Alam Kok, Saudi reception of Xi, China, would show decline of US supremacy

China's President Xi Jinping To Visit Saudi Arabia, Set To Receive Grand Reception: Report   

Chinese President Xi Jinping is scheduled to visit Saudi Arabia next week, where preparations are already underway to accord him with a grand welcome.
Written By
Anurag Roushan

China's President Xi Jinping to visit Saudi Arabia, set to receive grand reception: Report | Rest of the World News (    


Alam Kok,  

You said China has no friend.   

UN 170 countries voted to support "One-China policy".   

How many countries support Pelosi's visit of Taiwan?   

Rotfl Rotfl Rotfl Laughing Laughing Laughing   

Alam Kok was so jubilant of Pelosi landed in Taiwan on 4 Aug.   

Now still jump and dance?   

Rotfl Rotfl Rotfl    Laughing Laughing Laughing   

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