台灣海峽新常態已經建立? 介文汲:鎖台軍演本身就是戰爭! 楊永明:第一島鏈已經虛化!【Yahoo TV】#風向龍鳳配 字幕版
Pelosi left, aircraft carrier left, Taiwan Island surrounded by PLA!
14-08-2022, 02:01 PM
台灣海峽新常態已經建立? 介文汲:鎖台軍演本身就是戰爭! 楊永明:第一島鏈已經虛化!【Yahoo TV】#風向龍鳳配 字幕版
14-08-2022, 02:09 PM
(09-08-2022, 06:36 PM)kokee Wrote: whatever, there will be no fight or war in taiwan straits!
china is totally useless, no balls, bo LP coward! as normal, bark 3 days, finish in 3 hrs, put up show just to brainwash & con moronic slavery but the whole world laugh at china BS drill like shit!
china know they are totally no match to US & taiwan, once war starts, end of ccp! so china will never start this war 100%, even drill, they are so careful & scared to misfire, missile shoot to sky, hit china also cannot hit taiwan!
can only lies & BS, lost face after lost face, totally shameless dogs! kowtow to the west!
If there is war in taiwan straits, it will be start by US & taiwan when china really cross the red line & give them a best excuse to attack!
china military totally no fight!
china can only rely on steal technology from US & the west in last 50-60 yrs.
not only in military weapons, almost everything in life, just a copy cat, whatever US is doing, they follow like a dog!
but they just leap jump without base, no patent, no copy right, no experience, no core & mindset! yet ccp cannot let their people to have free mind & thinking, must be brainwash to easy to control like robot!
14-08-2022, 02:10 PM
(14-08-2022, 02:09 PM)kokee Wrote: china military totally no fight!Bankrupt loser kokee howling jealous
china can only rely on steal technology from US & the west in last 50-60 yrs.
not only in military weapons, almost everything in life, just a copy cat, whatever US is doing, they follow like a dog!
but they just leap jump without base, no patent, no copy right, no experience, no core & mindset! yet ccp cannot let their people to have free mind & thinking, must be brainwash to easy to control like robot!
Kokee the scumbags
Who let the slave kokee out woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof
Kokee go take medication
National scum Shameless bankrupt Pitiful jealous kokee howling scare panic desperate dog losing the slave kokee
14-08-2022, 11:11 PM
15-08-2022, 01:27 AM
解放軍部署“039C潛艇”封鎖台灣!美國議員訪台 東部戰區出動11架戰機 東海艦隊距台灣500公里部署新型“隱形”潛艇切斷美日增援台灣海上交通路線 美國挑起台海衝突 台灣變炮灰
15-08-2022, 09:48 PM
16-08-2022, 12:56 AM
17-08-2022, 12:43 AM
17-08-2022, 05:44 AM
(14-08-2022, 05:14 PM)kokee Wrote: US carrier sail thru taiwan straits, all china nay & army run road & hide!
this bloody totally useless & balless liar! dare not even fark!
as above, not only US carrrier in taiwan straits, whhole world army also can move around freely in taiwan straits now, where is all the junk & rubbish china navy or army? can only bark like before pelosi arrival, shoot down, guide plane kind of lies, no action, lost face due to lies & mouth only forever, norm to china & all comie dogs here, proven thousands time here & globally, not true? all these doggie supporters here!
who give a shit to china drill, US carrier moving freely in taiwan straits now, where is all the rubbish chin navy or army or jet? my foot!
17-08-2022, 06:02 AM
See what ex-Vice President of Taiwan comment about to have peace rather than go to war with China.
See what ex-Vice President of Taiwan comment about to have peace rather than go to war with China.
