples.

There is no choice when you can't make ends meet.

Even if you can spend a bit more every month. You need to think of retirement you need to save that bit for retirement instead of spending it away!

The govt is preparing the people for shorter or non existent retirement yrs by pushing up retirement age. At the rate it is likely most will not have retirement a few decades from now.

I find the whole situation calls for more drastic personal action. Telling Jamus your problem will not achieve anything. If Jamus pushes too hard they will just fix him.
Which is why I say I agreed with some of your points.. But for 5 to 7, if it is from your personal examples (as a father), then I find it quite amazing..

1. I have served the nation in a combat unit for 2.5 + 10 years. I had fulfilled my duty as a citizen, but has the country do it's part for me?
2. I don't know where the threat of CCP is, but I know the threat of CECA is already at my doorsteps
3. I had been called a CCP, JHK, Pinoy, but they never called me a CECA..

(09-01-2022, 11:27 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  I think people should first cut down spending.
1. Why spend money every Yr to go overseas?
2. Why eat out when it is cheaper to eat in?
3. Why live in 4 room flat you are strained to buy when you can go for 3 room and 2 room?
4. I see many people using iPhone and Samsung flagship phones. Why not Xiaomi ? $120 instead of $1000.
5.i see neighbor's kids waste money taking bus just 2 to 3 bus stops. Why not take bicycle?
6. Do you need to go polyclinic every time you get sick? Just take panadol and rest can cure.
7. Do you really need mobile, home broad band and land line? Can you do with just mobile?
8. Do you take effort to make your things last longer? For example, I have been gluing outsole onto my slipper and used it for 5yrs and still using. Think also pf the environment when we use and throw
9. Do you waste money on air con, heaters and lights? Did you make effort like switching to LED, using fan? Humans  can live without air con...we have done it for thousands of years.

Yes money can be tight but first thing we have to do as personal responsibility is to be thrifty. Lee Kuan Yew wore socks and under wear with holes and mend his clothes. Because we became more affluent we picked up wasteful bad habits.

We need to go back to basics. Good Times never last forever to bw happy we need only basic things and fill basic needs.

Good preservation ways worth looking into. 

The boss is there not to collect big paychecks or check work but to help those beneath him realise their greatest potential. I hope the govt knows that's there job, they are elected to do so.

The mgt is there to manage not to make sure everyone toe the line or to walk those that question but to assess if indeed there can be better solution. Not turf or infighting.

The workers are paid to do the job. Not just do the job like robots cos it means you will be made redundant with automation but to find ways to do your job in the most efficient and effective manner. Raise issues and suggest solution for the workers knows more than the bosses and mgt. No need backstabbing cos corporate ladder is mere an illusion to get you to work your ass out. Lol

Individuals should take a page off what sage had suggested to cost control. But more importantly is to make realistic goals and find ways to get more income. Because cost cutting has a limit. Dreams when realised are value adding to your life.

Polyclinic Sunday no open leh

(09-01-2022, 11:54 AM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote:  #6. you said you went to polyclinic last week for runny or running nose?

I did not go to polyclinic because of running nose. I did ART at home to make sure I have no covid.

I went to polyclinic for.dizziness after consuming too many bananas and blood pressure fell. I did not have any medicine at hand to fix that problem and not sure what was wrong.

Some times there is no choice we have to go but my point is did you think of cutting down to save?

The practices  are not absolute. ...if I have an injury I won't go and avoid taking bus to save money because there is no choice.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(09-01-2022, 11:27 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  I think people should first cut down spending.
1. Why spend money every Yr to go overseas?
2. Why eat out when it is cheaper to eat in?
3. Why live in 4 room flat you are strained to buy when you can go for 3 room and 2 room?
4. I see many people using iPhone and Samsung flagship phones. Why not Xiaomi ? $120 instead of $1000.
5.i see neighbor's kids waste money taking bus just 2 to 3 bus stops. Why not take bicycle?
6. Do you need to go polyclinic every time you get sick? Just take panadol and rest can cure.
7. Do you really need mobile, home broad band and land line? Can you do with just mobile?
8. Do you take effort to make your things last longer? For example, I have been gluing outsole onto my slipper and used it for 5yrs and still using. Think also pf the environment when we use and throw
9. Do you waste money on air con, heaters and lights? Did you make effort like switching to LED, using fan? Humans  can live without air con...we have done it for thousands of years.

Yes money can be tight but first thing we have to do as personal responsibility is to be thrifty. Lee Kuan Yew wore socks and under wear with holes and mend his clothes. Because we became more affluent we picked up wasteful bad habits.

We need to go back to basics. Good Times never last forever to bw happy we need only basic things and fill basic needs.

At your age, you are still living off your mother , instead of giving your mother a good life.. What a charsiew ?

(09-01-2022, 12:27 PM)abc123 Wrote:  At your age, you are still living off your mother , instead of giving your mother a good life.. What a charsiew ?

My mom leads a happy healthy  good life. She has many friends that she meet up in the neighborhood and that does not cost anything.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(09-01-2022, 12:30 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  My mom leads a happy healthy  good life. She has many friends that she meet up in the neighborhood and that does not cost anything.

She is resigned to her fate that she has a charsiew son.. Her friends is what she has..

(09-01-2022, 01:24 PM)abc123 Wrote:  She is resigned to her fate that she has a charsiew son.. Her friends is what she has..

If your purpose is to attack me no problem. But plse don't drag my mom into this. My mom has always been indpendent and does not depend on me for her happiness.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(09-01-2022, 12:00 PM)Sticw Wrote:  Good preservation ways worth looking into. 

The boss is there not to collect big paychecks or check work but to help those beneath him realise their greatest potential. I hope the govt knows that's there job, they are elected to do so.

The mgt is there to manage not to make sure everyone toe the line or to walk those that question but to assess if indeed there can be better solution. Not turf or infighting.

The workers are paid to do the job. Not just do the job like robots cos it means you will be made redundant with automation but to find ways to do your job in the most efficient and effective manner. Raise issues and suggest solution for the workers knows more than the bosses and mgt. No need backstabbing cos corporate ladder is mere an illusion to get you to work your ass out. Lol

Individuals should take a page off what sage had suggested to cost control. But more importantly is to make realistic goals and find ways to get more income. Because cost cutting has a limit. Dreams when realised are value adding to your life.

Well said, I agree with your findings.....

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