Kokee, dared not confirm? Canadian GENERAL and more in Ukraine?



俄軍截獲烏克蘭“特工名單” 赫爾鬆地區“情報員”被一窩端 烏克蘭國家安全局在敖德薩 赫爾松情報網被俄聯邦安全局掌控 俄軍進攻敖德薩


[Image: Screenshot-20220413-002127-Chrome.jpg]

can keekee kok keekee confirm?

Is Shanghai wuhan-ed?
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-13-04-58-27.png]


some of these stuffs are crazy but...

(12-04-2022, 05:36 PM)kokee Wrote:  definitely, junk weapons & army yet fight in Ukraine, no morale, surrender, run road, injured, how to fight with advanced weapons from US, UK & NATO.
moronic comie dogs here can only bark lies & BS from communist sources of fake to con or brainwash same skin color brainless here with their twisted, self created & self claim nonsense in almost 100% of their posts & threads.


一夕殲滅俄800人軍團!? 烏軍看起來、聞起來、嚐起來都是美軍特種兵

as above, all these comie liars can only spam lies from communist sources of fake to con or brainwash morons here 7-24.



[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-13-07-50-28.png]

(13-04-2022, 12:26 AM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote:  [Image: Screenshot-20220413-002127-Chrome.jpg]

can keekee kok keekee confirm?

Kokee is busy sucking and licking AMTK cok!


俄軍逮捕美國“大魚”!俄軍公佈美軍身份信息 為保衛美國人烏軍亞速營副指揮官維塔利.格里桑科被俄軍擊斃 普京公佈美軍被捕視頻警告拜登 烏克蘭戰場情勢將發生新變化


(14-04-2022, 12:04 PM)kokee Wrote:  russia carrier sink, naval almost gone yet comie dogs here bark ukraine army lost & surrender, totally shameless lies, norm, these dogs posts almost 100% lies in all their posts & thread title to con or brainwash brainless here 7-24 using their communist source of lies & BS videos & news.

「俄國黑海艦隊旗艦“莫斯科”號導彈驅逐艦:起火爆炸沈沒」Shitao TV - No.09(13/04/22)拜登再捐給澤倫斯基$8億美元

why the sinking russia carrier name "Moscow", it is the soul & core of the whole russia military, now gone, like russia gone in war. Putin is crazy & insane over this sinking carrier.
all these know nut comie dogs & their useless know nut communist source of liars spam BS 7-24 to con or brainwash morons here day & night.
after donbass & mariupol, Ukraine to take down crimea or moscow> LOL LOL.

俄羅斯鎮國神器「最後紅色堡壘」 黑海艦隊旗艦「莫斯科號」遭擊沉!



(14-04-2022, 12:04 PM)kokee Wrote:  russia carrier sink, naval almost gone yet comie dogs here bark ukraine army lost & surrender, totally shameless lies, norm, these dogs posts almost 100% lies in all their posts & thread title to con or brainwash brainless here 7-24 using their communist source of lies & BS videos & news.

「俄國黑海艦隊旗艦“莫斯科”號導彈驅逐艦:起火爆炸沈沒」Shitao TV - No.09(13/04/22)拜登再捐給澤倫斯基$8億美元

(14-04-2022, 12:04 PM)kokee Wrote:  russia carrier sink, naval almost gone yet comie dogs here bark ukraine army lost & surrender, totally shameless lies, norm, these dogs posts almost 100% lies in all their posts & thread title to con or brainwash brainless here 7-24 using their communist source of lies & BS videos & news.

「俄國黑海艦隊旗艦“莫斯科”號導彈驅逐艦:起火爆炸沈沒」Shitao TV - No.09(13/04/22)拜登再捐給澤倫斯基$8億美元

why the sinking russia carrier name "Moscow", it is the soul & core of the whole russia military, now gone, like russia gone in war. Putin is crazy & insane over this sinking carrier.
all these know nut comie dogs & their useless know nut communist source of liars spam BS 7-24 to con or brainwash morons here day & night.
after donbass & mariupol, Ukraine to take down crimea or moscow> LOL LOL.

俄羅斯鎮國神器「最後紅色堡壘」 黑海艦隊旗艦「莫斯科號」遭擊沉!




[Image: USA-Soldier-Passport-01.png]



The truth of killer president

(13-04-2022, 05:56 AM)kokee Wrote:  
definitely, junk weapons & army yet fight in Ukraine, no morale, surrender, run road, injured, how to fight with advanced weapons from US, UK & NATO.

Kok, Not because you write here Russia lost, then, it really will loose.

It merely show u r amtk sucker, hj and 民族败类.    



Representative of US special services in the Donbass

US citizen DOB 13.12 1987 Washington
arr. Netherlands March 11
Polish border 13 unknown direction
no entry stamp Ukraine

"Representatives of American special services who currently serve on the territory of the Donbass work to eliminate the civilian population. They are the people who are ready to fight to the last Ukrainian,” Chechen Minister Akhmed Dudayev said while showing the passport of the American mercenary.

(15-04-2022, 08:05 AM)kokee Wrote:  why the sinking russia carrier name "Moscow", it is the soul & core of the whole russia military, now gone, like russia gone in war. Putin is crazy & insane over this sinking carrier.
all these know nut comie dogs & their useless know nut communist source of liars spam BS 7-24 to con or brainwash morons here day & night.
after donbass & mariupol, Ukraine to take down crimea or moscow> LOL LOL.

俄羅斯鎮國神器「最後紅色堡壘」 黑海艦隊旗艦「莫斯科號」遭擊沉!


all these fake lies by communist source of BS, still got morons here bother all these total lies videos from comie dogs here> spam 7-24 here all these fake news to con or brianwash brainless here shamelessly everyday.
>20000 russia army, generals & chief commanders killed in ukraine war was reported globally, putin & russia are furious over it, russian people & army low morale over it, fact & truth.
so russia confirm war with NATO now based on this thread, NATO & US can openly war, fire & attack russia now according to moronic commuist sources of comie dogs here, then is great.
more people & country will go against evil devils russia & china, now belarus chief military commander resign & want to fight against russia, also all the ex-eastern bloc except serbia, time to bomb serbia will come.









I forgot to download Russia has a list of NATO mercenaries captured

this type of totally rubbish communist source of lies, totally meaningless & waste time.
got morons believe & watch, go ahead & watch & wait to die.
everyday shit stupid lies, create lies, real inhuman, all these dogs, their whole life is only LIES.
dont waste my time.



俄軍逮捕英國軍情六處特工!馬立波被俘英國士兵身份曝光 1994年波黑戰爭現身 2011年敘利亞內戰庫爾德YPG服役 2022年烏克蘭頓巴斯被捕


俄军公布新一批北约军官被捕视频 英国籍北约军官 肖恩·彼得



擊斃“北約”傭兵!俄軍公佈美軍參戰證據 亞速營副指揮官被捕 普丁逮到“大魚” 美俄聯合肢解烏克蘭






(23-04-2022, 09:35 AM)kokee Wrote:  died in war is norm, of course comie dogs here like to post lies & fake to con or brainwash morons here, all these communist source create their own lies & story to brainwash, still got brainless here believe all these shit? after kena conned so many times, still get conned, then real moron.
important is russia army, general & chief commander already died> 20000, all the junk weapons & army, mostly destroyed, almost all russia army chase out of ukraine except near east border, after 55 days, 10x more russian army than ukraine cannot even occupy & control 1 inch of ukraine land, real clowns, LOL LOL.

Hello farking angmo cok sucker....why disappeared for so long.

What happened to the thousands of aircraft USA send to Ukraine? Laughing

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