解放軍包圍“蘇澳港”活捉蔡英文!東部戰區發布解放軍台蘇澳港演習畫面 解放軍距花蓮只有不到6公里 中國向全世界宣誓主權 美國布林卡重申不支持台獨 解放軍轟6飛越台灣演練定點清除“台獨”份子
(06-08-2022, 01:55 PM)kokee Wrote: china people & 5 cts are ashamed of china & xi now! WTF, can only bark, totally useless, worse than paper tiger like little kitten!
watch below video, china is super malu over pelosi visit.
even more malu after pelosi left!
(06-08-2022, 03:45 PM)kokee Wrote: now china lost all face with pelosi come & go elegancely!Bankrupt loser kokee howling jealous
pelosi show the world china is useless, not trustable, lies & BS, not reliable, balless coward & ignore it!
also taiwan IC technology is leading the world, the world need taiwan more than china cheap labour for now! abandon china cheap labour & market, also 1 china policy, the world grow with taiwan!
ban taiwan product? my foot, as above, why not china stop all taiwan IC now? this will collapse china immediately!
china definitely lost face till no more face in the world today!
pelosi totally tear off the idiot face & chna is totally unreliable & trustable at all!
even inside china people feel the same, bark only, forever no action! winnie is totally balless & will continue to be, that is why I hope winnie can continue to be china president!
(06-08-2022, 03:45 PM)kokee Wrote: now china lost all face with pelosi come & go elegancely!
pelosi show the world china is useless, not trustable, lies & BS, not reliable, balless coward & ignore it!
also taiwan IC technology is leading the world, the world need taiwan more than china cheap labour for now! abandon china cheap labour & market, also 1 china policy, the world grow with taiwan!
ban taiwan product? my foot, as above, why not china stop all taiwan IC now? this will collapse china immediately!
china definitely lost face till no more face in the world today!
pelosi totally tear off the idiot face & chna is totally unreliable & trustable at all!
even inside china people feel the same, bark only, forever no action! winnie is totally balless & will continue to be, that is why I hope winnie can continue to be china president!
(07-08-2022, 11:02 AM)kokee Wrote: all the lost face by china.
pelosi visit, before, during & after taiwan visit, all the BS by china!
also china drill, 3 days end in 3 hours & more laugh!
china drill even use animation to con china people? this liar has no base line totally! china warship in hualian? LOL LOL!
8.6 【中南海大輸家!】中共處理佩洛西訪台醜態百出,成為國際笑柄,胡錫進攬炒習近平成為大輸家!
(06-08-2022, 10:46 AM)kokee Wrote: china today become the enemy of the world!
china is getting desperate as the country economy sinking super fast! banks run, property crash, debt burst!
pelosi visit taiwan is a great event to make the trigger point of china against the world! really shameful, lost face in front of the world & their own people!
more country visit taiwan & recognized taiwan as a country, the more china will distance from the rest of the world.
hooligan, greedy, evil, deserve it!
(07-08-2022, 03:06 PM)kokee Wrote: 天下圍共
whole world is going to cut off tie with china, if whole world sanction china like russia, frozen global asset & SWIFT will be super nice!
from now on,G7 & G20 & whole world will visit taiwan as a country, will skip beijing & china, only those poor & bankrupt african or OBOR or BRICs, go ahead, who F care!
cold war or demoratic against communism dictatorship world is good!