VIDEO: Inflation and the Dying Dollar by Dr Tan Kee Wee

A decades-long view from 1960s to now on how it leads to present situation.

Asset Bubbles bursting one by one. Big Grin
Gold heading for 1650?
Bitcoins heading for 19000?

No brainer trading…

Property lags stock by 3mth to 6mths…

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

Meanwhile, Russian Ruble is heading higher & higher closer towards its true Purchasing Power Parity value

(09-05-2022, 10:41 AM)simpleman Wrote:  Meanwhile, Russian Ruble is heading higher & higher closer towards its true Purchasing Power Parity value

It will only go higher as there is no real solution to solve EU energy crisis.
Beside EU, Jap also jialat… very dependent on import. The Jap Yen drops like nobody business. In near future we may be able to employ Jap maid… Rotfl

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

[Image: 1-AF7-A628-7-C51-47-C3-A26-A-557-AEE4-EDAFE.jpg]

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

The ruble will need to break the "spell".   Failed in last 22 years.

[Image: QhtHvaB.png]

I thought the USD rose vs everything else recently.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

speechless know nut, all these comie dogs, totally do not know what is happening, still barking ruble now.
Russia economy almost collapse now, russia almost default all their bonds recently, totally pokai, so desperate to dump all their oil & gas for $$.
russian suffer the most today with ruble but almost cant buy any foreign goods, ttotally uselesss currency, already 10x here ruble appreciate is only to save face for dictator putin, russia this yr GDP down is the worst in the world, inlfation also up the most this yr. Yet Ruble interest still at 20+%, cut down to 10% or 0%, let see, LOL LOL.
USD index hit high again, singapore reserved mostly in USD in order to have strength in SGD.
dying USD, dont know what these dogs want to bark 7/24 here.
USD is still the reserved, trading & petrol currency in today world, no one currency can touch, also too far behind.
Military, Ukraine war already shown US is no.1. china? got morons here think china can fight in a war? all these moronic brainless, china 1 child policy in 80s, send all these 1 child to hell is the best, LOL LOL.
Russia, totally gone case & game over now.

(09-05-2022, 11:41 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  I thought the USD rose vs everything else recently.

Yes, RECENTLY. I think you have not watched the lecture I posted above yet?

(09-05-2022, 12:22 PM)Levin Wrote:  Yes, RECENTLY. I think you have not watched the lecture I posted above yet?
I have watched the whole video and find it interesting.
However, it is not accurate.

It is slightly anti US. And parts of it is selected from various US think tanks' report to claim US has a deliberate plan against China. These are not official policy and there are numerous such think tanks reports published saying US can gain advantage if it sabo thus country and that. Some are nationalist, right wing, anti china or anti Russia etc hence they hatch all sorts of ideas. The US allows many such unofficial organisations we should not take them seriously. In US there are organisations that claim Biden cheated in 2020 elections or Trump is q Russian puppet etc. 

He also speculate the digital Yuan is to undermine US$ hegemony.  Which is far fetched.

At some point he insinuate Japan may be the good guys in WW2 and had good reason to fight war due to sanctions imposed by USA. If you go and check US imposed sanctions and blocked the Panama canel because Japan expanded into Indochina. Its like saying Russia has right to start WW3 because US and EU imposed sanctions against it.

[Image: qU13NK3.jpg]

Further into the video the narrative becomes more nonsensical predicting hot war between China and USA.  This is not going to happen for the simple fact that both are nuclear powers. Just like Russia now is engaging in atrocities and killings but US and NATO nations are doing nothing direct as they want to avoid war.

There are many problems with US$ being a reserve currency and abuse of its special fiat status by printing money. But that doesn't mean the world economies will switch to Yuan. The reason is all top 20 richest economies are democracies and will never accept the currency of communist country as the main currency for find itself under economic dominance of communists - this is just common sense.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(09-05-2022, 11:51 AM)kokee Wrote:  speechless know nut, all these comie dogs, totally do not know what is happening, still barking ruble now.
Russia economy almost collapse now, russia almost default all their bonds recently, totally pokai, so desperate to dump all their oil & gas for $$.
russian suffer the most today with ruble but almost cant buy any foreign goods, ttotally uselesss currency, already 10x here ruble appreciate is only to save face for dictator putin, russia this yr GDP down is the worst in the world, inlfation also up the most this yr. Yet Ruble interest still at 20+%, cut down to 10% or 0%, let see, LOL LOL.
USD index hit high again, singapore reserved mostly in USD in order to have strength in SGD.
dying USD, dont know what these dogs want to bark 7/24 here.
USD is still the reserved, trading & petrol currency in today world, no one currency can touch, also too far behind.
Military, Ukraine war already shown US is no.1. china? got morons here think china can fight in a war? all these moronic brainless, china 1 child policy in 80s, send all these 1 child to hell is the best, LOL LOL.
Russia, totally gone case & game over now.

all these moronic comie dogs & their communist source of rubbish.
Look at stock, property, bond, currency & economy, US still as strong, still can hike rate few more rounds this yr. 
look at china below, all the above indicator all crashing hard now, investment & job all pull out at super fast speed now, RMB today hit low of 6.76 now, yet ccp block their people from migrating & transfer money out by authority unlike US & all democratic world, you have full say about yourself, your asset & control over your freedom & right. If china people can migrate & transfer fund, RMB likely collapse now, LOL LOL.

