The Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant has been shut down.

The Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant in Russian-occupied territory in Ukraine has been shut down, the Ukrainian nuclear power agency Energoatom announced on Sunday.

In a statement to Russian news agency Interfax, an adviser to the head of the Russian nuclear body Rosenergoatom confirmed that the final power unit had been shut down and that the plant is currently being switched to a cold state.

(11-09-2022, 01:28 PM)kokee Wrote:  as above, whatever, russia army already cannot fight, either run road or surrender!
russia & putin acknowledge defeat!
putin better to call all army back to moscow to protect kremlim now!

乌克兰人举国狂欢! 赫尔松俄军也传捷报! 乌军前锋抵达顿尼茨克北郊,伪军总司令仓皇出逃! 军人谋反,普京急调坦克守卫克里姆林宫!


comie dogs can bar whatever lies & nonsense 7/24!
Ukraine will take back everything belong to them plus much much more, whethere they want to attack all the way to russia & moscow!
putin almost game over now!
hope they just do it together with the west, end evil devil russia!


9.11【 俄軍潰敗了! 】哭崩了!普京就快出事!烏克蘭大反擊意外地擊潰了俄軍意志


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