China is in a man-made disaster mode because of 1 moron..

China is in a man-made disaster mode because of 1 moron..  Very sad  crying

Abc  moronic kokee brother king of know nuts hor Rotfl

(17-04-2022, 10:09 AM)abc123 Wrote:  China is in a man-made disaster mode because of 1 moron..  Very sad  crying


Moronic kokee king of know nuts

Amercunts population 331 millions 1001530 dead
China population 1.4 billion 4635 dead

(17-04-2022, 11:19 AM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  Moronic kokee king of know nuts

Amercunts population 331 millions 1001530 dead
China population 1.4 billion 4635 dead
singapore 6.5 million 1313 dead

chiHong suction

[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-17-11-29-19.png]

Guffaw no More


Moronic kokee king of know nuts
Confirm you recognize China medicine tok Kong hor Laughing

(17-04-2022, 10:09 AM)abc123 Wrote:  China is in a man-made disaster mode because of 1 moron..  Very sad  crying
That's where all these Western people are wrong - in case YOU DIDNT NOTICE - every country including US UK Australia and Singapore desperately begging China to open up - why you may ask?

Money - without the Chinese tourists everyone is suffering! Just take a look around the hotels in Singapore - see any Chinese tourists! And they are big spenders mind you - in case you don't know! Also many goods are produced in China - with lockdowns and zero covid policy this means a drastic shortage of such products causing prices to increase - with the Ukraine Russis crisis going on many countries are experiencing the highest inflation ever ... but do you notice anything difference about China!? Their economy is still healthy! Also notice China's current inflation at 1.5%! Hello can you not tell who is suffering most!? 

Notice India - importing like crazy oil and coal from Russia at low price to counter inflation!

Don't pretend you know everything- you are not even a CEO of a small company in Singapore and you want to comment on how China is being managed! Look at your own life first la! Manage your own life first before kaypoh China! 

Look at US UK - are they managing their countries very well even with their countries entirely opened up?!

So don't be so naive and don't be so foolish as to follow and listen to the Western narratives! 

I repeat - China is doing very well! The rest of you can criticise on the sideways and envy the good life the Chinese are having! You having a good life meh!? Really talk cock like the kokee (@cocky)
[+] 3 users Like sporeguy's post

aiya, even if xi is out, millions of xi are waiting to take over.
[+] 1 user Likes WhatDoYouThink?'s post

whole world know no way to be 0 case, not moron is what, even moron also laugh at 0 policy.
but how many old folks died in china because of covid & humanity of 0 case policy> super scary.
ton cannot get their medical care, no medicine, no dialysis, no operation, all the swab test & result, all the quarantine & lock down, easily 500% more died caused by covid, covid alone due to junk sinovac & sinopharm, already ton died.
1 great thing is china govt can stop paying ton of CPF money from now on, super evil, LOL LOL.

上海養老院大量老人疫亡 當局隱瞞消息


(17-04-2022, 11:16 AM)kokee Wrote:  whole world know

Kokee, stop posting LIES!

Kokee's LIES exposed!




The riot police in white look like those guards from Squid Game. Terrible. Even with videos, the wumaos can still deny this is happening.

(17-04-2022, 12:30 PM)starbugs Wrote:  The riot police in white look like those guards from Squid Game. Terrible. Even with videos, the wumaos can still deny this is happening.

Aiya you hate China like hell now you want champion for China hor you got wumao for every post hor Rotfl Rotfl

(17-04-2022, 12:30 PM)starbugs Wrote:  The riot police in white look like those guards from Squid Game. Terrible. Even with videos, the wumaos can still deny this is happening.

The wumaos are the greatest denial just like their emperor Xi has been wearing no cloth for a long time

Laughter-13  Laughter-13


(17-04-2022, 11:39 AM)sporeguy Wrote:  That's where all these Western people are wrong - in case YOU DIDNT NOTICE - every country including US UK Australia and Singapore desperately begging China to open up - why you may ask?

Money - without the Chinese tourists everyone is suffering! Just take a look around the hotels in Singapore - see any Chinese tourists! And they are big spenders mind you - in case you don't know! Also many goods are produced in China - with lockdowns and zero covid policy this means a drastic shortage of such products causing prices to increase - with the Ukraine Russis crisis going on many countries are experiencing the highest inflation ever ... but do you notice anything difference about China!? Their economy is still healthy! Also notice China's current inflation at 1.5%! Hello can you not tell who is suffering most!? 

