Never in human history has any Country Behaved Like China Today

[size=11][/url][size=11][b]Swee Ming Cheah
Why do white people say the Chinese are trying to take over the planet when Europeans are the ones that actually forcibly took over more than 85% of the entire planet by force with the help of stolen gunpowder from Chinese traders?

Well, to answer your question in the simplest way possible:
  • Never in human history has any Country Behaved Like China Today.
    • It does not rob, steal or convert anybody.
    • It leaves you alone — your politics, your problem.
    • It helps you build important infrastructue so your people can afford to buy what China manufactures.
    • It offers you real HELP without the usual IMF, World Bank requirements.
    • West only understand take, rob and pillage.
    • Do you think the west would be able to become as rich as they are, today, without robbing, taking and subjucating others?
    • China was carved up by the eight powers (see Qing Dynasty, Opium Wars)
    • There was even a movie: 55 Days In Peking on the incident.
  • But, China does not seek revenge.
    • Instead, it offers its hand of friendship.
    • To China, everybody is a friend.
    • For example US blocked China from participating in its Space Station.
    • China went on to develop their own.
    • Now China is offering US the opportunity to join them.
    • It is the same story with GPS. US threatened to switch off GPS from China.
    • China went on to develop the Beidou system which is even more accurate than GPS (accurate to one meter). GPS is more than 10 meters (30 feet)
    • Computer chips — same story…
    • HuaWei, also same story.
    • So how will the West understand the political philosophy of China?

This is not the way of the west!
  • China does not impose its will on the people of any country. Your way is fine. No issues.
    • The belt and road initiative is a great example.
  • Future historians will look back at this and shake their heads.
    • If only the West had properly understood China.
    • Things could have been so peaceful and easy for all — quite unlike the gloomy inflation (and potential economic downturns) we are all facing, today.
  • I believe the West simply cannot believe any country can be as gentlemenly and benevolent as China.
    • Future historians will certainly rue this sad fact.

The future of our planet may well depend on your decision to do so.

(14-07-2022, 10:45 AM)kokee Wrote:  spy, steal, norm, whole world know!!
yet shamelessly lies & boost to the world & brainwash their slavery!!
like all comie dogs here post all the BS using communist sources of fake & lies 7/24 here!!


as above, china dont invent any modern technology, so all is either steal, copycat, reversed engineering, whole world most copy right infringement country is china! real thief of almost everything in the world today shamelessly!

above comie dog bark lies from ass no need evidence or support! all BS!
china is the most lied & BS country as they bochap all truth & fact, only censored & twist to fit their propaganda to brainwash slavery!
no freedom & human right, whole world know, look at the way they treat covid patient like criminal & the way they handled human like animal!
lawless dictatorship rely on force! dont talk about xinjiang camp, HK 50 yrs unchanged system, tibet dalai lama & ton more with neighboring country & suc.k OBOR dry dry!
ton more!

(04-07-2022, 10:35 AM)kokee Wrote:  below is 2 most popular speakers in HK.
ccp china dont keep to their promise, a total liar. To date what he said is fully confirmed, he is totally right about ccp china.
He gone thru with ccp & know ccp from core, ccp is a total liar, same to all comie dogs in this forum.



You forgot jenpun raped and killed your ancestors?

the west is afraid of China's rise. but what about their running dogs who bark nonstop? they aso afraid? no amlj to kum?
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(15-08-2022, 09:44 AM)Bigbluedot Wrote:  You forgot jenpun raped and killed your ancestors?

Kokee's mother are came from New Delhi, thats why he dont care

(25-06-2022, 05:46 AM)kokee Wrote:  a nice interview.
Frank, truth & fact.
Informative with real facts.




why like that?
how many 100 millions china people died in 60s & 70s?
why china tanks roll in 1989 to china university students? when fight with india border last yr only throw stone?
rape? mao? sleep with how many woman? ton more? LOL LOL!

(15-08-2022, 12:05 PM)kokee Wrote:  why like that?
how many 100 millions china people died in 60s & 70s?
why china tanks roll in 1989 to china university students? when fight with india border last yr only throw stone?
rape? mao? sleep with how many woman? ton more? LOL LOL!

[Image: 4-AF24-AB3-7-C16-46-B5-80-E6-57-A78861-EFCF.jpg]
Everybody’s know you are moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts 

Moronic kokee still preaching Falun Gong hor very evil and very dark one

Rise of Asia is the next big trend.
Dont be fooled by the West.
It is unstoppable.

China,Korea and Japan need to cooperate first. Big Grin

They need to bury the hatchet, otherwise no way they can stay united to bring prosperity to Asia.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

Yes. A country afraid to even report what is the labour force. Afraid West becoming aware of the country's achievement and strength or afraid of letting own people know what will happen to the future economy?

[Image: Screenshot-2022-08-15-111826.jpg]



[Image: AVv-Xs-Eg-U-s-GSh5-1j-Bkm0b-Cx-Td-DB4mr-...Uqn-Qh.png]


(15-08-2022, 12:07 PM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:  [Image: 4-AF24-AB3-7-C16-46-B5-80-E6-57-A78861-EFCF.jpg]
Everybody’s know you are moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts 

Moronic kokee still preaching Falun Gong hor very evil and very dark one

Moronic Kokee Cok loves to post FAKE NEWS and LIES from Falun Gong Cult!  Rotfl

The Chinese savings rate of 44.9% remains high by global standards, and it was a significant factor in China's economic growth.

