
who here is 中國人? almost none, almost all here is spore chinese!
look at HK collapsing today due to their people give up fighting 1 country 2 system with ccp china in 2019, so fast within 2-3 yrs, HK already gone case, still got morons believe what ccp china bark?
never ever trust ccp china on they will let you keep whatever or their promise, thee dogs will never keep their promise, from they have done in WTO, UN & ton more! 
dont ever give in to evil, keep taiwan forever & if possible, get global consensus as an independent country, that is all!!



Taiwan is a province of China. This is an undeniable fact.

Those who are not happy can always join moronic Kokee Cok in Kensington Ave Paradise !  Laughing
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既然不是中国人,为何每天都在吵中国大小事呢? 他们放个屁还有人去闻了来评论?
[+] 2 users Like WhatDoYouThink!'s post

(23-09-2022, 06:30 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote:  既然不是中国人,为何每天都在吵中国大小事呢? 他们放个屁还有人去闻了来评论?


He, practically every message must have China. Type about China Internal affairs, China World Wide Affairs, China Space Affairs and type in Chinese. He must have fall in love with China and greatly concern about China.
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all these moronic comie dogs here, who started all these china discussion & anti-west here 7/24?
or only they can hantam, other cannot?
how many comie dogs here spam like insane dogs here compare to me alone? in term of number of  posts & threads?
all these dogs here can only complain & blame day & night & never look at their own shit face!! LOL LOL!
If they can stop all their nonsense, I have no problem to stop!! hahaaa!
all these liars here! all lies kena exposed by me!!!



(23-09-2022, 06:20 PM)kokee Wrote:  who here is 中國人? almost none, almost all here is spore chinese!
look at HK collapsing today due to their people give up fighting 1 country 2 system with ccp china in 2019, so fast within 2-3 yrs, HK already gone case, still got morons believe what ccp china bark?
never ever trust ccp china on they will let you keep whatever or their promise, thee dogs will never keep their promise, from they have done in WTO, UN & ton more! 
dont ever give in to evil, keep taiwan forever & if possible, get global consensus as an independent country, that is all!!


as above, no one trust ccp china anymore!
never ever trust ccp china anymore in anything!!


蔣萬安重申 堅決反對一國兩制 


The more Kokee posts, the more people know that you are anti-China for the sake of anti-China, with no logic whatsoever. It's almost like reading what a moron would write.

all these moronic comie dogs pro-ccp, pro-china, pro-chinese, pro-russia, anti-west & US, so that can pro all these evil & I cant anti-china?
so they lick & pro all these evil for the sick pro? LOL LOL!
I am very clear, anti-ccp but I dont pro-US or west, to deal with these dogs here, also nature of the news, I post accordingly!! Iam just telling the truth & fact & my view!
all these dogs think they are emperor like moron? F them & their family! they have personal attack & abuse me ton, I said before I will never give a shit to these dogs, F them as & when I like!!!
all these know nut brainless comie dogs here, only look for fight & bark from ass 7/24 here!!!




“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"


who here is 人?


All these comie dogs here are 中国人?
Taiwanese are same as all of us, they are not 中国人。
All these dogs lick till so shiok here also refuse to be a fxxking 中国人, want to force other?
What the F are these dog here? F off! Try to con or brainwash here 7/24.

你看台湾护照有写英文单字 China.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"


“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

the last dynasty in china is manchu

manchu is not 中国人 that rule china

so 中国人 is mixed with other not 中国人

Why these moronic come dog so brainless.
Passport got China then is 中国人?
China & Taiwan passport the same? Knn, this also don't know.
So these Taiwanese can use their passport fly to China anytime, no need visa? & Stay inside China forever as they like?
If not, are they 中国人?Real moron.
These dogs know nut, argue nonsense forever, con brainless here 7/24.
All these are brainless wasting time dogs.


