Why the deferment policy is unfair and many elites are beneficiary of the unfairness

I watched the parliamentary session on the matter.

This is what the minister said.

[Image: BbdljxY.jpg]

A sports man or musician career span is very short. The best years are gone quickly. If they are not able to defer NS their career suffer irreparable damage. If that is the person's main talent is dreams are gone forever.

If all of us have to sacrifice ...then there should no exceptions except those who are sick. I it should be equitable.

Why then are so many MP who were govt scholars such aa President scholars and SAF scholars allowed to defer the NS. Why can't they serve NS first then go for their studies like every one else.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

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