U.S. holds 'intense' 7-hour talks with China amid war in Ukraine

U.S. holds 'intense' 7-hour talks with China amid war in Ukraine


“If China does choose to materially support Russia in this war, there will likely be consequences for China in that regard,” a senior U.S. defense official said on a call with reporters on Monday.

“We have seen China basically give tacit approval to what Russia is doing by refusing to join sanctions, by blaming the West and the United States for the assistance we’ve given Ukraine, and by claiming they wanted to see a peaceful outcome but essentially doing nothing to achieve it,” the official added.

Keep threatening China?

中国人不吃这一套! Laughing
[+] 1 user Likes cityhantam's post


French media really so despicable!  Angry




【白宫義见】让俄罗斯变古巴?拜登吁取消俄罗斯最惠国待遇#张经义 #ChingYiChang


US should now be persuading China rather than threatening her. If you use harsh words on a strong nation basically you're prodding her to move in the other direction. Is that the true intention of the US?
[+] 2 users Like Blasterlord2's post

(15-03-2022, 12:45 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  US should now be persuading China rather than threatening her. If you use harsh words on a strong nation basically you're prodding her to move in the other direction. Is that the true intention of the US?

They called “贱民国家”俄罗斯!  Rotfl

145.8 millions of "贱民" wor!  Rotfl

RFI (法国国际广播电台 )! Wow!  Scream

See how they react when China threatens to unload UST


呆毒被当筹码? kokokee waffug syonan 气爆了
[+] 1 user Likes WhatDoYouThink?'s post

Senior diplomat Yang Jiechi elaborates on China's stance on Ukraine crisis when meeting US Sullivan

(15-03-2022, 01:36 PM)kokee Wrote:  nothing to do 

Kokee, do you agree with RFI?

They called “贱民国家”俄罗斯!  Rotfl

145.8 millions of "贱民" wor!  Rotfl

RFI (法国国际广播电台 )! Wow!  Scream

nothing to do who to talk to china, china must know what is the rright thing to do or they want to gowith the evil, their choice, no one force them, that is what Xi want to achieve his ambitious or evil path, face the consequences, dont blame or complain when it end like Russia or Iran or NK today.
very nice, global get ready to sanction china like Russia, freezed all china asset oversea & stop using SWIFT, still have terminate all most preferencial trade agreement, ton more to come.
now chinastockglobally meltdownis just a beginning, china property dive straight down also just started, ton more down side on the way like ruble worthless eventually, stock market halted, all reserved gone, cut off tie totally with the rest of the world, be patient.



(15-03-2022, 01:27 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  

Still can trust their words? They think the Chinese are stupid.
[+] 1 user Likes Clyde's post

(15-03-2022, 01:51 PM)kokee Wrote:  “中美高层会晤”谈崩了:
(15-03-2022, 01:36 PM)kokee Wrote:  nothing to do 

Kokee, do you agree with RFI?

They called “贱民国家”俄罗斯!  Rotfl

145.8 millions of "贱民" wor!  Rotfl

RFI (法国国际广播电台 )! Wow!  Scream

Wow. 7 hours?

Please please please please please please.. dont help russia


(15-03-2022, 01:51 PM)kokee Wrote:  nothing to do who to talk

世界一分爲二 孤立中俄, 美國算盤打錯了 2022 0315

(15-03-2022, 03:35 PM)kokee Wrote:  china is super panic to play 2 head snakes, scared both US & Russia to extreme.
try to please both sides, end up both sides will join hands to finish it.
2 roads be upright or evil? for Xi, china slavery has no say, definitely he will choose evil, but he is super coward & scared of sanction, he knows ccp will be gone once US & globally sanction, freezed & SWIFT.
Best for him is to ask putin to stop the war, this does not mean western world will not isolate or even sanction china now.
either choice ccp will sink & gone, unless china can kneel down to western & turn upright from core which is totally impossible with Xi & ccp.
so yesterday global slaughter china company stock is just the beginning, total crash like Russia for china is on the way, ruble worthless, reserved totally gone, asset all freezed, SWIFT to cut off all trade with the rest ofthe world.


china panic till totally lost now.
either way they die, dont take side die faster, very nice.
but whatever, war or sanction china, china has no say at all eventually, because china is nobody nut.



(15-03-2022, 08:18 PM)kokee Wrote:  china panic

Kokee, stop posting LIES and FAKE NEWS from your beloved Falun Gong Cult hor!



7 hrs, 讲到口水干?

(15-03-2022, 08:21 PM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote:  7 hrs, 讲到口水干?

Last time in Anchorage, only got instant noodle to eat.

This time don't know whether Kokee remembered to make tea or not?   Tongue

勿在危險道路越走越遠!中美外交高峰會羅馬舉行 楊潔篪當面"嚴重關切"美近期涉台言論|360°今日中國 @中天新聞

俄罗斯要求中国军事援助? 中美高层罗马唇枪舌剑七小时 | 八点最热报 15/03/2022


俄烏調停角力!美國犯了"人類間最愚蠢的事" 賴岳謙奉勸:千萬威脅大陸 @中天新聞

(16-03-2022, 11:38 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  

俄烏調停角力!美國犯了"人類間最愚蠢的事" 賴岳謙奉勸:千萬威脅大陸 @中天新聞

that is why I said this moronic taiwan professor above, is totally brainless communist source of lies & BS.
never ever threaten China? china is totally nobody & useless in global military & war game arena.
instead these dogs are threatening the world peace using china nukes or junk weapons which never used before.

china panic till totally lost now.
either way they die, dont take side die faster, very nice.
but whatever, war or sanction china, china has no say at all eventually, because china is nobody nut.



(16-03-2022, 11:44 AM)kokee Wrote:  that is why I said this moronic taiwan professor above, is totally brainless

You are smarter than him meh?

Prove yourself lah!  Laughing

(15-03-2022, 08:25 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  Last time in Anchorage, only got instant noodle to eat.

This time don't know whether Kokee remembered to make tea or not?   Tongue

Kokee drink and bath in Coke  Clapping

[+] 1 user Likes Niubee's post

America damn afraid Russia and China join force.
America never supply advance weapons to Taiwan, afraid pick up by China.
America afraid Taiwan economy getting stronger and join force with Mainland
Instigate Taiwan independence and let Mainland attack. Chinese kill Chinese.
America latest strategy : No deployment of US army. Print money and sell weapons
End result both sides economy becomes weaker.
One stone kills two birds 
Plus the culture of sanctions and forfeitures will soon become a norm.
Big master status will remain another century 
After Asia , back to EU , divide and conquer
Ultimate goal The only King of the world.
Century after century.
Human kill human will never end.

【大新聞大爆卦】中美會晤七小時 互撂狠話!中方關切台灣問題 美方關心中俄結盟 @大新聞大爆卦 專家大爆卦

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