LW: PSP's suggestion will not stop job loss

PSP got say "get rid of foreigners" meh? Smearing lai liao..


Quote:PSP's suggestion to 'get rid of foreigners' will not stop Singaporean workers from being displaced: Lawrence Wong

THE rapid pace of change and "creative destruction" brought by globalisation will lead to Singaporeans being displaced from their jobs, and the issue is not about foreigners working in the Republic, said Finance Minister Lawrence Wong.

Mr Wong said the rise of remote work also means that people can work from anywhere in the world, and they need not all be in the same place.

Meanwhile, the pandemic too has increased the economic churn and uncertainty, deepening people's worries about job stability and lay-offs.

"In the face of these painful dislocations, it's easy for politicians to blame someone for them," said the minister.
"Even if we got rid of 'tens of thousands' of foreigners, locals will continue to be displaced - because of technology, because of innovation, because of the changing nature of work over time," he said in his opening remarks for the debate on two parliamentary motions concerning Singaporeans's livelihoods on Tuesday.

The first motion was filed by Progress Singapore Party's (PSP) Non-Constituency MP Leong Mun Wai, while the second was filed by Mr Wong.

"People don't lose jobs because of technology or innovations, they say. Instead, it's because of these foreigners in our midst, they are the reason you have been displaced. And if they can mobilise existing racial prejudices against particular foreign nationalities here, better still."

This is why nationalist and protectionist sentiments are gaining ground everywhere around the world, he said, adding: "That's why populist and anti-immigrant parties - even neo-Nazis and fascists - do well in many European countries.

"Far easier to point fingers, make one nationality or another the scapegoat, and blame them for all our troubles, rather than work on reskilling our workers."

Mr Wong acknowledged there are downsides to being an open economy, but noted that an economy "where nobody will ever be displaced" is also one that will stagnate and atrophy.

"So the right approach is not to impede progress by holding on to every job even as they become obsolete; but to work hard to protect every worker and help those who are displaced," he said.

He outlined ways the government's strategies have worked, noting that median income in real terms grew by 3.2 per cent per annum for residents from 2010 to 2019 up until Covid-19 struck.

At the same time, Singapore's employment rate has been among the highest in the world, with unemployment rate kept low.

From 2010 to 2020, employment for local professional, managers, executives and technicians (PMET) grew by about 300,000, which is almost three times the increase in Employment Pass (EP) and S Pass holders over the same period.

"These are substantial achievements which we can be proud of and should celebrate but the PSP wants to sweep these aside," said Mr Wong.

"They downplay the jobs, opportunities and outcomes we have created, and play up the anxieties. The PSP assumes that if we reduced the number of foreigners here; then all their jobs will automatically go to Singaporeans," he said.

He added that PSP's Mr Leong has a "euphemism" for this, calling it "rebalancing" in one of his Facebook posts.

"But it is quite clear what he means. In one post, he said we can get rid of "tens of thousands" of work pass holders and he thinks Singaporeans can then fill these jobs. That thinking is fatally flawed," he said.

He noted that there are already more than 25,000 PMET vacancies with many companies still looking to hire.

Companies are actively hiring locals into PMET jobs, and most local graduates are "snapped up" as soon as they enter the workforce, with nine in 10 employed within six months after graduation, he said.

If Singapore's policies become overly restrictive, companies will just find other places to operate in where they can be more competitive, which means the country will lose all the jobs they brought here, he said.

Foreign PMETs currently account for about 20 per cent of the PMET workforce, compared with 10 per cent in the 1990s when Singapore was not as developed as a hub economy, he noted.

"For those who would like to see fewer foreign work pass holders, they may perhaps be feeling a sense of nostalgia about how things were like in the past," Mr Wong said.

"But remember our overall standards of living were also much lower then: in 1995, our GDP (gross domestic product) per capita was just around S$35,000 instead of more than S$80,000 now; and median salaries of residents were less than S$2,000 compared to around S$4,500 today," he said.

Still, while being a hub economy brings benefits to Singapore, it also comes with its share of costs, he noted.

He gave the commitment the government will continue to take proactive steps to deal with the downsides of globalisation.

First, this involves a continual update of Singapore's manpower policies and rules to manage the flow of work pass holders and to ensure they are of the right calibre, he said.

Second, the government will uphold fair employment practices and take a strong stance against discrimination at the workplace, which is also why the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices have been enshrined in law.

Third, the government will do everything it can to help those who are displaced. This includes upskilling displaced workers and helping them find good job matches.

