中国股債匯暴跌 china stock property bond RMB plunges

today HSI down to around 20000 & SSE plunges to around 3000 now.
SSE plunges >60% from their peak, HSI compared to Dow, down like crazy in last few yrs.
china property dive straight down across whole china today, more story if follow this thread.
RMB just  started to meltdown from 6.3+ to 6.5+ last few days, more to come.
chna foreign reserved already in negative, debt burst everywhere in china today.


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since last yrs already said china property bubble going to burst.
>30 city & town property price below RMB4500 sm=RM450 sft=S$90 sft, some complete unit at S$10k-30k is norm.
>40 city & town, price down >60% already.
ton of bad debt for housing loan for banks in china, auction easily up 30000%, ton of abandon, letb youhave their unit if you continue to pay loan & more. after covid in shanghai & most coty, situation will be much worse with income down, jobless surge to sky.
global rate hike push china rate direction, housing loan rate also on the rise, plus RMB plunges, double down for foreign buyers.
next is can china banks survive if property total burst?
HK property is the same.


樓市,又到了最嚴峻時刻……30城房價低於4500元㎡,幾萬元一套房,降價都沒人要? 房價再便宜50%才正常?


LOL ... The commie wumaos are still in denial about the collapse of China economy

Hedge fund cuts China stock exposure to zero seeing worse year than 2008

BEIJING (BLOOMBERG) - As China's markets gyrate following Covid-19 outbreaks and Russia's invasion of Ukraine, one of the nation's best-performing macro hedge funds is bracing for more pain.

Shanghai Banxia Investment Management Centre, which topped local rankings in 2020, has cut its stock exposure to zero in anticipation of a worsening economy and further declines in equities, founder Li Bei said. The fund, which manages more than five billion yuan (S$1.06 billion), has also closed almost all short positions in commodities after rising prices led to losses.

This year "could be even worse for fund managers than 2008", when, even during the global financial crisis, holding government bonds could still be a winning strategy, Ms Li said in an interview this month. "It's now very difficult to find a place where they can make money."

Unpredictable events like the war in Ukraine and the rapid spread of the Omicron variant have blindsided China's money managers best trained to capture opportunities across asset classes. Macro funds, which often trade in equity, bond and commodity markets, averaged a 7.4 per cent loss in the first quarter, the worst performance among eight hedge fund strategies, according to Shenzhen PaiPaiWang Investment & Management.

DH Fund Management, a macro fund managing more than 10 billion yuan, apologised to investors and cut management fees this month after steep losses.

Laughter-13  Laughter-13


Moronic kokee king of know nuts your amdk think otherwise leh


those who boy the funds fr blackrock cry w no tears

alibaba down to almost  80 now, RMB down to almost 6.6 now, another  17 china company going to delist from US market, very nice.
china whole economy is crashing down fast with covid & Ukraine war, inflation & marker crash.
as title said, china stock, property, bond, RMB & debt default, all hit very badly, many banks even going to stop.

今天, A股股灾大崩盘!人民币汇率暴跌,离7越来越近!发生了什么?全球为何疯狂抛售中国资产?北京封城的高潮要来了!



banks run going to start in china? already has quite a number o f china banks stop withdrawing your own money.

with ton of housing loan default, developer bond default, china banks are very badly hit by bad debt due to china property crash.
many banks are in huge trouble now.
last few days some banks already cant withdraw money, very nice.

4.23 絕非玩笑!大陸這些銀行沒錢了。


with ton of foreign investment & factories pull out of china plus bankrupt, cut jobs, no domestic demand, jobless surges to sky in china now, cut pay, retrenchment shoot like crazy, unemployment in china today super scary.
with this bad economy situation, china CPF in big trouble as not many people pay CPF but those collect CPF increase, retirement & pension scheme going to bankrupt in china.
china banks also huge problem after property crash, many china banks going to insolvent.




with china property crashing hard, ton of uncompleted units abandon, demand diminish super fast, almost 80% of china developers will bankrupt soon, china local govt no longer can rely on land sale to sustain their expenses.
local govt debt is a super huge debt, plus all the housing loan default, how many china banks still can survive? bail out? china with negative reserved now, huge crisis coming.



china is all down now, not only stock, property, currency, bond, retirement fund, foreign investment pull out, no foreign reserved, banking, financial to total economy, jobless surges, retrenchment, very nice.

