
US congress pass the act, fatty xi is the axis of evil of the world.
so china kena sanction like russia today is just a matter of time.
when the right time comes, this act will be used, china panic, preparing to react on it.


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this naming of axis of evil is following WW2, nazi is axis of evil, today china & russia becoming this world axis of evil.
so obviously china will be sanction globally like russia today.
that  is why china internally has many meeting with banks & central banks on how to deal with global sanction when happens, also why china recently IT share price up, fatty xi panic & loosen control on all these IT company.
this is the beginning of conflict between china & US openly, will it end with war in near future?



SMLJ about China u also know?
Then why suck angmo coks?

Heard u and Pervert, your real sister getting married. 🤣🤣🤣

will global frozen china asset globally like Russia?
ton of china top leaders & rich their asset hide in swiss, US, australia & many country.
this act can also use if china help russia to avoid sanction & support russia in Ukraine war.



from this act can see china & xi is panic now, china try to distance or even sell away Russia now.
If china conflict with russia, will russia attack china?
US also show hand now with china, they will go all the way to deal with china like deal with russia today.



(03-05-2022, 12:53 PM)Notdumb Wrote:  SMLJ about China u also know?
Then why suck angmo coks?

Heard u and Pervert, your real sister getting married. 🤣🤣🤣

Do you know before FLG, there was a 大有国? Rotfl

But already eradicated…

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

[Image: 20220503-094204.jpg]

buy dung needs an urgent head replacement surgery  Laughing

They are so desperate to bring down China. Thats why Xi stopped going overseas.. cos he know he will be assassinated by evil empire

(03-05-2022, 05:22 PM)kokee Wrote:  this axis of evil act is targeted Xi & china, china US$10 trillion of foreign asset will likely to frozen or confiscated.
run now? run where? only can run back to china, then fully exposed themselves, end result is the same, all these corrupted communists.

5.2 【美國對準習軸心!】習近平成為美國新推出「軸心法」的重點制裁對象,中共海外逾十萬億美元資產恐遭凍結!

Wah kokee the angmo cok sucker....USA got lumpars rob CHINA? Laughing

this axis of evil act is targeted Xi & china, china US$10 trillion of foreign asset will likely to frozen or confiscated.
run now? run where? only can run back to china, then fully exposed themselves, end result is the same, all these corrupted communists.

5.2 【美國對準習軸心!】習近平成為美國新推出「軸心法」的重點制裁對象,中共海外逾十萬億美元資產恐遭凍結!


because of this act, china is super panic & worry of kena sanction, frozen & SWIFT by the west.
try all means now to avoid, kneel down, let see how low they want to go.
this is a lot of money to be frozen, more importantly, ccp will be gone.



china & xi really panic over sanction.
this act name under xi, will xi remain as president in coming months of 20大?




[Image: 3-D95-AC65-25-E3-47-C8-B435-66-F5617-ECF8-E.jpg]

Moronic kokee king of know nuts Putin say your daddy bo lanpa leh Rotfl Rotfl

既然它们到处杀人放火,sgtalk 可以不可以通过决议,定位败灯为新的全球邪恶轴心?

ccp ban all china people to exchange for USD now if not RMB will plunge to 10 now against USD.
ban china people from leaving china, so that they will not bring money out & cause further currency plunges.
west already frozen or confiscate all foreign asset of russia, next is china, china amount is much bigger because of their corruption is huge.



china panic over axis of evil act, china & xi going to spend ton of money & woman to bribe lobbyist to avoid sanction? norm.
china almost all  the time using $$ & lady to get thru all relationship to achieve their goal in capitalism world to buy & get whatever evil motive bbut no one trust them & dare to work with them now.

美軸心法裂解削弱中共 中共密商逃制裁



after US axis of evil act, china scared & panic, want to change father from russia to US?
now in CCTV, china recognised as Russia invaded Ukraine, start to lick zelensky balls.
This balless & totally shameless, same as all the comie liars here.



because of this axis of evil act from US, fatty xi likely will lose his president in coming weeks to months.
super panic & scared, both china & xi, xi also want to run road liao.
but no one will trust china anymore whether xi is still around or not.
china economy will continue to sink & sink to go back to 80s in time to come.
china can lock all their people & money outflow from china but they cant stop foreign pull out everything & cut off tie, also ccp will have to close china totally to keep in power.

5.6 拆局!北京瘋傳【習近平不獲連任!】政治局擴大會議,李克強將接替習近平任總書記,習近平二十大後全退!真的嗎

(05-05-2022, 02:18 PM)kokee Wrote:   let see by this yr end, will xi still be president of china.



This not a 100 m track race.

Take a look at the historical record data.

Democracy has many form. It is not a one size fit all.

Time will tell the true story.

All these moronic kokee king of lies and know nuts all your daddies bo lan par no balls to sanction lar everyday tok cock singsong big words NO BALLS LOL LOL

(07-05-2022, 01:53 PM)kokee Wrote:  sanction china like russia now is just a matter of time, frozen, SWIFT.
delist all china listed company in US also will be done in time to come.
after huawei & DJI kena sanction till so quiet now, huawei basically out of global 5G system market in advanced country, hp also dying off, seldon hear huawei outside china these days, where is their OS? bark like crazy by comie dogs here, whatever copy from android, no way for china to invent or start any new technology, all these bloody comie liars here, steal & copy cat.

The next Huawei! The United States is ready to fully sanction Hikvision! The Congress passed the "Xi Axis Act", and the Russian accomplices must be hammered!

Wah....u want your masters to hari kiri ah?
USA already bankrupt still got lumpars to sanction? Laughing

Cokee sucking angmo coks non stop.🤣🤣🤣

(07-05-2022, 01:28 PM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  All these moronic kokee king of lies and know nuts all your daddies bo lan par no balls to sanction lar everyday tok cock singsong big words NO BALLS LOL LOL
Moronic kokee king of lies and know nuts keeping singing and dancing hor bottomline your daddies “NO BALLS “ hor

sanction china like russia now is just a matter of time, frozen, SWIFT.
delist all china listed company in US also will be done in time to come.
after huawei & 大疆 kena sanction till so quiet now, huawei basically out of global 5G system market in advanced country, hp also dying off, seldon hear huawei outside china these days, where is their OS? bark like crazy by comie dogs here, whatever copy from android, no way for china to invent or start any new technology, all these bloody comie liars here, steal & copy cat.



(07-05-2022, 06:21 PM)kokee Wrote:  sanction china like russia now is just a matter of time, frozen, SWIFT.
delist all china listed company in US also will be done in time to come.
after huawei & 大疆 kena sanction till so quiet now, huawei basically out of global 5G system market in advanced country, hp also dying off, seldon hear huawei outside china these days, where is their OS? bark like crazy by comie dogs here, whatever copy from android, no way for china to invent or start any new technology, all these bloody comie liars here, steal & copy cat.


What will happened if USA sanction your angmo coks sucking? Rotfl

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