My experience using low cost Endowus platform so far....

Started putting a fixed amount to invest every month.
Initially I crested my own mix of UT but I found what their robot recommended did much better than myself so I switch in March to the robot.

The return so far annualised is 17%.(time weighted)

The 3  columns  are from start, YTD and 1 month.
[Image: 0homW1w.jpg]
[Image: NBrvlC5.jpg]

The other robot advisor o  the market by Syfe has down side protection and that was tested in the March 2020 plunge and based on accounts of those with exposure during that period it performed well and got investors back in to benefit from the subsequent upside.

These startups are helping to transform the  investment for retirement landscape giving very good low cost options vs bank and traditional products.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

Endowus has been trying to change the mindset of many Singaporeans who think of crash and losses whenever people bring up investments.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

Now that you mention Endowus, I visited their office last week. They don't take up a big office space but their founders are well-connected.

But what they and the founder of 1M65 talked about ie S&P 500 is already so high. Those who went during the huge dips in 2020 and earlier this year well and good.... but now coming to end 2021....

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

(04-09-2021, 07:45 PM)p1acebo Wrote:  But what they and the founder of 1M65 talked about ie S&P 500 is already so high.  Those who went during the huge dips in 2020 and earlier this year well and good.... but now coming to end 2021....

You presume market is high so anyone investing now can suffer a crash and lose money.

My comment is this
1. If really uncomfortable can wait for crash then start but history and experience shows that this strategy may not be a good one as market has as much chance of going higher from here. One is best taking the attitude that market cannot be predicted.

2. The simple hassle free to buy regularly through crash and crisis not stopping is best one for ordinary investors to follow. It takes out the guesswork and often people are bad at guessing.

3. Diversify across time and geography. If US don't do well there is rest of the world IWDA is best for long term

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(04-09-2021, 07:56 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  You presume market is high so anyone investing now can suffer a crash and lose money.

My comment is this
1. If really uncomfortable can wait for crash then start but history and experience shows that this strategy may not be a good one as market has as much chance of going higher from here. One is best taking the attitude that market cannot be predicted.

2. The simple hassle free to buy regularly through crash and crisis not stopping is best one for ordinary investors to follow. It takes out the guesswork and often people are bad at guessing.

3. Diversify across time and geography. If US don't do well there is rest of the world IWDA is best for long term

Another alternative is to do DCA....

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

(04-09-2021, 07:30 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  Now that you mention Endowus, I visited their office last week. They don't take up a big office space but their founders are well-connected.

They seem to the finest young people with knowledge experience and the passion to want to do good.

They are very well educatied and the research they have done is very sound not like  some people guessing and assuming. I actually learned alot from the data they collected which was extensive....and over multi decades.

This video has alot of stats and data to discuss why retirement funds should always be invested.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(04-09-2021, 08:01 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  They seem to the finest young people with knowledge experience and the passion to want to do good.

They are very well educatied and the research they have done is very sound not like  some people guessing and assuming. I actually learned alot from the data they collected which was extensive....and over multi decades.

This video has alot of stats and data to discuss why retirement funds should always be invested.

Actually you know what. These fintechs could be easily duplicated. Ask yourself, what's stopping another from starting a similar outfit? Their strategies are not rocket-science that there are high barriers of entry.

I think TS only recently got into Endowus. You never see him mentioning Endowus until today Big Grin

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

(04-09-2021, 08:57 PM)p1acebo Wrote:  I think TS only recently got into Endowus.  You never see him mentioning Endowus until today Big Grin

But I don't understand, since he doesn't work for anyone, does he have much cpf to invest? If he's using cash, then there are other options possibly better than endowus.

(04-09-2021, 09:19 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  But I don't understand, since he doesn't work for anyone, does he have much cpf to invest? If he's using cash, then there are other options possibly better than endowus.

Hmm.... sugar mummy? Big Grin

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

What the 1M65 founder advocates is to have 2 baskets. One for DCA and the other ie dry powder for black swan events or severe crisis moments.

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

(04-09-2021, 09:25 PM)p1acebo Wrote:  What the 1M65 founder advocates is to have 2  baskets.  One for DCA and the other ie dry powder for black swan events or severe crisis moments.

That is not the right strategy "most" of the time.

The reason being DCA in itself is quite powerful. The average buying price of DCA over a period is often over than the bottom of a collapse or correction. Hence keeping dry powder leads to poorer returns.

As this concept is counter intuitive read this article DCA is better than God to understand the disadvantage of keeping dry powder.

Waiting for a correction is often suboptimal

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(04-09-2021, 09:19 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  But I don't understand, since he doesn't work for anyone, does he have much cpf to invest? If he's using cash, then there are other options possibly better than endowus.

I work for a period in fast food during which I accumulated CPF once I had enough to start investing I did so. Recentky I sold some tech related unit trust I purchased and held for more than 10yr so there is cash in my CPF for regular investing....

I also receive some funds when I world briefly at a funds company and received bonus.

As I did not buy house and compounded all orwhatbi can invest from my CPF there is money there to be deployed.