4.26 突發【中共走到盡頭了!】人仔大跌,A股穿3000,恆指破20000,未走的人要把握最後逃生門!



today SSE crash down below 2900, hit 2 yrs low now, down>70% from peak, down>20% from 7 months ago.
this is just index, all the listed company share price plunge to probably below 2000 now, ton to penny, even blue chips down70-80% from peak is totally nothing for all china stock, this shows how bad is china economy & all china company performance & bad business, align to all the BS trade data or  GDP or import/export? some more RMB plunges down together this time, property totally gone case across whole china now.

深圳股市崩6% 港股破2萬點 長三角5萬多 企業停工 中國經濟黑暗期將至|2022年04月26日



foreign investment & factories move out of china at expedite speed now, chna unemployment surge to sky now, cut pay also cannot find jobs now, foxconn used to pay $4-5k, now worker willing to work for $3k. Ton of factory jobs will move back to asean & india if they can handle. Idea is to cut off tie with china, not to cost reduction.
that is why china stock, property, RMB, bond, economy, banking, trade, import & export dive down, plus covid & Ukraine war, GDP likely to go negative soon.




ton of china stock & property already down 50-90%.
now RMB on the way down, no money, still want to print more & cut more rate?
china CPF & banking will face huge problem just a matter of time. with global sanction & covid ongoing.
what left? after 20-30 yrs of hard work, it will just crash down hard.
china no money now, ton of foreign brands will eventually move out of china totally, cut off tie totally eventually, ton of china people will lose their jobs. no money to consume, pay back debt, loan & bankrupt.

人民幣急速大貶值; 上海封城醖釀人才外逃潮 金融中心夢恐成泡影;中國人變窮,失業還不起房貸;中國存在諸多問題,全球經濟還靠美國;



with all economy indicator plunging down like rock, china basically waiting for the last straw to crash china total economy & finance system.
this steal technology & copy cat was doing well not because of their innovation or invention, because of their hard working slavery & shameless behavior.
the time is here, all stock, property, RMB, bond, trade, import/export, no more jobs & investment, deserve it.



china RMB today not only breaks 6.6, now at 6.65 against USD, plunges super fast.
not even sanction yet, when sanction like russia, really no eyes see, can RMB hike rate to 20% like russia? then property will totally collapse.



in this world who bother ruble now? who F care? russia so huge, GDP is much smaller than US 1 state, US has 50 states.
with sanction, frozen & SWIFT, russian hold rubbish ruble for what? what foreign good can they buy? nothing.
This morning watch 1 youtube, almost nobody fly in russia now due to sanction, no spare parts to replace, you dare to take? same to all good.
china RMB is the one, crash down from 6.3 to almost 6.7 now, the actual exchange rate? US$1=RMB20 eventually, need to wait for full sanction on china like russia today. LOL LOL. By then china GDP is much much smaller than japan today.



with ton  of foreign investment & factories move out of china, jobless in china surges to sky, economy crash super hard.
only thing china can do now is to build ton of white elephant, infra-structure, build already no tourists, useless but just to solve jobs issue but need to print RMB like crazy, whole country will collapse once sanction by global.
covid, all the economy plunges, stock, property, currency, bond, trade, no money, no income, expenses shoot to sky, to remain as dictator, willl do ton of rubbish nonsense.
bad debt will surge to sky, banking huge issue, print RMB non stop to ponzi, that is all.




