George Yeo: China knows it’s getting stronger...

"China cannot show weakness...(else) Americans will do more against China" - GY, Oct 2022

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I am aware some pple disagree with GY and consider him a "pro China" guy.

Problem is no one in the intellect world dare to openly challenge his view....Why ?
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Historically, only the China Chinese dare fight America head on. Full stop.

China is laying all the setups... to prepare for big fight. Compromise or fight it out.

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The new Gang
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(03-11-2022, 12:32 AM)Niubee Wrote:  Historically, only the China Chinese dare fight America head on. Full stop.

China is laying all the setups... to prepare for big fight. Compromise or fight it out.

Now I am worry there will be a war first.
This was what history textbooks told me.
Hope the war can be avoided.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

(03-11-2022, 12:29 AM)Manthink Wrote:  I am aware some pple disagree with GY and consider him a "pro China" guy.

Problem is no one in the intellect world dare to openly challenge his view....Why ?

Because he ish just a nobody to the world, why the world want to waste time challenging this dickson yeo? Wha had his 'intellect' contributed to the world beside earning himself milions nia? We should be glad that at least some sinkie in Aljunied still has the intellect to tell a real talent from fake and voted him out.

Beside this guy still living in an illusion that ish outdated by a decade.

If go back 10 years ago it maybe true that CCP are getting stronger since the world are pumping their $$$ and tech into AT land, but under this current winnie leadership CCP ish on the path of decline instead.

There was a time when the country asked ordinary men to do extraordinary things.

But now, they'll only do it for money.

He was in HK
China has to fight for her share
just look at the US corp Dola needs to rise and rise
China exports Goods. US exports Dola.

(03-11-2022, 08:25 AM)Soulhacker Wrote:  If go back 10 years ago it maybe true that CCP are getting stronger since the world are pumping their $$$ and tech into AT land, but under this current winnie leadership CCP ish on the path of decline instead.

You mean in the past 10 years, China was declining?  Thinking

(03-11-2022, 08:57 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  You mean in the past 10 years, China was declining?  Thinking

Though the decline was only escalated faster in the last 4~5yrs, but if you are not living in a well or behind the wall, you won't even need to question this fact. If you have a lot of long term investment in AT land nao, then better pray hard as the decline will only get faster and worst in the next decade. Winnie new cabinet already quite evidenced that even a non-sexpert can tell the focus of his regime in coming years will not be economy and growth, but militarization and control.

There was a time when the country asked ordinary men to do extraordinary things.

But now, they'll only do it for money.

(03-11-2022, 09:24 AM)Soulhacker Wrote:  Though the decline was only escalated faster in the last 4~5yrs, but if you are not living in a well or behind the wall, you won't even need to question this fact. If you have a lot of long term investment in AT land nao, then better pray hard as the decline will only get faster and worst in the next decade. Winnie new cabinet already quite evidenced that even a non-sexpert can tell the focus of his regime in coming years will not be economy and growth, but militarization and control.


China's decline in the past 10 years is based on your words of mouth, not supported by any data or statistics.

Thank you for your clarification.  Big Grin

(03-11-2022, 09:24 AM)Soulhacker Wrote:  Though the decline was only escalated faster in the last 4~5yrs, but if you are not living in a well or behind the wall, you won't even need to question this fact. If you have a lot of long term investment in AT land nao, then better pray hard as the decline will only get faster and worst in the next decade. Winnie new cabinet already quite evidenced that even a non-sexpert can tell the focus of his regime in coming years will not be economy and growth, but militarization and control.

Show proof.


(03-11-2022, 09:26 AM)cityhantam Wrote:  Oic!

China's decline in the past 10 years is based on your words of mouth, not supported by any data or statistics.

Thank you for your clarification.  Big Grin

Even if I waste my time and energy to go dig out all those hard data and post here, you will still be in denial mode and claim ish CIA blackhand or AMDK fake news one. People that pretend to be sleeping can never be wake up one no matter hao hard you try.

Beside if you are really daft enough to base your optimism only on AT own figures and numbers, and hao they current gpd growth is 3% and will grew to 5% then by all means,. Best if you are actually willing to sell everything you have to invest dip dip in AT land nao, show us your faith in AT economy with real action then.