Noting that the PSP has raised several questions in Parliament on the nationality, Mr Wong said: "From a competition and jobs perspective, where the EPs come from shouldn't matter."

What is more important are the policy parameters that determine the overall flow and quality of the work pass holders, he said.

"Let's not turn this into an issue about CECA (Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement) and Indian professionals, which is not relevant, unless the PSP intends to persist with its negative campaign to stir up racial unhappiness," he said, referring to the Singapore-India free trade agreement.

"Mr Leong's motion states that the government's 'foreign talent policy' is the cause of job anxieties, but he's barking up the wrong tree because the issue is not about local talent versus foreign talent. This is not a zero-sum competition," said Mr Wong.

"What we have is a Singapore talent policy - to maximise our overall talent pool, so that we can achieve the best outcomes for Singapore and Singaporeans."

Heng, he is not the next PM?
If not, most of our jobs will be stolen by foreign trashes.

I still prefer OYK.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

Why only he can debate? Pap has no others?

(14-09-2021, 06:31 PM)RiseofAsia Wrote:  Heng, he is not the next PM?
If not, most of our jobs will be stolen by foreign trashes.

I still prefer OYK.

Cut from the same cloth except OYK is much worse. Must choose the lesser of two evils.
[+] 1 user Likes luncheonmeat's post

People have lost their basic foundation because MOE set tight quotas to save the jobs for future FTs.

Without the right foundation, how to compete with FTs? So naturally, FTs can take away the jobs easily.

We lost the war against FTs since we stepped into tertiery education. No amount of attending courses will help because the resume cannot show an ability or experience to fit.

Win the World but lost your Soul. 
[+] 1 user Likes Symmetry's post

So LW agree there is job loss...
PSP suggestions can reduce job loss?

It's the old strategy. If you can't convince, confuse.

I think PSP has been quite constructive in its suggestions and not racist or xenophobic.

I think only in Singapore, most of the time job loss is due to FTs not technology. Because it takes 2 or 3 years to move over to new techmology and the impact is not like FTs.

Even in Hospitals or Pharmaceutical manufacturing, the technology is just upgrading from V3 or to a new model. It does not cause job loss when 80% of the function is the same.

Win the World but lost your Soul. 
[+] 2 users Like Symmetry's post

Keep humbling on races but we here talking about jobs balance and they keep going around the brush.

PAP is trying hard to spin stories.

As I said, I checked before. Changes in technology does not make citizens jobless but rather it is the Employment Pass!

Look at the 300 job postings in the last 1 year. The jobs for Marketing, HR, Engineering Mgr . . . . simply just added 1 line to say to do . . . . which is barely half hour each week.

Is PAP saying that with new technology, all employees will be retrenched? Hell NO.

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 
[+] 1 user Likes Ola's post

6/10 still support or not?
if they still support, 4/10 no say la

All these can be changed once all foreign talent has to contribute same rates as any other local grads. Right now EP holders contribute just a token few bucks only.

(15-09-2021, 02:52 PM)5354 Wrote:  From 2010 to 2020, employment for local professional, managers, executives and technicians (PMET) grew by about 300,000, which is almost three times the increase in Employment Pass (EP) and S Pass holders over the same period.

Well done PAP!

FTAs like CECA helps creates jobs

With 3 additional jobs for locals for every jobs created for FTs

Song boh?

I am so happy that you are brainless because I can laugh at you again.

There are 400,000 retrenched but useless PAP only created 300,000 PMET jobs.

You also Engineer background but how come you are not part of the 300,000 getting those jobs?  It is 20% Chance for you to get a PMET job, leh.

So easy but you failed?

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 
[+] 1 user Likes Ola's post

Foriegners also means PR... oh boy

(14-09-2021, 06:28 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  PSP got say "get rid of foreigners" meh? Smearing lai liao..

At first, I thought LW is good and deserved my support. But, after hearing his parliament speech, I hv 2nd thought. Looks like not a single MIW is trusted. We need more Oppositons to be voted-in to til the vacuum.
[+] 2 users Like Gemstar's post

(15-09-2021, 03:19 PM)Ola Wrote:  I am so happy that you are brainless because I can laugh at you again.

There could be 400,000 retrenched but useless PAP only created 300,000 PMET jobs.

You also Engineer background but how come you are not part of the 300,000 getting those jobs?  It is 20% Chance for you to get a PMET job, leh.

So easy but you failed?
Doesn’t need to respond to such person. Don’t waste yr breath n time. He just want to seek attention.
[+] 2 users Like Gemstar's post

(14-09-2021, 06:28 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  PSP got say "get rid of foreigners" meh? Smearing lai liao..

