Pelosi calls China one of the ‘freest’ societies in the world

[Image: 010-D319-D-A9-FC-4-CDD-A907-85-C6927594-DE.png]

It only goes to show that deep down in this old lady’s mind, either she merely oppose China for the sake of opposing or that she finally realised that she knew China was indeed are a free country.

But I like to think that she is getting old just like Biden, they just need to stay home and stay healthy to get on with the remaining years they have left with. After all she had all the monies to keep themselves “happy” for the rest of their lives.

Furthermore the trip she made to Taiwan has earned herself a few millions USD, how can she even made a mistake by not mentioning Taiwan. And the correction had to be made by her assistance

That further proved her visits were truly motivated by both political & monetary gains for herself and that she has no means in helping Taiwan that resulted her to mention China instead of Taiwan. Worse of all her assistance had to correct that instead of Pelosi herself.

American politicians are such evil people. After causing tensions between China and Taiwan, they blamed on China and denied their wrong doings. Just like their past blames that resulted their Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, etc invasions.

do understand communism came to Russia via Germany via Karl Marx in a train boxcar.
The Great reset needs communism credit score as practice in China.
Mao was a Yale man.
a terrible winter is fast approaching
people line up for days in Poland for coal must tell u they will freeze to death without warm without foods.
The middle class whatever money left is drained.

Japoni blackhole 140
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-07-10-10-00-20.png]
area around the thick pubic hairs felt HARD she in Heat waiting for Banana

[Image: Screenshot-2022-09-02-at-03-15-04-It-s-A...entary.png]

[Image: Screenshot-2022-09-02-at-03-14-18-It-s-A...entary.png]

The silly witch will say anything to further her own interests Big Grin

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin



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