Murder of 4 children at Geylang Bahru 1979..Not solved

The Geylang Bahru family murders occurred in Singapore on 6 January 1979. All four children in the Tan family were found dead in their flat, at Block 58, Geylang Bahru: they were hacked and slashed to death and their bodies were left piled on top of each other. Wikipedia[/font][/size]
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Sure is someone they know


Channel 8 earlier re-enacted the episode.
If based on present technology, the murderer would have been caught. 

Really sad....43 years liao still not able to give it a closure.
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The murderer can see still send the parents greeting card 2 weeks after to mock them. Very cruel. Sad that the murderer was never caught.

Suspect is secret society ppl doing it. I watched a bit , they claim the parents got collect bets “ who knows the parents eat punter bets? Or the secret society money thus this revenage come

Police suspect the Murder is someone the parents know but the parents “ maybe have some things don’t want to say etc “

Like they scare to say out will get kill like that .

Perfect crime? Can't solve already, witnesses may be gone, murderer also may be gone liao. This is definitely not the only case not solved. Technology then not as good.

(23-03-2022, 10:05 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  Suspect is secret society ppl doing it. I watched a bit , they claim the parents got collect bets “ who knows the parents eat punter bets? Or the secret society money thus this revenage come

Police suspect the Murder is someone the parents know but the parents “ maybe have some things don’t want to say etc “

Like they scare to say out will get kill like that .

Unlikely to be secret society as they would not be so coward to kill children.

(23-03-2022, 09:28 PM)hansamu Wrote:  Channel 8 earlier re-enacted the episode.
If based on present technology, the murderer would have been caught. 

Really sad....43 years liao still not able to give it a closure.
Today technology camera the murderer would have been caught

(23-03-2022, 09:58 PM)Instinct Wrote:  The murderer can see still send the parents greeting card 2 weeks after to mock them. Very cruel. Sad that the murderer was never caught.
Bigeyes......greeting card.

Please read story carefully.
There was a suspect resembling neighbor who took a taxi and taaxi driver reported man's clothes has blood....the police did detain him and he went back to Malaysia.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

not so siimple la....maybe the parents also no good one...maybe Eat 12Stick money
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(24-03-2022, 03:26 AM)handphoness Wrote:  In The 1979 Geylang Bahru murder case, is very obvious that malaysian neighbour is the murderer. The circumstantial evidence is very strong.

1)No forced sign of entry, hence must be someone known to the murdered children.

2)The murderer knows that on 3 days from Mondays to Fridays, an elderly woman will be along the corridor washing her hair and he chose a day that the old woman does not wash her hair along the corridor to commit the murder, this proves the murderer is a resident in that same block.

3)The kid's parents left the house at 6.30am and by 7.10am another neighbour came to knock the door, hence the time to commit the murder is very short, hence again proving the murderer should be someone staying in that same block.

4)A taxi driver correctly identified the malaysian neighbour with bloodstains in his clothes and a knife banging against his taxi door on the same day that the murder occured.

I think in Singapore in the 1960s and 1980s also got another 2 case whereby the murderer was charged with murder based solely on circumstantial evidence.

This 1979 Geylang Bahru murder case the circumstantial evidence is very strong, hence it is very strange why that IO handling this murder case release that malaysian neighbour after the taxi-driver already correctly identified him out at the police station.

My personal guess is and I want to emphasize this is my personal guess, My personal guess is why the IO release the malaysian neighbour was becos the IO himself was also a malaysian-chinese or he himself was a former malaysian-chinese that migrated to singapore and maybe he was reluctant to detain and proceed to charge the malaysian-chinese guy for murder based solely on circumstantial evidence and his thinking maybe was to release the malaysian first until if more physical evidence surface then go arrest him again.

Because throughout the past 30 years, I got came across some singaporean-chinese that are born in malaysia or ex-malaysians, these ex-malaysians/malaysia-born singaporean-chinese are very defensive and biased towards those malaysian-chinese that had committed evil acts or offences or crimes in singapore.

The circumstantial evidence in this 1979 Geylang Bahru murder case is very strong, pointing the malaysian neighbour as the murderer. The IO handing this case should not had released the malaysian neighbour. The IO made a mistake.

The IO should had proceeded to charge the malaysian neighbour for murder based on the very strong circumstantial evidence and should not had released the malaysian.

I think in Singapore there are 2 other cases in 1980s and 1960s whereby the murderers are charged for murder based only on circumstantial evidences only.

And it was later revealed the malaysian neighbour moved out from the block and returned to malaysia

Yes I think so too. But at that time, technology wasn't so good so harder to prove.

What happened to the IO? Cover up? Thinking

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

(24-03-2022, 06:43 AM)RichDad Wrote:  Yes I think so too. But at that time, technology wasn't so good so harder to prove.
1) No forced sign of entry, hence must be someone known to the murdered children.

(23-03-2022, 09:28 PM)hansamu Wrote:  Channel 8 earlier re-enacted the episode.
If based on present technology, the murderer would have been caught. 

Really sad....43 years liao still not able to give it a closure.
Their tombstones were just near my Mum’s grave in Chua Chu Kang cemetery. During Qing Ming festival in 1980s, I went over to look at their graves. Really very sad. All these kids are innocent and don’t deserved to die this way. The killer is very cruel and he shd go after the parents instead of the kids.