Notice India - importing like crazy oil and coal from Russia at low price to counter inflation!

Don't pretend you know everything- you are not even a CEO of a small company in Singapore and you want to comment on how China is being managed! Look at your own life first la! Manage your own life first before kaypoh China! 

Look at US UK - are they managing their countries very well even with their countries entirely opened up?!

So don't be so naive and don't be so foolish as to follow and listen to the Western narratives! 

I repeat - China is doing very well! The rest of you can criticise on the sideways and envy the good life the Chinese are having! You having a good life meh!? Really talk cock like the kokee (@cocky)

they're jealous. 

dfs are like that.

look at their assmarrycunt daddy buy dung, now a demented old fart, very funny clown.

(17-04-2022, 01:06 PM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote:  they're jealous. 

dfs are like that.
Who is jealous of this.i think people are concerned not about the people but as the economy sink it will pull everyone down.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(17-04-2022, 01:11 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Who is jealous of this.i think people are concerned not about the people but as the economy sink it will pull everyone down.

Wah another champion for China what an irony’s hor DF  Laughing

(17-04-2022, 01:11 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Who is jealous of this.

Exclusive Stringer Dispatch: COVID-19 patient's daily life in Shanghai temporary hospital


(17-04-2022, 01:11 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Who is jealous of this.i think people are concerned not about the people but as the economy sink it will pull everyone down.

you concerned about the ppl? their economy? 

more like jealous of what they'd achieved.

(17-04-2022, 01:11 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Who is jealous of this.i think people are concerned not about the people but as the economy sink it will pull everyone down.

Even with lockdown they have such a situation so you can imagine what will happen if they don't. Or you prefer a situation like India where many people died?

Im trying to get feedback from fast reply sure means trouble!

[Image: mmexport1649998767932.jpg]

why so many are criticising china's covid policies? because they hv been doing very badly, and killed so many ppl. and they want china to do as bad as them. you df can understand simple things such as this?

(17-04-2022, 01:22 PM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote:  why so many are criticising china's covid policies? because they hv been doing very badly, and killed so many ppl. and they want china to do as bad as them. you df can understand simple things such as this?

Not all is good lah. U got relatives there? 
Sometimes do badly I will condemn too. Dont watch Kokee videos. Go Weibo.

(17-04-2022, 11:52 AM)kokee Wrote:  whole world know no way to be 0 case, not moron is what, even moron also laugh at 0 policy.
but how many old folks died in china because of covid & humanity of 0 case policy> super scary.
ton cannot get their medical care, no medicine, no dialysis, no operation, all the swab test & result, all the quarantine & lock down, easily 500% more died caused by covid, covid alone due to junk sinovac & sinopharm, already ton died.
1 great thing is china govt can stop paying ton of CPF money from now on, super evil,  LOL LOL.

上海養老院大量老人疫亡 當局隱瞞消息

0 case policy, not moron is what, moron also know this is total rubbish, only dictator country can bark such lies still force to slavery, in people centered country, kena split on his faced & flooded his family with sliver liao.
this is a total joke to the world, all these morons in china still implement like brainless, people suffer, ton died, fun, LOL LOL.
as below, hahaaa.

(17-04-2022, 05:44 AM)kokee Wrote:  If china can hit zero case, shanghai top medical, I will commit suicide in front of 1.4B china people.
hahaaa, this wants whole world know well.
But xi insists he is right, then try your best to fake or twist or whatever, norm in china way of doing thing, they do everyday, nothing special but morons also know is totally impossible.

上海副院長:如能清零 我對著14億人割腕!

每揪出一個omicron感染者的成本是一個億! 數據證明: “清零”額外害S的人命是挽救生命數量的2倍! 打假中共宣稱的”清零符合國情和科學


King of know nuts moronic kokee now champion of champion for China liao what’s an irony hor Laughing Laughing

Guangdong governor very good. Prices of food no increases. Only a few blks got quarantine.

My friend can still go shopping.

(17-04-2022, 01:38 PM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  King of know nuts moronic kokee now champion of champion for China liao what’s an irony hor Laughing Laughing

Maybe angmo cums made him smart. Laughing

A new type of pandemic is ON

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