sharexchange: KARMA?

Extreme Drought in Europe and US!

How Talk Cock sidekick shareexchange? Karma? You gleefully screamed karma on China when China experiences drought?

So How? US and Europe how? Karma you not shouting?

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[+] 2 users Like sporeguy's post

Yes all Karma. Very shiok.
[+] 2 users Like Sharexchange's post


he everyday got to collect and lick plates left behind by ahtiongs, a bit unbalanced, so be sympathetic lah
[+] 2 users Like WhatDoYouThink?'s post

(20-08-2022, 07:47 AM)Sharexchange Wrote:  Yes all Karma. Very shiok.

Yr bias...makes u 千古罪人 Laughing

[+] 1 user Likes Niubee's post

Weather changed. One side hot, the other side cold.

Now, Indonesia is very cold. Like Winter.
[+] 1 user Likes theold's post

(20-08-2022, 05:15 AM)kokee Wrote:  already said it, god also sibei tulan ccp china & comie dogs here & their supporters liao! karma & whack it!
smlj lies also bark, smlj evil also do, all these dogs!!

electricity outage, now no water, super hot & warm! factories shut down, lock down, jobless, order cut off, economy collapse, whole country & society in mess! deserve it!



sure, great karma, god also tulan liao!!

no electricity, now no rain & dry, no water soon!
all the water power station stop operating, make electricity shortage more stringent!
with this warm & dry weather, power outage can last for months now, swee! very nice!

江河斷流 中國電力惡況恐數月



(20-08-2022, 10:43 AM)kokee Wrote:  sure, 

More LIES from Moronic Kokee Cok exposed!

发布 / 2022年8月18日 7:27 AM


(20-08-2022, 07:47 AM)Sharexchange Wrote:  Yes all Karma. Very shiok.

You are moronic sharexchange dog

(20-08-2022, 11:59 AM)Omnipresent88 Wrote:  You are moronic sharexchange dog

my dog name is Portaly. This morning he greet me with 2 Barks. very weak now..think dying.

you will get KARMA too. bad one hor. not good karma.

(20-08-2022, 11:59 AM)Omnipresent88 Wrote:  You are moronic sharexchange dog

Draught at Mississippi River in the US

[Image: 780-C0-C0-C-9763-40-FD-91-A5-05002-C86599-C.jpg]

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That's why these Talk Cock kokee and his Stooge sidekicks never learn their lessons - last time China floods they celebrated when rioters run amok in HK they celebrated and when China experiences drought they celebrated! Not sure why these people their skulls either too thick or inside their head empty air! Then worse calamities struck their idolised western masters!

When it comes to natural calamities when it strikes whenever however whomever it has no preferences - it will just strike any country any person regardless of status race creed or religion ... but iur these group of simpletons thought that calamities hit only China - but only to find out the same calamities hit their beloved countries (US UK Australia Japan Canada) twice as hard ...

Please simpletons - never wish ills on your fellow human beings lest it strikes you back twice as much you wish for others!

Be careful!

Welcome to invest and stay in Singapore
It has many new water plants.

Ultimately, Singapore suffers the most because we import almost 100% of the food that we need. If drought hit any particular country, the first thing they will do is to ban export. Rice and wheat supply will be affected. If no grass, the cow and sheep rearing will also be reduced.

I don't understand why these people are so happy to see any country suffering from drought.
[+] 1 user Likes Clyde's post

no foresight, thought money can buy anything

(20-08-2022, 07:38 AM)sporeguy Wrote:  Extreme Drought in Europe and US!

How Talk Cock sidekick shareexchange? Karma? You gleefully screamed karma on China when China experiences drought?

So How? US and Europe how? Karma you not shouting?

[Image: cdinx-m-euu-20220721-home.png]

[Image: Screenshot-20220820-073717-Chrome.jpg]

[Image: Screenshot-20220820-073727-Chrome.jpg]

Whole world liao lah!

(19-08-2022, 06:16 AM)kokee Wrote:  all these bloody moronic comie dogs here can only bark lies & BS, truth & fact are there!
china warm weather, dry weather, cut off electricity & water supply also problem now.
worst hit is sichuan & whole china is waiting for sichuan to supply electricity to them, LOL LOL!

China's water shortage and power outages


some said karma!
china pull out of global weather meeting! F off!

Biggest Drought in 71 Years Hit the Yangtze River Basin, 3 Gorges Reservoir: No Water to Discharge

China battles scorching temperatures and heat wave |


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(20-08-2022, 02:23 PM)cityhantam Wrote:

[Image: IMAGE_1660735577.webp]

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[Image: IMAGE_1660735984.webp]

China 🇨🇳 sibeh jialat liao leh! Sad

(20-08-2022, 01:42 PM)Clyde Wrote:  Ultimately, Singapore suffers the most because we import almost 100% of the food that we need. If drought hit any particular country,  the first thing they will do is to ban export. Rice and wheat supply will be affected.  If no grass, the cow and sheep rearing will also be reduced.

I don't understand why these people are so happy to see any country suffering from drought.
That's why the Talk Cock & Stooge gang is called as per the name ... they are real stooge - don't understand the inter connectivity beteen countries and countries and the environment!

They are aptly called simpletons!

(20-08-2022, 02:18 PM)board2 Wrote:  your karma is the worst of the worst!

you are a bastard total loser crazy retarded scum mad dying dog!

you are my dog! 

Last night my house's big Alsatian dog fucked your prostitute whore mother and also fucked all your prostitute whore female family members until they all died!

And you this racist bastard dog ate my feces and you licked my anushole!

you this racist chinese-hater bastard dying scum barking mad dog's karma is very very bad!

you this moronic bastard crazy dying dog go die now!

you this crazy retarded bastard total loser scum mad dog and all your whole family will all die very horribly in road accidents very soon!

Oh hi Ccp Dog! U still alive! Haha....come play with me...your ah Gua brother Portaly Dog going to die liao..

(20-08-2022, 02:24 PM)cheekopekman Wrote:  China 🇨🇳 sibeh jialat liao leh! Sad

Ya lor!

Rhine River of China 🇨🇳 sibeh jialat lor!  Rotfl

Germany's Rhine water too low even for some empty vessels

Water levels on Germany's Rhine river are so low that some vessels cannot sail even when empty, a shipping cooperative said on Friday, although long-awaited rain has begun to ease bottlenecks on one of the country's main commercial routes.

Weeks of drought across Europe and beyond have added to supply chain problems as vessels have had to lighten their loads to ensure they can travel along depleted water channels.

(20-08-2022, 02:21 PM)kokee Wrote:  some said karma!

Gravitas: Extreme weather: Farmers destroy their own crops in America

(20-08-2022, 10:42 AM)theold Wrote:  Weather changed. One side hot, the other side cold.

Now, Indonesia is very cold. Like Winter.

heat transfer
heat map
u must learn to read
u see 50C u see 60C they mean nothing only hot and cold
u cannot see the HEAT energy flow
u must see.

This sharexchange guy is simply evil. He's always gloating at people's misfortune which actually doesn't benefit him. He doesn't know that when he cheered at disasters he's also bringing them to himself. That's when he'll realise the true meaning of karma.

everytime he gotta wait for ahtiongs to finish urinating then he can clean the urinals, but they always take very long time so he sibeh dulan with them

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