(24-03-2022, 06:50 AM)p1acebo Wrote:  What happened to the IO?  Cover up? Thinking
Is not a cover up. Their parents refused to testify.

Between 6.30 am to 7.10 am, a span of 40 minutes can just slaughter 4 children,?

Possible?? 10 minutes per child....

(24-03-2022, 03:55 PM)Gemstar Wrote:  Their tombstones were just near my Mum’s grave in Chua Chu Kang cemetery. During Qing Ming festival in 1980s, I went over to look at their graves. Really very sad. All these kids are innocent and don’t deserved to die this way. The killer is very cruel and he shd go after the parents instead of the kids.
Yes.......Yes. Thinking

(24-03-2022, 03:57 PM)Gemstar Wrote:  Is not a cover up. Their parents refused to testify.

Is csse. A COVER UP?. Thinking

(24-03-2022, 03:48 PM)Teeth53 Wrote:  1) No forced sign of entry, hence must be someone known to the murdered children.
By now, the killer shd be dead already as he is already very old.

kopitiam talk that parents know who did it sth to do with them biz went sour, dishonest parents cause their children's death.

(23-03-2022, 10:38 PM)Instinct Wrote:  Unlikely to be secret society as they would not be so coward to kill children.

You are Wrong, actually last time Secret Society is REALLY ruthless thus this why common folks scare of them, as they go around collect protection money , etc even Police also not scare. Is later Gov implement tougher law on SS than at least under control.

What I know from my parents they claim 50s, 60s it the most happening one SS gangs fights etc later LKY become PM he implement law on it , etc force quite alot Gang leader flee to MY or further up to Thailand etc but still some are active and ruthless despite tough law on it. 70s still got SS a lot active is come Early 80s no much

So actually spirit ghost does not exist. Else the children should 托梦to their parents and tell them what happen.

(25-03-2022, 11:40 AM)Sharexchange Wrote:  So actually spirit ghost does not exist. Else the children should 托梦to their parents and tell them what happen.

Maybe the children did. 
Thot the parents refused to testify ?

(24-03-2022, 04:16 PM)hansamu Wrote:  Between 6.30 am to 7.10 am, a span of 40 minutes can just slaughter 4 children,?

Possible?? 10 minutes per child....

10 minutes per child is very slow liao lah................

(23-03-2022, 09:58 PM)Instinct Wrote:  The murderer can see still send the parents greeting card 2 weeks after to mock them. Very cruel. Sad that the murderer was never caught.

huh ?

greeting card................CNY or X'mas ?

(24-03-2022, 03:26 AM)handphoness Wrote:  In The 1979 Geylang Bahru murder case, is very obvious that malaysian neighbour is the murderer. The circumstantial evidence is very strong.

1)No forced sign of entry, hence must be someone known to the murdered children.

2)The murderer knows that on 3 days from Mondays to Fridays, an elderly woman will be along the corridor washing her hair and he chose a day that the old woman does not wash her hair along the corridor to commit the murder, this proves the murderer is a resident in that same block.

3)The kid's parents left the house at 6.30am and by 7.10am another neighbour came to knock the door, hence the time to commit the murder is very short, hence again proving the murderer should be someone staying in that same block.

4)A taxi driver correctly identified the malaysian neighbour with bloodstains in his clothes and a knife banging against his taxi door on the same day that the murder occured.

I think in Singapore in the 1960s and 1980s also got another 2 case whereby the murderer was charged with murder based solely on circumstantial evidence.

This 1979 Geylang Bahru murder case the circumstantial evidence is very strong, hence it is very strange why that IO handling this murder case release that malaysian neighbour after the taxi-driver already correctly identified him out at the police station.

My personal guess is and I want to emphasize this is my personal guess, My personal guess is why the IO release the malaysian neighbour was becos the IO himself was also a malaysian-chinese or he himself was a former malaysian-chinese that migrated to singapore and maybe he was reluctant to detain and proceed to charge the malaysian-chinese guy for murder based solely on circumstantial evidence and his thinking maybe was to release the malaysian first until if more physical evidence surface then go arrest him again.

Because throughout the past 30 years, I got came across some singaporean-chinese that are born in malaysia or ex-malaysians, these ex-malaysians/malaysia-born singaporean-chinese are very defensive and biased towards those malaysian-chinese that had committed evil acts or offences or crimes in singapore.

The circumstantial evidence in this 1979 Geylang Bahru murder case is very strong, pointing the malaysian neighbour as the murderer. The IO handing this case should not had released the malaysian neighbour. The IO made a mistake.

The IO should had proceeded to charge the malaysian neighbour for murder based on the very strong circumstantial evidence and should not had released the malaysian.

I think in Singapore there are 2 other cases in 1980s and 1960s whereby the murderers are charged for murder based only on circumstantial evidences only.

And it was later revealed the malaysian neighbour moved out from the block and returned to malaysia

so Sherlock................any idea why the kids never scream or cry ...............or neighbours all heard the screaming but heck care ?

(25-03-2022, 12:54 PM)Napoleon Porlumpar Wrote:  so Sherlock................any idea why the kids never scream or cry ...............or neighbours all heard the screaming but heck care ?

grab the throat and kill but if you grab must be dam tight so surely the kids neck will have some " evidence " but police never find that.
I watched the program they also stated the kids no sign of been drug so is kinda weird why the neighbour never heard the kids screaming etc. I feel " they know that murder is someone which the parents know themselves , this is why the murder enter the flat easily etc "

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