
cannot imagine now the speed of foreign investment & factories pulling out of china, better be fast, when sanction starts, likely cant get back anything.
global is going to freeze all china oversea asset in US$Trillion, likely china will also confiscate all foreign asset in china, still wait for what?
china try to dump as many of their foreign asset now to avoid frozen, but personal will never want to transfer back instead all now want to transfer all their asset out of china now but kena banned.
same to military, china kena isolated now all rounded & surrounded from all sides including russia & india.
let see who is faster, once trigger, all write off & wipe out.

继东盟后,美国拉日韩重组产业链,中国经济在孤立中加速恶化 !中国年轻人失业率接近20%,远超欧美 !富人和中产都在移民,逃离上海!


So, when is China going to collapse?  Thinking  Rotfl

this dog cityhantam use when is china collapse here>300x, already reply 10x but this dog is like that, totally shameless to tell lie to con to brainwash. Yet got morons here kena brainwash or con.
so reply or answer for what? dogs forever bark whether fact or truth are there, they dont care everything here as no one can do anything to their lies, they lie in almost 100% of their posts & threads.
lies exposed? they continue same lie, dont bother, human? chinese? chinese culture? chinese not shameful with all these immoral or no integrity or dignity? no shame no nothing, worse than dog.

Kokee, how come your beloved Ms Sai is  really like SAI? 

這波543死 陳時中:控制得宜蔡英文躲524天為投票現身? 新聞大白話 20220522

(23-05-2022, 09:48 AM)kokee Wrote:  this dog cityhantam use when is china collapse here>300x, already reply 10x but this dog is like that, totally shameless to tell lie to con to brainwash. Yet got morons here kena brainwash or con.
so reply or answer for what? dogs forever bark whether fact or truth are there, they dont care everything here as no one can do anything to their lies, they lie in almost 100% of their posts & threads.
lies exposed? they continue same lie, dont bother, human? chinese? chinese culture? chinese not shameful with all these immoral or no integrity or dignity? no shame no nothing, worse than dog.

all these comie dogs here agree with what I wrote above as these are what they are ding here 7/24.
they guard this forum 7/24, cityhantam spend >16hr/day here, 365 days/yr for >10 yrs now since previous forum.
they just keep spam to brainwash, bochap exposed or lies, as long as got morons kena brainwash, they will lie more.
same as, the more you expose, the more they spam, norm, ba & more morons hook.

china today almost totally isolated from the world now, whether is recent aean-US in white house or biden in korea & japan now.
Europe & all the surrounding country of china, india, even russia, only brainless cannot see due to their heart is blind.
both economy & military.

Quad Summit 2022: Focus will be China's aggression against Taiwan

(22-05-2022, 05:17 AM)kokee Wrote:  biden met with asean leader in white house 1-2 weeks ago, now in korea/japan to discuss on china in both economy & military.
as above, action expedite now.



Kokee, true or not?


Isolated militarily may be but isolated economically?? Mai xiao la. You forgot to take medicine today?

Kokee, Taiwan auntie said USA going to mati liao!  Rotfl

【完整版下集20220522】美股恐慌超越疫情期間 美國經濟真將步入衰退? TVBS文茜的世界財經周報 20220522

above comie communist total fake liar, 寒梅, look at the shit & evil face, you know this lady is a total liar, said many times yet comie dogs keep spamming her rubbish, same to all the few communist videos commonly used by cityhantam, fake & lies.

all the supply chain in china today flow back to asean & india is nothing. In 90s before transfer to china, all these manufacturing & supply chain already in asean, once out of china this time, will never go back to china in next 50-100 yrs.
the whole supply chain globally, korea, japan, Europe, US & all the advanced country will transfer out of china.




Is the War Between China and The West Inevitable?


