Top US general warns of 'horrific' outcome if Russian forces 'unleashed' on Ukraine

"We've been in very active dialogue with China, obviously about range of issues, but also, in particular, this situation, Russia and Ukraine," they said. "We've been an active diplomatic conversation with the Chinese mission in New York about this meeting and the issue as it comes to the Security Council as well."

Who is in charged?

Sleepy Joe or the general?

(29-01-2022, 09:12 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  Who is in charged?

Sleepy Joe or the general?

Joe Biden is the Chief of Armed forces...........

CIA got it wrong again.

[Image: 79489-D36-4-B0-E-4-BF2-B9-B8-66714-D448186.jpg]

virtual keyboard online

Russia and China 声东击西? Rotfl

Russia already said they are there for drill. After the drill they'll leave. US itching to fight is it? They need a fight to make their own people forget how badly they've managed the economy?

Walaneh.............with these 8500 Assmericunt warriors, Russia mesti jialat.

(29-01-2022, 09:14 AM)debono Wrote:  Joe Biden is the Chief of Armed forces...........

4 star Gen Milley last week already resigned..

Once china helps putin to fight, nato n west will b in trouble...germany will just sit by shaking legs watching ths fight....joe just clueless n his assistant blinkers all the way to horland

(29-01-2022, 08:30 AM)theold Wrote:  "We've been in very active dialogue with China, obviously about range of issues, but also, in particular, this situation, Russia and Ukraine," they said. "We've been an active diplomatic conversation with the Chinese mission in New York about this meeting and the issue as it comes to the Security Council as well."

what a fake bullshit, when there is no problem the USA must create tension. if world is peaceful, cannot control other countries and make them spend money buy the expense military toys to feed the defense contractors

(29-01-2022, 09:14 AM)debono Wrote:  Joe Biden is the Chief of Armed forces...........

lol.  this clone, or actor reading scripts. how they are jabbing the soldiers to make them sick, force the marines, elite soliders out because refuse to be jabbed.  servant to the one world government masters. by destroying USA and now destroying the world. bullshit

(29-01-2022, 11:05 AM)Reversi Wrote:  what a fake bullshit, when there is no problem the USA must create tension. if world is peaceful, cannot control other countries and make them spend money buy the expense military toys to feed the defense contractors

Not just that. When certain part of the world is chaotic, money will flow to USA because USA is far from such chaotic places. And, demand for US dollars will be strong. As a result, they can continue to print more money. 

That is how Assmerica has been huating big big for decades.

(29-01-2022, 08:30 AM)theold Wrote:  "We've been in very active dialogue with China, obviously about range of issues, but also, in particular, this situation, Russia and Ukraine," they said. "We've been an active diplomatic conversation with the Chinese mission in New York about this meeting and the issue as it comes to the Security Council as well."
tell us the Hunter Biden , Joe Biden deals with the Ukraine gas company, how much money ripped offf

(28-01-2022, 02:01 PM)kokee Wrote:  china best rocket, satelite & missile expert run road to US with the help of UK MI6.
china steal other technology thru all means, western world just sit down there all china detailed br4ought out of china by all these defiants, norm.
people with upright mindset will not serve evil. look at russia, NK & china today, which one is not using war as threatening to rob the world, same as commies here use BS communists sources video & news to brainwash naive & fools here.
global already used billions of mRNA vaccine, china still stealing? why suddenly they so desperate, simple, because their old virus based is not workng anymore, panic now, cannot open door to the world when whole world is ready to live normally with mRNA vaccine.
this bloody thief, totally shameless.





as above communist country Russia, ccp china, NK, all use war to threaten the world shamelessly.
feed the evil? give them what they want?
let above sodomise & rape themselves.




Now Kokee aka Century aka Alam is living in the era of Soviet Union???

Why don't you talk about millions of Native Americans hunted and killed by American migrants from Europe, especially Britain?

(29-01-2022, 11:18 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  Wow!

Now Kokee aka Century aka Alam is living in the era of Soviet Union???

Why don't you talk about millions of Native Americans hunted and killed by American migrants from Europe, especially Britain?

[Image: Mali-demand-france-to-leave-the-country.jpg]

how the europeans stole, raped the african countries for years and the controlled media will never tell you, all the acting of how they care about democracy, human rights, in US, eu, uk are BULLSHIT, equally evil

(29-01-2022, 11:11 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  Not just that. When certain part of the world is chaotic, money will flow to USA because USA is far from such chaotic places. And, demand for US dollars will be strong. As a result, they can continue to print more money. 

That is how Assmerica has been huating big big for decades.

now it is even more sinister,  the evil shadow hands of the one world government are creating supply shortage, supply chain disruption to cause hyper inflation , food shortages, and make the poor , ordinary folks suffer.  the plandemic has many stages and this is another plot to destroy food supply so that people will be starving and poor and hungry people can be easily controlled. This is never about war, wars are created by the shadow hands, it is about Agenda21, New world order, UN2030 depopluation

Belgium comes to terms with 'human zoos' of its colonial past

Human zoos were in no way a novelty to the west and had been held regularly earlier in the century in London, Paris, Oslo and Hamburg. In New York in 1906, a young Congolese man with sharpened teeth was given a home in the monkey house in the Bronx zoo.

In the summer of 1897, King Leopold II had imported 267 Congolese to Brussels to be on show around his colonial palace in Tervuren, east of Brussels, paddling in their canoes on the royal lakes; 1.3 million Belgians, out of a population of 4 million, visited, walking over a rope bridge to get the best view.

That summer was bitterly cold and seven of the Congolese died of pneumonia and influenza, their bodies dumped in an unmarked mass grave in the local cemetery. But such was the popularity of the zoo and other exhibits that a permanent exhibition was to be later established at the site. Initially called the Museum of the Congo, it is now the Royal Museum for Central Africa.

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