(25-04-2022, 12:12 PM)kokee Wrote:  today HSI down to around 20000 & SSE plunges to around 3000 now.
SSE plunges >60% from their peak, HSI compared to Dow, down like crazy in last few yrs.
china property dive straight down across whole china today, more story if follow this thread.
RMB just  started to meltdown from 6.3+ to 6.5+ last few days, more to come.
chna foreign reserved already in negative, debt burst everywhere in china today.



this Kee Wee clown is the one that CNA featured with all the fake ancient bronze antiques...............LOL

maybe it's Lau Jac in disguise !!

not correct ahead of the curve
all countries must suffer inflation first b4 they take real measures to protect themselves sending Dola to return to America

sgbuffett Wrote:I have watched the whole video and find it interesting.
However, it is not accurate.

It is slightly anti US. And parts of it is selected from various US think tanks' report to claim US has a deliberate plan against China. These are not official policy and there are numerous such think tanks reports published saying US can gain advantage if it sabo thus country and that. Some are nationalist, right wing, anti china or anti Russia etc hence they hatch all sorts of ideas. The US allows many such unofficial organisations we should not take them seriously. In US there are organisations that claim Biden cheated in 2020 elections or Trump is q Russian puppet etc.

I partially agree with your view as that is what I felt too. But USA is also definitely capable of such policies based on its track record through the last century.

sgbuffett Wrote:He also speculate the digital Yuan is to undermine US$ hegemony.  Which is far fetched.

I don't think the digital Yuan is used to undermine USD hegemony. At least not from China's side. However USA does consider it as a threat. USD is very important to USA continuing its standard of living off the backs of the rest of the world. Any threat however small has to be dealt with, based on USA's record in the last half century.

sgbuffett Wrote:At some point he insinuate Japan may be the good guys in WW2 and had good reason to fight war due to sanctions imposed by USA. If you go and check US imposed sanctions and blocked the Panama canel because Japan expanded into Indochina. Its like saying Russia has right to start WW3 because US and EU imposed sanctions against it.

That's another part that I also disagreed with him. Because Japan did not start the war because of the sanctions. The war was already started. I think what he was trying to say was that Japan bombed Pearl Harbor because of the sanctions.

sgbuffett Wrote:Further into the video the narrative becomes more nonsensical predicting hot war between China and USA.  This is not going to happen for the simple fact that both are nuclear powers. Just like Russia now is engaging in atrocities and killings but US and NATO nations are doing nothing direct as they want to avoid war.

I agree that the chance of a nuclear war is low. But the chance of a hot war contained in Asia, specifically Taiwan is quite probable. It really depends on what are the moves of Taiwan and USA. They decide.

About EU and USA not fighting the war with Russia and not wanting the war. That's partly right and partly wrong. EU does not want the war. EU wins if there is no war and loses if there is one. USA, however, wins either way considering all the pros and cons. About not fighting in the war. I think it was right in their plans all along, at least in USA's plans. Let the Ukrainians be the cannon fodder while launching a massive propaganda machine to whitewash what actually happened since 1990 and paint Russia and Russians as evil.

sgbuffett Wrote:There are many problems with US$ being a reserve currency and abuse of its special fiat status by printing money. But that doesn't mean the world economies will switch to Yuan. The reason is all top 20 richest economies are democracies and will never accept the currency of communist country as the main currency for find itself under economic dominance of communists - this is just common sense.

The common sensical way is to have as many currencies as possible as the currency for trade. Not just one currency such as USD, or EUR, or JPY, or ruble or RMB etc. The main thing is to reduce the reliance on any single currency. But this common sensical approach is a problem to USA. USA needs the USD to be the MAIN currency because that is the only way AFAIK for it to appease its own population and keep its standard of living due to the way its financial, social and political systems etc are structured.

But this is easier said than done. This Dr Tan guy stated that USD took 3 decades to replace the sterling. He stated that USD could be replaced in a shorter time than that. I am not that optimistic as USA will do its best to prevent that from happening. And even if RMB became one of the trading currency it is still far from ideal as the ideal situation is to have several currencies as the trading currency with not one currency being used in more than 20% of the trades.

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