Kokee hopes he can use toilet rolls to change for RMB.🤣🤣🤣

due to lock down, covid, ukraine war, sanction china, few 100 millions of people lost their jobs in china, factories & investment move out of china to vietnam, india & asean, easily 300m-400m china people jobless & unemployed now.
cannot afford high property price, cant service loan & debt, bankrupt due to no jobs & money.
norm in china today, almost all asset down & crash.
below 46k cannot pay housing loan today? probably 1 city, whole china easily few millions cant afford to pay today, LOL LOL.




why china panic to rescue stock & all markets? because almost total collapse.
If not so serious, xi & his whole team will not bark together last few days to print & drive economy, but any help now?
If so simple, print & infra-structure can solve all employment, stock, property, bond, currency & import/export, then no country would collapse.
foreigners pull out at expedite speed now in both china & HK.
once covid over, will see ton of china rich & capable migrate & run road before door closed, but money outflow already block. shanghai, beijing, shenzhen all these big city will lose ton of population, property dive down.



(30-04-2022, 04:01 PM)kokee Wrote:  why china panic to rescue stock & all markets? because almost total collapse.
If not so serious, xi & his whole team will not bark together last few days to print & drive economy, but any help now?
If so simple, print & infra-structure can solve all employment, stock, property, bond, currency & import/export, then no country would collapse.
foreigners pull out at expedite speed now in both china & HK.
once covid over, will see ton of china rich & capable migrate & run road before door closed, but money outflow already block. shanghai, beijing, shenzhen all these big city will lose ton of population, property dive down.


Yr Yank market haven't rate raise already drop like shit


with most foreign factory & investment pull out of china expedite now, no way for china to recover now.
can only rely on print RMB & infra-structure for jobs, RMB will continue to plunges.
internally jobless will cause more dive down in stock, property, bankrupt & no domestic demand totally.
plus covid, internal political fight, lock down, eventually closed china door for the world to protect ccp, end.



china economy sure in panic mode now, globally must sanction china now & let it crash all the way.
stock, property, currency, bond, trade, banking, retirement fund, all having huge issue & all tie together with bad debt all over & cant be resolved.
can only continue to print $$ & infra-structure with white elephant which will cause more problem.
those can run already run, more to run before all door closed.




dont talk about small town or city property dive straight down, shanghai property also crashing hard now.
suzhou local govt bankrupting with not much income but expense surges, land sale almost stop now across china, local govt borrow ton of money from banks for last 20 yrs, what will happen to china banks?




global is going to sanction china like russia soon? also frozen or confiscate all china foreign asset like russia?
SWIFT too.
china panic now, meeting to deal with such consequences, just do it fearlessly to this evil devil.
RMB will crash, all china asset will totally meltdown, Xi should be happy that ton cannot afford to migrate after all their asset gone.
china people cannot hold any USD anymore, block oversea study, migration, closed the door totally is the best.



Moronic kokee king of know nuts no worries lah China still very RICH
Can made fighters plane C series lah
Can build space station
Can build aircraft carrier
Can made anything that you are using at home hor
So you no need to worry hor nudie

china PMI hit multi yr low with covid, Ukraine war & investment & factories pull out of china at historical speed now.
domestic demand crash super hard, export also hit hard, ton of factories closed down, bankrupt, jobless super high likely>300m-400m.
all the market needless to say, economy dive straight down, GDP must be in negative but china can bark whatever number they like, no need to be realistic or truth, norm.



china jobless rate is surging like crazy now, ton already lost their jobs, that is why stock & property crash hard & domestic demand diminsh totally.
even may holiday is super quiet, whole china like lock down & dying.




(25-04-2022, 12:12 PM)kokee Wrote:  today HSI down to around 20000 & SSE plunges to around 3000 now.
SSE plunges >60% from their peak, HSI compared to Dow, down like crazy in last few yrs.

Alam Kok caught posting fake news again.    

Can you show your calculation of "SSE plunges >60% from their peak"?     

[Image: SSE220504.png]


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