Is the US Too Poor Or Biden Too Frugal?

dumbest moronic FLG clown insane dog here, Kokee, posting LIES and FAKE NEWS  everyday !  Rotfl

said many time, who rule semicon & IC, who rule future world.
US & taiwan has the technology & control all the advanced equipment & process.
china has nothing, look at huawei today, you know china is totally out of IC race.
ASML & EUV are under US, IC material control by japan, process by taiwan, they form alliance for future IC development now & future.
china want to steal? no way.



(23-05-2022, 12:51 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  dumbest moronic FLG clown insane dog here, Kokee, posting LIES and FAKE NEWS  everyday !  Rotfl

quad summit now happening in japan, all 4 country leaders are there.
india, australia, japan & US join hands in military in this part  of the world to deal with china, in all spaces, including land, sea air & space.
eventually all US alliances will surround china including aesan & russia.

QUAD Summit 2022: Indian PM Modi arrives in Japan, will attend diplomatic and community interactions

QUAD Summit 2022: QUAD to launch new maritime initiative


due to covid lock down, china support russia in ukraine war, globally start to pull out & sanction china.
Like russia, china economy & military isolate from the west & globally.
No more technology transfer & critical parts & equipment stop selling to china.
how bad is china property & economy crashing in last few months, whole world know well.

從好萊塢到製造業 更多美企正與中國脫鉤


(10-06-2022, 07:13 PM)kokee Wrote:  globally cut off tie with china eventually is the best.

中國市場吸引力逐漸下降 多家韓企退出中國


as above, not only korea, Europe, japan & almost all democratic country in this world will isolate china eventually.
china is only with the axis of evil of the world, russia, NK, Iran & all these, comie dogs here lick china & russia like crazy dogs here 7/24 & try to destroy the world including everyone here.
Russia try to crash world food supply today, then nukes, china? all these moronic supporters here.
whole world must  cut off production rely on china totally.

建立新世界工廠 美國積極降低對中國依賴!



more & more china alliances abandon & attack china now.
next likely to be russia.
china will be isolated, the way their foreign affair behalf & betray, all their lies & never keep to commitment, no delivery of what they said, still got morons believe all the ccp china shit today? real brainless.




[Image: B43-A1783-F8-E5-48-A0-9-DB2-F5-C72-F55499-A.png]

Sources from Falun Gong evil cults power hor
Moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts hor

china will be isolated from the rest of the world like Iran, russia eventually.
china has to closed door fast now before their people influenced by outside world about democratic, personal freedom & vote for right, govt of the people & govt is just a servant of the people. ccp must ensure their people still brainwash by their propaganda & serve as slavery for them, all comie dogs here is helping these evil & use force to live in fear & be slaves like in shanghai covid lock down mode.
till the world sanction china like russia.



china is isolating from the free world & join the evil russia, Iran & NK.



[Image: 4842219-D-C114-4-B27-B57-C-781-B59987-FFA.gif]

(13-06-2022, 09:40 AM)kokee Wrote:  In shangri-la meeting, US, japan & korea alliance is clear, now Europe also join in US alliance against china, plus india & vietnam? next is russia?

after shangri-la meeting, US, japan & korea plus australia & most democratic country in this region are align in military against china in taiwan straits.
Now Europe also join into US together with NATO force.


now even india & vietnam form alliance in military, deal with who? not obvious.
Not only in military, economy sanction & isolation i even worse.
china dare to go to war with all the surrounding, all attack at once?

India Vietnam Defence agreement


吃一顆根本不怕缺糧  Laughing

[Image: iaxiUu9TAHn8WkmXhmIjSrdaumOe1SZ15pGGCafs...1024-nd-v1]



taiwan build very strong & closed military alliance with US now.
comie dogs sure bark not scared, nothing to worry, who scared & who worry, taiwan F carec & all ready, taiwan own made missile to hit beijing, shanghai & all coastal city, no one care, fight? come!!!

台美國安高層戰略對話將啟動 顧立雄率團與會




大陸年輕人薪資水平"一問差了20倍"! 土耳其老闆吐槽:"這個價碼"想請人想得美 |中天朋友圈 @中天新聞 @寒國人

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