Russia $140 billion stockpile of gold but no one wants to buy it, not even China

[Image: 46-AFE09-C-C8-C3-4-F42-86-ED-67-E26-F3927-BA.gif]

(21-03-2022, 04:21 PM)kokee Wrote:  read somewhere,

女戰狼發威! 華春瑩談俄烏危機 先嗆外媒"先入為主" 後嗆美國"沒資格"教中方怎麼做 | 全球線上@中天新聞

This is silly.
Once gold is stolen and melted it is common knowledge in Singapore
ur gold is gone.
It is a race against time to raid for ex. pawn shops.

read somewhere, all russia gold already confiscated by US, nice.
Russia banks generally bankrupt, depositors money in russian banks generally gone.
Cant withdraw any money now, biggest banks in such state, small & medium baks even worse.
so all russian saving basically all empty now, all donate to putin to fight the war, now lost in war, all money gone, next will be russia lost all lands? nice!
Russian will let putin go so easily? will you? LOL LOL
next? china!!



(21-03-2022, 04:46 PM)kokee Wrote:  read 

【每日必看】俄軍圍攻馬立波 烏國議員:大型煉鋼廠慘受重創|又一將領喪命!俄官方證實黑海艦隊副司令陣亡 @中天新聞 20220321

50% of Russian gold already deployed  for the new system.
No need to confiscate.
US Inc DEAD. USN in service
This means London dead.
This means London has to go to war.
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-03-21-16-52-30.png]

laiLa laiLa
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-03-21-16-57-59.png]

just another fake news from the west.... Russia did not even try to sell gold... and why will Russia want to sell gold for usd when it will be even harder for them to get rid of usd than gold. just another nonsense from usa that usd is best option as reserve currency...

and the most important point is at the bottom - just back the ruble with gold to prevent it from further dumping by the west...

If the currency continues to fall relative to the US dollar, Credit Suisse strategist Zoltan Pozsar told Bloomberg that the country could use the stockpile to effectively revert to a gold-standard, using it as an "anchor" by selling it at a fixed price in rubles.
[+] 2 users Like growthorvalue's post

Can sell to India cheap cheap

(21-03-2022, 05:46 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  An sell to India cheap cheap

China will buy..... after US play cheat to freeze Russia usd account... every major power is thinking of how to get rid of their usd.... they will move out of usd slowly but surely...

(21-03-2022, 05:43 PM)kokee Wrote:  russia has no more gold for now.
same to all their oversea asset, swiss alone US$200B, frozen as good as confiscated for Ukraine to rebuils when war over.
Ton in London & dubai, likely another US$500B, same for Ukraine eventually.
russia basically totally pokai now, whether is inside or outside Russia, can only print worthless ruble for china, LOL LOL.


all russia gold already confiscated by US, nice.
Russia banks generally bankrupt, depositors money in russian banks generally gone.
Cant withdraw any money now, biggest banks in such state, small & medium baks even worse.
so all russian saving basically all empty now, all donate to putin to fight the war, now lost in war, all money gone, next will be russia lost all lands? nice!
Russian will let putin go so easily? will you? LOL LOL
next? china!!



now western media give fake news that China will attack Taiwan soon... China will not.... why? cos China is still holding a lot of usd... USA is trying to default on every one using global conflicts as excuse.

China need stability and they have time on their side - they know USA is a declining power.. and the more USA stir shit in Ukraine war but refuse to get involved.. the Taiwanese will get a strong signal that they cannot depend on USA...
[+] 1 user Likes growthorvalue's post

In the whole article, China was not even mentioned. Dunno why TS suddenly brought in China. Anyway, at such high price, you think China wants to buy meh.

My friend shared.

Biden visits a fortune teller and asks what will happen in the near future. She says I see you in a limousine driving through a crowd of people who are happy, they laugh and cheer, jumping up and down, they hug each other and all have a big smile on their face.
Biden asks her; do I wave to them.
No she says, the casket is closed.

Is NATO looking for nuclear war ?


Gold is gold. Every brick got a serial number but it doesn't let you track to who own it.

So, how to identity it is russia's gold in the first place?

Also, Russia plan this for a long time, u think they will leave the gold behind for US to chong kong.. even we not that stupid, let alone Russia.

Amazed that TS posted the article.

1. I have served the nation in a combat unit for 2.5 + 10 years. I had fulfilled my duty as a citizen, but has the country do it's part for me?
2. I don't know where the threat of CCP is, but I know the threat of CECA is already at my doorsteps
3. I had been called a CCP, JHK, Pinoy, but they never called me a CECA..

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