The savings rate measures the share of gross disposable income that is not used by households in final consumption expenditure. It is defined as household savings divided by (unadjusted) gross disposable income.

There's a concerted effort to discredit China and the Chinese by the Western media.
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(15-08-2022, 12:52 PM)Alice Alicia Wrote:  There's a concerted effort to discredit China and the Chinese by the Western media.

Some of them are in this forum!

More lies about China colonizing Africa, by the west.

....  at about 45 percent of GDP China’s savings rate is among the highest in the world—its largely state-dominated banking system alone has accumulated assets worth almost US$50 trillion.

(15-08-2022, 09:21 AM)CHAOS Wrote:  Whole lots of bullshit

Worst country ever to export virus, criminals and whores to the rest of the world

Laughter-13  Laughter-13


(15-08-2022, 01:06 PM)ROFLMAO Wrote:  Worst country ever to export virus, criminals and whores to the rest of the world

Your description fits USA perfectly!   Thumbsup


U.S. deployed over 200 military biological laboratories across the world

Seattle Business District - Aurora Ave Street Scenes at Sunset

UN expert: 'Color revolution' precipitates Russia-Ukraine conflict

(15-08-2022, 12:37 PM)teaserteam Wrote:  一出生就欠银行一屁股债又没能力还债的国家能好到那里去

[Image: AVv-Xs-Eg-U-s-GSh5-1j-Bkm0b-Cx-Td-DB4mr-...Uqn-Qh.png]

Yalor agreeee all the Ang mo dog the way they printing no more future Liao… parasites nation … …their’s future.. boys become robber girls prostitution …Falun Gong kok Kee will become Oh Kui Tao…book mark this threads and come back to witnesses few year’s back.. 



[Image: Screenshot-2022-08-15-124241.jpg]


From the horse mouth...

US to provoke China against Taiwan and blame China for aggression.

(15-08-2022, 12:09 PM)RiseofAsia Wrote:  Rise of Asia is the next big trend.
Dont be fooled by the West.
It is unstoppable.

China,Korea and Japan need to cooperate first. Big Grin

They need to bury the hatchet, otherwise no way they can stay united to bring prosperity to Asia.

Mainly is Japan. Now a porno, anime strawberry nation. Screwed.


In the 60s, US was doing very well. They had since declined. Now, they are good at stirring skills.

Chinese fight a brutal civil war nsd killed each other.

After that they fought in Korean war to try to conquer s. Korea. Many died.

Under Mao, many disastrous decisions that led to famine and death

Having said that not that West is better but they have withdrawn from colonies and give way  for a rule base world order that favor stability of the world.
No doubt they have sinned and come short.

Despite the animosity that China support in Korea and Vietnam caused, the west in the 80s generously allowed China into GATT and later in 2000, the WTO. The west could have treated China like Cuba and Soviet Union but did not. This allowed China opportunity to rise.

Nationalists with their bias view like to paint one sided stories and dig out history to stir hate. They like to dig out episodes like Opium War to stir their people to hate. Just like in the West there will people 10yrs from now who will blame China for the pandemic. ...

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

if they sell opium to you, I guess nobody would hate them too

(15-08-2022, 02:03 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Chinese fright a brutal civil war nsd killed each other.

After that they fought in Korean war to try to conquer s. Korea. Many died.

Under Mao, many disastrous decisions that led tk famine and death

Having said that not that West is better but they have withdrawn from colonies and give for a rule base world order that favor stability of the world.
No doubt they have sinned and come short.

Despite the animosity that China support in Korea and Vietnam caused, the west in the 80s generously allowed China into GATT and later in 2000, the WTO. The west could have treated China like Cuba and Soviet Union but did not. This allow China opportunity to rise.

Nationalists with their bias view like to paint one sided stories and dig out history to stir hate. They like to dig out episodes like Opium War to stir their people to hate. Just like in the West there will people 10yrs from now who will blame China for the pandemic. ...

1. Chiang Kai-Shek was the one who broke the agreement and started to try to wipe out Mao Zedong and the CCP.

2. USA ignored China's warning on 38 parallel and even went on  to bomb North-East China bordering North Korea.

3. Under Chiang Kai-Shek, many more died of war, famine, man-made flood  from Yellow River, etc. Life was like HELL under chiak liao bee and corrupted Chiang Kai-Shek's government.  

4. Success of Mao Zedong and the CCP was due to overwhelming support from the people of China. Even large number of Chiang Kai-Shek's  military officials, including generals, and soldiers abandoned Chiang o join CCP.

5. Vietnam was fighting against colonial rule of France followed by Americans who tried to help the French. China was right t help Vietnam. 

6. China joined WTO after about 15 years of tough negotiations. China gave in a lot also. It has nothing to do with "generosity" of the west. 

7. Pls stop asking people to ignore and forget history!

2. USA ignored China's warning on 38 parallel and even went on  to bomb North-East China bordering North Korea. It is the decision of the US General.

This is the reason why China steps in. North Korea had repeatedly requested for China to step in but China did not step in.

When Japan surrendered to the Allies following the dropping of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II, control of the Korean peninsula passed from Japan to the Americans and the Soviet Union. 

The superpowers chose to divide Korea between themselves at the 38th parallel, which roughly bisected the peninsula. “It didn’t correspond to political, cultural, or terrain boundaries,” Kim says. The Soviets set up a communist government to the North, and the United States helped establish a military government in the South.
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