PSP ask that the foreign talent should be complementary in nature.

PAP listen and regurgitate as "get rid of foreigners " that is why the debate is going nowhere PSP points are distorted as PAP does not respect what people say...

I listened to this painful back and forth where PSP said they agree to FTA "in general". The PAP come out to insist that PSP support CECA....WTF....if I say I like pizza....it does not mean I like every single pizza including  shit badly made pizza...  it is shameful minister level leaders engaging in such distortions.

I, being poor, have only my dreams; I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
[+] 1 user Likes sgbuffett's post

(15-09-2021, 03:30 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  PSP ask that the foreign talent should be complementary in nature.

PAP listen and regurgitate as "get rid of foreigners " that is why the debate is going nowhere PSP points are distorted as PAP does not respect what people say...

I listened to this painful back and forth where PSP said they agree to FTA "in general". The PAP come out to insist that PSP support CECA....WTF....if I say I like pizza....it does not mean I like every single pizza including  shit badly made pizza...  it is shameful minister level leaders engaging in such distortions.

Who did you vote for?  Laughing

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin


So, his 80 Over- paid Ministers sit there to encourage job loss instead when his Plan A, B and C all failed for 10 years. Why repeat the same plans since it is proven to fail already?

Just like the stupid WSG Career Coach who called me last mth. So, I asked her back what are the different steps to proceed this time. She said no difference. 


Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 

(14-09-2021, 08:45 PM)Symmetry Wrote:  I think only in Singapore, most of the time job loss is due to FTs not technology.  Because it takes 2 or 3 years to move over to new techmology and the impact is not like FTs.

Even in Hospitals or Pharmaceutical manufacturing, the technology is just upgrading from V3 or to a new model. It does not cause job loss when 80% of the function is the same.

PAP trying to accuse us for pin- pointing the facts that FTs are causing job loss.

This is their STRAWMAN argument to blame technology. 

Despicable,  Dishonorable    , Disgusting behaviour like Grace Foo.


Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 
[+] 1 user Likes Ola's post

(15-09-2021, 03:30 PM)sgbuffett Wrote:  PSP ask that the foreign talent should be complementary in nature.

PAP listen and regurgitate as "get rid of foreigners " that is why the debate is going nowhere PSP points are distorted as PAP does not respect what people say...

I listened to this painful back and forth where PSP said they agree to FTA "in general". The PAP come out to insist that PSP support CECA....WTF....if I say I like pizza....it does not mean I like every single pizza including  shit badly made pizza...  it is shameful minister level leaders engaging in such distortions.

They want to let you think what they do is good for sinkies but it is in fact not the case.
Jobs already stolen, you tell me how?

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"
[+] 1 user Likes RiseofAsia's post

At long last, Singaporean job displaced is due to foreigner was confirmed. Knl whytaje so fking long
[+] 1 user Likes Kgliangp's post

(15-09-2021, 01:43 PM)menghuii Wrote:  6/10 still support or not?
if they still support, 4/10 no say la

Soon will the other way round? Thinking

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

All I know is that PAP facilitate and Directly caused more Job LOSS of Citizens via  Employment Pass.

Worse, JobsBank can be used to Discriminate us.

Yet PAP, say Skills, including Unnecessary Skills is needed when it is drafted for existing internal employee to be transferred here.

[Image: Discrimtn-Coforge-speak-Hindi.png]

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 
[+] 1 user Likes Ola's post

Proven that the stupidity of PAP Policies, MOM , 8 Sister- Agencies also did not solve this issue after 10 years.

Who is worse?

Why do we need 5 Mayors and 80 PAP Ministers? 
[+] 1 user Likes Ola's post

(16-09-2021, 03:45 PM)Kgliangp Wrote:  At long last,  Singaporean job displaced is due to foreigner was confirmed. Knl whytaje so fking long

Why is PnP against Sinkees getting a decent paying job after being retrenched?

Why is PnP supporting ceca i.s.o .supporting Sinkees.

I just dont understand the logic


If we send all of our newborn babies to South Asia to let them grow up and get 'educated' there before importing them back as 'foreign' talent will it work?

Similarly to be fair if we import the same number of South Asia newborn babies and do the same here before deporting them back to South Asia will they be an asset or liability to South Asia?

If it is at all possible then there shouldn't be any more complaints about foreign talent don't you think so?

Problems solve?

Was there a ceca debate? I only remaining arrogant Vivian being crucified Big Grin

Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine Big Grin

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