Biden Likely To Leave Saudi Arabia With No Oil Supply
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Biden condemned MBS as pariah!  Rotfl
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A reporter shouted at Biden...


MBS in charge.

that's very rude, low eq and no principle


为什么美国媒体那么在意拜登有没有和沙特王储握手?刚刚看了一段台湾节目,看专家们的专业评论,稀里哗啦的。。。竟然连“穆斯林有多么忌讳”什么的都说出来了! 唉~


为什么不能握手?因为Pariah的原意,就是“不可碰触者”,连影子都碰不得! 就这么简单,大叔去年聊印度那集就已经说过了,叔友们可千万别被台专们“砖”了噢。

all these comie dogs here, especially the thread start, a total stir shit dog in this forum.
Who F care of biden leave saudi or oil supply, he is there to meet Israel & set up I2U2.
OIl price down to $90 now, spore petrol before discount below $3 now, more to come.
oil supply or price, fact & truth is there, no need comie dogs here so spam lies  stir shit day & night!

(17-07-2022, 09:58 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  Why does the American media care so much about whether Biden shook hands with the Saudi crown prince? I just watched a Taiwanese program and saw the professional comments of the experts. . . He even said "how taboo Muslims are"! Alas~

Uncle Yamano added that the word " Pariah " used by Biden is derived from Sanskrit, Hindi, Bengali and Tamil, etc., all of which are the same , but in the Tamil context, it is regarded as a swear word with humiliating meaning, because this proper noun of the caste system was used to define southerners including Tamils in the early days, which means "untouchables", Has nothing to do with Islam.

Why can't we shake hands? Because the original meaning of Pariah is "the untouchable", not even the shadow! It's as simple as that. Uncle said it in the episode of India last year. Uncles and friends, don't be "bricked" by the Taiwan experts Oh.

Bankrupt loser kokee 

Who let the slave kokee out woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof 

Brainless kokee


天天硬事2214期—01 沙特表示和中国合作是正当权利,美国拜登高喊阻止中俄进入中东其实是个美国国内新闻 02 美国本福德号再次硬闯南海岛礁,中国海事机构进驻南海,南海军演未来可能日常化

No one would like to be in Biden's shoe now...

Seen as hypocrite, a liar, a con man and a backstabber.

Worst is even his democratic party member also look him no up..

(17-07-2022, 02:14 PM)Manthink Wrote:  No one would like to be in Biden's shoe now...

Seen as hypocrite, a liar, a con man and a backstabber.

Worst is even his democratic party member also look him no up..

Very sure Biden will not only lose midterm election in Nov but also 2024 election….Trump wants to run for presidency in 2024, however he might get stuck in legal cases. anyway he is also no good.

(17-07-2022, 02:36 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  Very sure Biden will not only lose midterm election in Nov but also 2024 election….Trump wants to run for presidency in 2024, however he might get stuck in legal cases. anyway he is also no good.

Assmerica is full of old and  rotten politicians fighting to be president!  Rotfl

On the day when Biden left, the Saudi said opening up international flights over the Kingdom has "nothing to do with diplomatic ties with Israel"..

This is like slap in the face on the POTUS.

its another growing  sign the US as lost its last remaining influence on a Middle East "partner" that for decades depend on the USD to export oil.

(17-07-2022, 02:36 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  Very sure Biden will not only lose midterm election in Nov but also 2024 election….Trump wants to run for presidency in 2024, however he might get stuck in legal cases. anyway he is also no good.

Biden's latest overseas trip looks to be his growing list of disaster since becoming POTUS...

He talks about "Democracy vs Autocracy" -  Yet he is desperate for help from the non-democratic Islamic kingdom. Rolleyes


拜熱臉貼冷屁股失控 澳洲太把自己當根蔥? 新聞大白話 20220717 (字幕版)

Just now our mainstream media already show , the Saudi Foreigner affair minister mention NO OIL deal etc mention.

(17-07-2022, 11:42 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote:  Just now our mainstream media already show , the Saudi Foreigner affair minister mention NO OIL deal etc mention.

Saudi doesn’t give Biden face, his trip fails.

(18-07-2022, 12:14 AM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:  Saudi doesn’t give Biden face, his trip fails.

Saudi all along don't have good tie with USA.

真 人间奇闻!沙特在拜登离开后把唯一可能是成果的以列色问题也一脚踢翻,沙特追赶者羞辱拜登,拜登此行结仇是唯一成绩,这外交做的......

美國戰略收縮失敗, 北京勢力深入 拜登將失去中東 2022 0718

Already lost Middle East and South America.

He left only 2 years.
who stll F care him?

All the respect gone after Afgan big escape.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

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《有報天天讀》拜登中東行 2目標都落空 Biden's Middle East Trip:fails on oil and security

Look like Joe will b sacked soon by Mr Globalist

not effective /Bo-cow-Hiong become
K-may-Utiao like sriLanka Gotama

Gobalist looking for new set of beri Hiong
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-07-18-22-17-16.png]

【白宫義见】搭专机紧跟拜登沙特行,我洞悉了拜登沿路必谈中国原因#chingyichang #张经义


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