Good article.... for my own reference. Ha !!!

Edward Liu

03/13/2022 After more than 3 weeks of observing and analyzing the U.S.-NATO-EU TransAtlantic Axis War vs. Russia.... with Ukraine as the battleground, I have a few conclusions I would like to make as a global Chinese overseas who lives outside of China, my roots and Motherland.

This has to be a sobering call for China and it's leaders to review their growth paradigm and world view, specially regarding globalization and BRI, and the clash of civilizational values.

Like it or not, whatever the outcome of this war, packaged by American-Western media as one of Western Liberal Democracy (Free Society) against Autocracy (Authoritarian Society) and Dictatorship, we need to debunk the notion that Western values and Eastern values can co-exist peacefully and be harmonized.

Further  like it or not, we Chinese around the globe need a truthful, blunt "reality check;" that values, civilizational, world view clash, exemplified by Ukraine's divisive split among the Slavs, opting for European values or old Russian values, manifested between western Ukraine and eastern Ukraine can ever be reconciled.

De-Coupling, Divorce, Dissonance have stirred the world and have sent shock waves to re-think post-Cold War Globalization and Technologization.

A knowledge-and-information-based world does not necessarily translate into a more peaceful world.

As a global Chinese, I am concerned about the drift in Chinese culture.... the confusion and mistake in mixing growth, progress with modernization, defined as westernization.

On this, Russia's major first-tiered cities, i.e. Moscow and St. Petersburg, are now suffering from withdrawal symptoms from their addiction to Western-American-British-French "iconic" business brands, and hyper-consumerism.

McDonalds, Burger King, Pizza Hut, Starbucks, Louis Vuitton, Victoria Secret, Disney, Warner Brothers, Spiderman, Batman, Comic Books, Visa, Master Card, American Express... all the accoutrements of success, Western-Style, European chic, American hip.

Is this what we, too, the global Chinese really want and aspire to be... our end-all, and be-all...and how we define SUCCESS?

Just look around  you!

Is the state of today's world, any kinder, gentler, safer, less rude, more simpatico?

Where are we headed and heading?

Should we define success as material pursuit of the 8 Big Cs, as follows:


China is at a crossroad; so is Mother Russia, and the Non-Western World.

I look at highly-developed societies in Asia-Pacific like Japan, South Korea, and Singapore,which once were "Asian," jettison and shed their "Asian ness" and "core values;" and I wince at how lost and alienated and adrift their youths are.

Japanese kids are lost; they can not differentiate be tween their assholes from the holes in a Panchinko parlor, or a games parlor!

South Korean youths have the highest suicide rate in Asia, including some of their "girlie boys" in K-Pop!

Singaporean.youths are so over-stressed in pursuit of their 8 Big Cs that if they can't achieve these, they feel like failures in their "clean cage society."

XJP has done an excellent job alleviating poverty in Chinese society. He has done  a spectacular job domestically building infraestructuras.

But there is something very fundamental missing !

A feeling of self-fulfillment that we Chinese have to ape West, imitate  Eurocentricism  to feel whole; and feeling inferior when facing a Westerner!

I hope China can finally really "De-Colonize" China after more than a century of humiliation by the West!

This American-NATO-EU proxy war against Russia is a good  laboratory to wake up from our naivete!

There is evil in this world. Not everything Western is bad.

But we Chinese have to know how to distinguish good, or  bad or evil from the West..

China is not quite there there yet.




She dared not put the appropriate title for her video now!

So much of freedom of speech!



PM Lee and all cabinet ministers should read first post. Big Grin


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