OYK doesn't believe in two-party system

Quote:"People can say 'ownself check ownself', but I see it always as a virtue — if ownself cannot check ownself, you're in big trouble," Mr Ong said at a forum organised by the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS).

He believes ownself can check ownself.


Singapore will be in trouble if public can't ensure the Gov accountability.😄
[+] 1 user Likes Ernesto's post

Ownself check ownself sort of like ki siao Big Grin

There is no right or wrong decisions. 
One only has to bear the consequences that one makes  Big Grin

(14-01-2022, 12:49 AM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  He believes ownself can check ownself.


FK him. we will fix him in the next GE.
[+] 1 user Likes happyharvest's post

Ong Ye Kung loves Christmas Party

People does a self reflection, that’s a self check. And it is different when it involved a party system, which has a large pool of people. If the Minister is right about his thinking, why would they have a COP on the WP members recently.

They should let WP to check on their own, otherwise it is call cohorts, equates to collude, or possible to conspire and be hand in glove, allowing the members to cooperate and plot for their own favouritism, etc.

One will need another person to check on you, much like in an exam to stay unbiased to ensure no cheating during the examination, and after that in order to check that whether you’ve done right? You have someone to look into your performance.

If this Minister believed in self checks, why bother to have that COP on WP, and schools examinations will not require to have someone else checks on the performance. They can check on their own.

This only goes to show that our government or ruling party has self professed to believe that their system do not requires other’s checking. And possibly, or maybe somethings had already happened or some dirty laundries that they do not want others to check on them.

Why else would a potential candidates for the highest authority position be making such a claims? And he seems to think that their party can check on their own, but those high ranking officers will never allowed the low rung individual to know many informations. How else can they check on their when not everyone has access to the information?

Where are the accountabilities for the past years boo boos that they have made? The MRT saga where we have to use additional fundings and a few years to make the system work properly, because for a period of 10 years, the maintenance fundings was cut; the escape of Mas Selamat; the town councils who made the million dollar losses, just to name a few.

And lastly during this COVID-19 period, where they first said it is not as contagious, then decided to close the border when the spread seem to be quite serious. Was anyone ever accountable for the wrong decisions made?

Ownself check ownself indeed!
Thumbs Up 

(14-01-2022, 03:37 AM)kangtangman Wrote:  People does a self reflection, that’s a self check. And it is different when it involved a party system, which has a large pool of people. If the Minister is right about his thinking, why would they have a COP on the WP members recently.

They should let WP to check on their own, otherwise it is call cohorts, equates to collude, or possible to conspire and be hand in glove, allowing the members to cooperate and plot for their own favouritism, etc.

One will need another person to check on you, much like in an exam to stay unbiased to ensure no cheating during the examination, and after that in order to check that whether you’ve done right? You have someone to look into your performance.

If this Minister believed in self checks, why bother to have that COP on WP, and schools examinations will not require to have someone else checks on the performance. They can check on their own.

This only goes to show that our government or ruling party has self professed to believe that their system do not requires other’s checking. And possibly, or maybe somethings had already happened or some dirty laundries that they do not want others to check on them.

Why else would a potential candidates for the highest authority position be making such a claims? And he seems to think that their party can check on their own, but those high ranking officers will never allowed the low rung individual to know many informations. How else can they check on their when not everyone has access to the information?

Where are the accountabilities for the past years boo boos that they have made? The MRT saga where we have to use additional fundings and a few years to make the system work properly, because for a period of 10 years, the maintenance fundings was cut; the escape of Mas Selamat; the town councils who made the  million dollar losses, just to name a few.

And lastly during this COVID-19 period, where they first said it is not as contagious, then decided to close the border when the spread seem to be quite serious. Was anyone ever accountable for the wrong decisions made?

Ownself check ownself indeed!

Well researched

Good job

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