In addition j hold stocks paying dividend in my CPF which generate cash also.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

(04-09-2021, 08:54 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  Actually you know what. These fintechs could be easily duplicated. Ask yourself, what's stopping another from starting a similar outfit? Their strategies are not rocket-science that there are high barriers of entry.

Early movers will have advantage once people start journey with a low cost platform they will stay on as the benefit of shift is limited. 

Endowus is one of the early movers and offer unique products like the Djmension(?) Fund.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

Actually would be good for all of us to have regular chit chats on stocks, unit trusts, reits, and robo advisors. equities etc. But most of the folks here prefer to quarrel over china and us and tickle smelly meow meow Laughing

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

(04-09-2021, 09:50 PM)p1acebo Wrote:  Actually would be good for all of us to have regular chit chats on stocks, unit trusts, reits, and robo advisors. equities etc.  But most of the folks here prefer to quarrel over china and us and tickle smelly meow meow Laughing

Any ut you looking at now?

(04-09-2021, 10:25 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  Any ut you looking at now?

Not at the moment.... how about you?  Do you prefer buying specific stocks or a basket of stocks?  Those robo advisors can recommend various portfolios based on your risk profile.

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

(04-09-2021, 11:00 PM)p1acebo Wrote:  Not at the moment.... how about you?  Do you prefer buying specific stocks or a basket of stocks?  Those robo advisors can recommend various portfolios based on your risk profile.

Yah, like what I mentioned, I know somebody who works at endowus and so I visited him in his office last week. He recommended some uts, like the FSSA, fidelity global, one aberdeen one (can't remember the name) and also China 'A' shares (also can't remember the exact name). These are similar to some banks' recommendations but he told me that Endowus offer them at much lower cost. I'm contemplating them but the price's already too high. Not sure if I should wait.

I don't have much CPF as it's already been used to buy a house otherwise could put some in dimension funds.

(04-09-2021, 11:13 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  Yah, like what I mentioned, I know somebody who works at endowus and so I visited him in his office last week. He recommended some uts, like the FSSA, fidelity global, one aberdeen one (can't remember the name) and also China 'A' shares (also can't remember the exact name). These are similar to some banks' recommendations but he told me that Endowus offer them at much lower cost. I'm contemplating them but the price's already too high. Not sure if I should wait.

I don't have much CPF as it's already been used to buy a house otherwise could put some in dimension funds.

You’re not looking at the S&P 500 then?

Some folks too would argue that using cash to pay for housing is better as cash is sitting in your bank earning a measly amount eg 0.05% but your cpf OA is 2.5%

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

(04-09-2021, 11:16 PM)p1acebo Wrote:  You’re not looking at the S&P 500 then?

Some folks too would argue that using cash to pay for housing is better as cash is sitting in your bank earning a measly amount eg 0.05% but your cpf OA is 2.5%

In the model that's generated by Endowus, S&P 500 is one of those recommended, together with dimension funds (for developed and developing markets).

Yah, I'm not sure if I made a mistake in my housing payment. I paid for my HDB in full using my CPF and cash, that's why I've very little CPF. I thought I want to give myself the assurance that at least my house is fully paid for so I don't have to worry about any loans. I'm a person who don't like to take loans. 

For cash, some already invested in some stocks but they're not doing well at the moment.

(04-09-2021, 07:18 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Started putting a fixed amount to invest every month.
Initially I crested my own mix of UT but I found what their robot recommended did much better than myself so I switch in March to the robot.

The return so far annualised is 17%.(time weighted)

The 3  columns  are from start, YTD and 1 month.
[Image: 0homW1w.jpg]
[Image: NBrvlC5.jpg]

The other robot advisor o  the market by Syfe has down side protection and that was tested in the March 2020 plunge and based on accounts of those with exposure during that period it performed well and got investors back in to benefit from the subsequent upside.

These startups are helping to transform the  investment for retirement landscape giving very good low cost options vs bank and traditional products.

Which fund did you go for?

(05-09-2021, 11:34 AM)debster Wrote:  Which fund did you go for?

Global one. I have decided to stick to it.
LionGlobal Infinity Global Stock Index

This is an illustration of your goal. We ran 1,000 simulations to determine your range of possible outcomes in the future, net of all fees. It is based on your current investment value, pending transactions and future recurring transactions working towards this goal.

[Image: pWZT437.jpg]

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

Folks here want to bash each other over usa and tiongkok issues, quarrel over covid, ceca or want to smell meow meow. Few talk stocks n shares Laughing

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

TS please revive your thread leh Big Grin

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

All TS funds in Endowus must be falling in tandem Big Grin

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

(19-09-2021, 09:06 AM)p1acebo Wrote:  All TS funds in Endowus must be falling in tandem Big Grin

hi i dont spend 1s worrying abt drops or celebrating rise of my endowus account as it is for long term
if market collapse next week even better as i get to compound from lower base..

why 90% of investors lose money when no major index lose $$ for 20yr period is their wrong mindset in investing.

to make moneyusing endowus for retirement change mindset stop worrying about near term and let dollar cost averaging do its magic.
one just need to stick with the plan....

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

I already mentioned DCA earlier Big Grin

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

in long term everything will be good, so dun worry

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