Kokee, dared not confirm? Canadian GENERAL and more in Ukraine?

(29-07-2022, 05:14 PM)kokee Wrote:  russia army totally scared of Ukraine army now!
all injury russia army, almost all never want to recover & back to ukraine to fight! almost 130k of them, LOL LOL
well done, zelensky!!

The Russian soldiers have surrendered! Breaking news for Russia! 

The Russian Army is afraid of Ukraine! The Audio Recordings Have Been Leaked!

more than 40k of russia army & general died in Ukraine war now.

40k of russia army & generals died in Ukraine war now, easily 125k of russia army in serious injury & died today!
where is all the rubbish chechen or NK army? comie dogs here bark lies for fun?
russia & putin cannot fight now due to shortage of army & weapons!!

Putin’s Losses From The Ukraine Invasion Have Been Announced!



(30-07-2022, 07:23 PM)kokee Wrote:  more than 40k of russia army & general died in Ukraine war now.

40k of russia army & generals died in Ukraine war now, easily 125k of russia army in serious injury & died today!
where is all the rubbish chechen or NK army? comie dogs here bark lies for fun?
russia & putin cannot fight now due to shortage of army & weapons!!

Putin’s Losses From The Ukraine Invasion Have Been Announced!


Bankrupt loser kokee howling jealous 

Who let the slave kokee out woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof 


National scum Shameless bankrupt Pitiful jealous kokee howling scare panic desperate

【正常發揮PiMW上】拜登為政治紅利 拿「死亡軍火之王」跟俄換囚 普丁笑了:想得美? @正常發揮 20220728完整版上

美軍戰俘“招供”!頓涅茨克受審美軍承認自己為美國防部 中情局工作 美總統拜登要求俄軍釋放安迪.黃 德魯克


俄羅斯通知美國認領美籍僱傭兵遺體!美國援助烏克蘭NASAMS防空導彈 英國無人掃雷艇部署敖德薩 烏軍哈爾科夫軍政長官宣布從哈爾科夫大規模撤離平民 俄軍空襲斯拉維揚斯克烏軍總部大樓 巴赫穆特南部已被包圍

烏軍空降兵250人突襲核電站!俄軍擊斃47人包括10名美僱傭兵擊沉20艘快艇 俄軍出動4架蘇-30戰機 2架卡-52直升機摧毀烏軍登陸預備隊及登陸大本營

(30-08-2022, 11:06 AM)kokee Wrote:  globally probably has problem in recruiting army but unlike russia army, fight till refuse to fight, flee & run road by themselves in Ukraine war!
same to china 1 child policy, send to killing field like Ukraine? almost  50k of russia army died now, almost 150k seriously injured! well done!

Afraid to Fight, Russian Soldiers have Fled Kharkiv Front!

Great damage to Russian Army! Ukrainian Army Killed 46,600 Russian Soldiers!

russia & putin, both economy & military already lost till pantless now!
russia already shot of army, russia army wither run road or surrender to Ukraine now!

whole world know russia lost till pantless now, both economy & military!
almost no army to fight now, even russia drill with china also no army to support now! LOL LOL!
all these liars here bark 1 lied thread want to turn result around & 1 thread can kill few 100k or millions of ukraine army! hahaa!
all these totally shameless comie liars & their brainless supporters here!
almost 1000 high rank russia general & soldiers killed in Ukraine war!
ton of russia army raise white flag & surrender recently! 

A Major Blow to the Russian Army! 900 High Ranking Russian Soldiers Killed!



(04-09-2022, 10:29 AM)kokee Wrote:  russia 

俄羅斯通知美國認領美籍僱傭兵遺體!美國援助烏克蘭NASAMS防空導彈 英國無人掃雷艇部署敖德薩 烏軍哈爾科夫軍政長官宣布從哈爾科夫大規模撤離平民 俄軍空襲斯拉維揚斯克烏軍總部大樓 巴赫穆特南部已被包圍

烏軍空降兵250人突襲核電站!俄軍擊斃47人包括10名美僱傭兵擊沉20艘快艇 俄軍出動4架蘇-30戰機 2架卡-52直升機摧毀烏軍登陸預備隊及登陸大本營

美軍抵達烏格勒達爾!進攻馬立波烏軍開始清除地雷 俄國防部長紹伊古首次表態俄軍烏克蘭表現行動準確 稱職 車臣卡德羅夫再組建3個特戰營3180人派往烏克蘭 美中情局已將馬立波兵力部署情報與基輔分享

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