17-08-2022, 11:26 AM
天天硬事2322期——01 美国第七舰队司令放出狠话不接受解放军咄咄逼人的行动,解放军飞机每次都来做危险举动 02 美日防长通话强烈谴责中方发射导弹威胁日本的举动,美日韩在夏威夷展现联合演练的信心
17-08-2022, 04:51 PM
17-08-2022, 05:51 PM
解放軍殲-16D與美軍正面交鋒!裴洛西訪台美軍出動咆哮者電子戰機與解放軍電子戰機東海交鋒 解放軍能夠有效壓制台灣空軍及美軍電子戰機
18-08-2022, 12:30 PM
18-08-2022, 08:50 PM
19-08-2022, 09:17 AM
【#真心話大冒險 中集】若兩岸開戰 美國、日本將會出兵協防台灣? 介文汲:別做夢了! 20220816 @中天新聞 @全球大視野
19-08-2022, 12:21 PM
19-08-2022, 12:24 PM
(18-08-2022, 05:56 PM)kokee Wrote: CGTN, globaltimes & ton more ccp media, got morons here believe all their lies & BS? no wonder are morons.
below is real fact & truth about korea, break away from china & join japan & US against china now!!
ccp in panic, all these comie dogs here can only lies to con or brainwash morons here, same to their brainleess supporters!
so is china surround taiwan or taiwan surround china together with the world!
Japanese media exploded in the formation of the US, Japan and Taiwan's "encirclement of China"!
19-08-2022, 12:27 PM
20-08-2022, 06:43 PM
陸戰機遇美隱形戰機險開火?馬來西亞前總理嘲拜登無能 新聞大白話 20220820
21-08-2022, 10:26 AM
天天硬事2337期——01 美国空军部长表示中国大陆在台湾附近的行动具有侵略性,要求中国退回过去的规范当中去 02 美国美联储在会议纪要中增加衰退的风险和加息伤害经济的可能性,美联储开了个十全大补药方
21-08-2022, 12:15 PM
24-08-2022, 06:50 PM
24-08-2022, 06:58 PM
(20-08-2022, 05:38 AM)kokee Wrote: china weapons are total junk, only morons here kena brainwash to believe all their lies 7/24 by communist sources of fake & BS here thru comie dogs here & their supporters!
dont know what shit all these comie dogs lies are!
truth & fact are very clear, ccp china is totally balless & useless to attack or start anything!
totally no fight!
this rubbish know well, bark & no action for 73 yrs, norm! bark & bark to attack thousands times, still barking, no one F care of their drill or fark now! F off!
china, axis of evil of today world!
today US & the whole world together with taiwan surrounding china!
all these moronic comie liars here & their fake & BS!
china surround taiwan? my foot! whole world surround china instead! watch below youtube!
china totally balless & useless to start anyhting in taiwan straits after russia lost till pantless in Ukraine with global help!
below tell you how powerful is US military, china is totally no fight yet still has easily another 40 country behind US & most of these country can take down china easily!
24-08-2022, 07:00 PM
(19-08-2022, 12:27 PM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote:
Moronic kokee your daddy laughs at you cheo kau peng hor
Kokee go take medication
24-08-2022, 10:46 PM
陸隱形轟-20風洞測試曝光?美軍花四兆因航母馬桶不通 新聞大白話 20220824
29-08-2022, 02:40 PM
02-09-2022, 11:33 PM
08-09-2022, 09:42 AM
(24-08-2022, 06:58 PM)kokee Wrote: dont know what shit all these comie dogs lies are!
truth & fact are very clear, ccp china is totally balless & useless to attack or start anything!
totally no fight!
this rubbish know well, bark & no action for 73 yrs, norm! bark & bark to attack thousands times, still barking, no one F care of their drill or fark now! F off!
china, axis of evil of today world!
today US & the whole world together with taiwan surrounding china!
all these moronic comie liars here & their fake & BS!
china surround taiwan? my foot! whole world surround china instead! watch below youtube!
china totally balless & useless to start anyhting in taiwan straits after russia lost till pantless in Ukraine with global help!
below tell you how powerful is US military, china is totally no fight yet still has easily another 40 country behind US & most of these country can take down china easily!
whole world is behind US & against china today!
whole world supporting taiwan against ccp china!
japan said taiwan problem is japan problem!
now philipines also said the same!
welcome US navy to use philipines as base to fight taiwan straits!
korea is nearest to china? LOL LOL!
菲駐美大使:若台海爆衝突 美軍可使用菲律賓基地
08-09-2022, 09:43 AM
220906 -1【蔡英文的噩梦】【废物利用,大陆数千架淘汰的歼击机,被改造成了威力无比的无人机】【寒梅视角】
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