UPDATED: Artemist I : After All The Hype; Second Attempt Launch Failure!

Calling the 3 Stoges kokee shitexchange ROFLMAO and their sidekick grotesqueness and his bozos revealer and teaserteam! All you green eyed monsters never failed to curse China space program! Remember?! Especially shitexchange always said karma - well shitexchange here's KARMA back to you!

Second Launch Failure (3 Sept 2022)

Nasa called off its latest attempt to launch the groundbreaking artemis-1-nasa-space-rocket-moon-mission moon rocket on Saturday after failing to stem a fuel leak discovered during tanking. It was the second time in five days that technical issues had kept the spacecraft on the launchpad.

Bill Nelson, head of the US space agency, indicated that the severity of the problem, deep inside one of the rocket engines, made it unlikely launchpad fixes would be possible, and Artemis would probably have to be rolled back to the vehicle assembly building for more substantial repairs.

First Launch Failure (29 Aug 2022)

Nasa’s Artemis 1 rocket launch called off because of engine problem.

The Guardian: We’re closing our space blog now after a disappointing morning at Cape Canaveral that saw Nasa scrub its first attempt to launch its Artemis 1 moon mission because of an engine issue!
[+] 1 user Likes sporeguy's post

Becos engine made in PRC🤣🤣🤣

maybe the team got ahtiong engineers who sabo the engine

(30-08-2022, 08:29 AM)SotongOngTee Wrote:  Becos engine made in PRC🤣🤣🤣

Ordered through Taobao!  Rotfl

(30-08-2022, 08:29 AM)SotongOngTee Wrote:  Becos engine made in PRC🤣🤣🤣

[Image: Apollo-11-Crew-During-Training-Exercise-...000032.jpg]

Kamala gone there to clap hands. 
Now kicking legs.

Sharexchange very very quiet Big Grin

[+] 1 user Likes Niubee's post

(30-08-2022, 10:50 AM)Migrant Wrote:  Kamala gone there to clap hands. 
Now kicking legs.

She is helping to accelerate Indianisation of USA!  Laughing

美國重返月球連遭三次雷擊,NASA抹黑中國要佔領月球?|中美燃點登月競賽戰火,中國火箭力追美國SLS火箭!|,美國重啟登月遇三大問題,50年前登月技術失傳了嗎?【屈姬主播 EP89】

The Assmerica play different toy liao,  U dun know meh?  Now they lost interest in space exploration after Soviets died and play the toys made in China lah.. 

[Image: Screenshot-2022-09-03-120651.jpg]


(03-09-2022, 12:08 PM)teaserteam Wrote:  The Assmerica play different toy liao,  U dun know meh?  Now they lost interest in space exploration after Soviets died and play the toys made in China lah.. 

[Image: Screenshot-2022-09-03-120651.jpg]
Say this to console yourself!?

Don't need - all here know your all angmo cocksuckers very disappointed!
[+] 1 user Likes sporeguy's post


The 32-storey tall Space Launch System (SLS) rocket and its Orion capsule were due for blastoff from Cape Canaveral, Florida, at 1817 GMT (2.17am, Sunday, Singapore time)


can't wait until the sky is clear? sure kena thunder strike again

[Image: 5a4b176437431ef584efb2815e651390-w200.gif]

(03-09-2022, 12:30 PM)sporeguy Wrote:  Say this to console yourself!?

Don't need - all here know your all angmo cocksuckers very disappointed!

U have to attack people for losing the game?  What r you made of?  glass heart?

Quote:How to Spot a State-Funded Chinese Internet Troll?

How to Spot a State-Funded Chinese Internet Troll
Personal attacks, appeals to communal loyalty, and pleas for patience are some telltale signs.



(03-09-2022, 06:16 PM)teaserteam Wrote:  U have to attack people for losing the game?  What r you made of?  glass heart?

Ya lor!

Must eat sour grapes and accuse China for stealing technology lor!  Laughing


Congress Proposes $500 Million for Negative News Coverage of China


US goes further to spend $300 million annually smearing China


(03-09-2022, 06:32 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  Ya lor!


Thank u 4 bumping up my post. Good to let others know y they got attacked


(03-09-2022, 06:55 PM)teaserteam Wrote:  Thank u 4 bumping up my post.  Good to let others know y they got attacked

US$ 500 million + US$ 300 million every year for you to claim!

Huat ah!  Laughing

(03-09-2022, 06:32 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  ..
Must eat sour grapes and accuse China for stealing technology lor!  Laughing


Purpose of mi earlier post just to point that Assmerica no longer serious in playing the space toys. Who heck care about Assmerica losing the space game or China has won the space race. as for stealing technology; let the rest reply. Ha ha


(03-09-2022, 06:59 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  US$ 500 million + US$ 300 million every year for you to claim!

Huat ah!  Laughing

They pay only the assmericans lah; dun pay Singaporeans lah.


(03-09-2022, 07:05 PM)teaserteam Wrote:  Purpose of mi earlier post just to point that Assmerica no longer serious in playing the space toys.  Who heck care about Assmerica losing the space game or China has won the space race.  as for stealing technology; let the rest reply.  Ha ha

Ya lor!

You can just claim the money and huat lor! Why bother!  Rotfl

(03-09-2022, 06:59 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  US$ 500 million + US$ 300 million every year for you to claim!

Huat ah!  Laughing

They pay only the assmericans lah; dun pay Singaporeans lah. If u have lobang, share pls.


(03-09-2022, 07:08 PM)teaserteam Wrote:  They  pay only the assmericans lah;  dun pay Singaporeans lah.  If u have lobang,  share pls.

How do you know they don't pay you? 

You tried to claim before meh?  Thinking


Nasa: Artemis Moon rocket second launch attempt called off

The US space agency has had to postpone the launch of its new Artemis I Moon rocket for the second time in a week.

Controllers were unable to stop a hydrogen leak on the vehicle, almost from the start of Saturday's countdown procedure.

Nasa now has another opportunity to launch the rocket on Monday or Tuesday.

After that the vehicle will have to return to its assembly building for inspection and maintenance, which will mean further delays.

better do a thorough check and overhaul lah, else it will definitely explode in mid air
[+] 1 user Likes WhatDoYouThink?'s post

3 Stooges kokee sharexchange ROFLMAO and sidekick grotesqueness and his bozos revealer and teaserteam - one WORD: HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Second Launch Failure (3 Sept 2022)

Nasa called off its latest attempt to launch the groundbreaking artemis-1-nasa-space-rocket-moon-mission moon rocket on Saturday after failing to stem a fuel leak discovered during tanking. It was the second time in five days that technical issues had kept the spacecraft on the launchpad.

Bill Nelson, head of the US space agency, indicated that the severity of the problem, deep inside one of the rocket engines, made it unlikely launchpad fixes would be possible, and Artemis would probably have to be rolled back to the vehicle assembly building for more substantial repairs.


If this giant rocket is launched, the debris falling out will be terrible.
[+] 1 user Likes theold's post

(04-09-2022, 08:35 AM)theold Wrote:  If this giant rocket is launched, the debris falling out will be terrible.

Some parts of the debris will be "giant" also!

But Angmoh media and their stooges will not report about that!

KNN USA confirmed need to go copy China tech.

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