“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

是谁整天在说你是中国人? 原来是你的巴士泼说你是中国人? 怪不得这么生气。去骂蔡英文吧? 叫她改

Kokee, 我懂你是什么人?
你是地球人。 Rotfl

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

(23-09-2022, 09:25 PM)kokee Wrote:  Why these moronic come dog so brainless.
Passport got China then is 中国人?
China & Taiwan passport the same? Knn, this also don't know.
So these Taiwanese can use their passport fly to China anytime, no need visa? & Stay inside China forever as they like?
If not, are they 中国人?Real moron.
These dogs know nut, argue nonsense forever, con brainless here 7/24.
All these are brainless wasting time dogs.

all these comie dogs only argue nonsense & BS to con brainless here!!
taiwan is ROC, china is PROC! same? my foot, are you blind!!!
these dog only focus in china because they kena brainwash like slavery now!!

buy a cover for yr passport so you dun see those wordings so often loh.

IF WAR HAPPENED BETWEEN CHINA AND US & HER ALLIES, YOU THINK THE ANGLO SAXONS AND REST OF CHAO ANGMO CAN DIFFERENTIATE BETWEEN CHINA CHINESE AND SG CHINESE (I doubt u r really sg Chinese, the way you post, the language u used, u definitely don’t have ancestor or father mother or grandfather grandmother or great grandfather great grandmother who came from China)


Japanese internment camps were established during World War II by President Franklin D. Roosevelt through his Executive Order 9066. From 1942 to 1945, it was the policy of the U.S. government that people of Japanese descent, including U.S. citizens, would be incarcerated in isolated camps. Enacted in reaction to the Pearl Harbor attacks and the ensuing war, the incarceration of Japanese Americans is considered one of the most atrocious violations of American civil rights in the 20th century.

ladt time aso got one flower goat, he very angry over those wordings on his ic.

Ah Kock,

No one reads your flg fake news lah.   

Everyone knows you are  

民族败类 汉奸走狗。  无耻    

[Image: Kokee01.jpg]

aiya, 真是名不正言不顺。those wordings have caused confusions and made many ppl frustrated. what to do then?

(23-09-2022, 06:20 PM)kokee Wrote:  who here is 中國人? almost none, almost all here is spore chinese!
look at HK collapsing today due to their people give up fighting 1 country 2 system with ccp china in 2019, so fast within 2-3 yrs, HK already gone case, still got morons believe what ccp china bark?
never ever trust ccp china on they will let you keep whatever or their promise, thee dogs will never keep their promise, from they have done in WTO, UN & ton more! 
dont ever give in to evil, keep taiwan forever & if possible, get global consensus as an independent country, that is all!!


我是新加坡🇸🇬华人,不是中国🇨🇳华人啦!Singapore Chinese are NOT China Chinese lah! Big Grin

(24-09-2022, 09:16 AM)cheekopekman Wrote:  我是新加坡🇸🇬华人,不是中国🇨🇳华人啦!Singapore Chinese are NOT China Chinese lah! Big Grin

aiya 就好像田鸡本来就不是鸡,也没有人说它是鸡,为什么要整天到处去呱呱叫说它不是鸡呢?有这个必要吗?
[+] 1 user Likes WhatDoYouThink!'s post

(24-09-2022, 09:27 AM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote:  aiya 就好像田鸡本来就不是鸡,也没有人说它是鸡,为什么要整天到处去呱呱叫说它不是鸡呢?有这个必要吗?

为什么叫田鸡呢?本来就是青蛙🐸嘛!haha Big Grin

all these comie dogs here kena brainwash by ccp china like slavery now!
use chinese to brainwash them till like morons here, also using all the tv serial, movie & drama to con these dogs here, that is why dogs here barking non stop to watch china tv serial & drama! almost all total BS!!



(23-09-2022, 06:30 PM)WhatDoYouThink! Wrote:  既然不是中国人,为何每天都在吵中国大小事呢? 他们放个屁还有人去闻了来评论?
Ya loh.. everyday kao peh CCP when we should be focusing our effort to kao peh govt.

Maybe Kokee is ib send to distract us. Laughing

1. I have served the nation in a combat unit for 2.5 + 10 years. I had fulfilled my duty as a citizen, but has the country do it's part for me?
2. I don't know where the threat of CCP is, but I know the threat of CECA is already at my doorsteps
3. I had been called a CCP, JHK, Pinoy, but they never called me a CECA..
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