Else check with your business partners. colleagues, friends\relatives etc in RL that had actual business dealing with or their own business in AT. land. Ask them how their business are for the past few years and what their optimism for years to come. Look at the AT job market and salary growth trend. Those are the more realistic and reliable data and words of mouth, not the fake news from all the pro-CCP media and wuamo posted here, or the anti-CCP in that sense..

There was a time when the country asked ordinary men to do extraordinary things.

But now, they'll only do it for money.

aiya no need to ask around, just ask our genius ah butt can already. he can plunge this and collapse that, very powerful

(03-11-2022, 09:41 AM)Soulhacker Wrote:  Even if I waste my time and energy to go dig out all those hard data and post here, you will still be in denial mode and claim ish CIA blackhand or AMDK fake news one. People that pretend to be sleeping can never be wake up one no matter hao hard you try.

No need to work so hard to dig.

Just use your mouth to lick lor!  Rotfl

(03-11-2022, 08:25 AM)Soulhacker Wrote:  Because he ish just a nobody to the world, why the world want to waste time challenging this dickson yeo? Wha had his 'intellect' contributed to the world beside earning himself milions nia? We should be glad that at least some sinkie in Aljunied still has the intellect to tell a real talent from fake and voted him out. Beside this guy still living in an illusion that ish outdated by a decade.If go back 10 years ago it maybe true that CCP are getting stronger since the world are pumping their $$$ and tech into AT land, but under this current winnie leadership CCP ish on the path of decline instead.

Well, GY is not longer in politics nor he is entitled to his view.  If George is a "nobody", he wouldn't have an office in NUS nor interviewed by SG and oversea media.

Note sure why you say a "pro China" person = a "dickson yeo" considering Dickson himself wasn't charged for anything after ISA investigation which confirms Yeo himself didn't lie nor caused harm to SG.

aiya some may not like him, but at least he din xiasway sg like some here

(03-11-2022, 06:27 AM)RiseofAsia Wrote:  Now I am worry there will be a war first.
This was what history textbooks told me.
Hope the war can be avoided.

China is worried too - as according to GY's in an an earlier interview.   Quote from Mothership:

The Chinese are very worried.
This is the reason why when they commemorated the 70th anniversary of the entry to Korean War, they've been bringing it up to the Chinese population, that you must be prepared for war

Nice YouTube content

(03-11-2022, 09:41 AM)Soulhacker Wrote:  Even if I waste my time and energy to go dig out all those hard data and post here, you will still be in denial mode and claim ish CIA blackhand or AMDK fake news one. People that pretend to be sleeping can never be wake up one no matter hao hard you try.Beside if you are really daft enough to base your optimism only on AT own figures and numbers, and hao they current gpd growth is 3% and will grew to 5% then by all means,. Best if you are actually willing to sell everything you have to invest dip dip in AT land nao, show us your faith in AT economy with real action then.
Else check with your business partners. colleagues, friends\relatives etc in RL that had actual business dealing with or their own business in AT. land. Ask them how their business are for the past few years and what their optimism for years to come. Look at the AT job market and salary growth trend. Those are the more realistic and reliable data and words of mouth, not the fake news from all the pro-CCP media and wuamo posted here, or the anti-CCP in that sense..

Relax lah - can see you already put a lot of effort in just that post alone. Wink 
In any case, GY is just citing facts about China based on open data which everyone have access too...

For e.g. GDP comparison since 1989...If that is not a sign of becoming stronger, than what is ?
[Image: chinas-economic-growth-perspective-b96b.jpg]

Ask anyone from china they will tell you.

They are definitely better off now than 10 year ago.

Many other country can feel china buying power the increasing yearly


[Image: jeremy-clarkson-rubbish.gif]
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(03-11-2022, 11:45 AM)28cMostlyCloudy Wrote:  Ask anyone from china they will tell you.

They are definitely better off now than 10 year ago.

Many other country can feel china buying power the increasing yearly


[Image: jeremy-clarkson-rubbish.gif]

If you go to edmw to say this you'll be bombarded left right center.

(03-11-2022, 11:50 AM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  If you go to edmw to say this you'll be bombarded left right center.

I mean people don't like some country i can understand. But to totally talk nonsense like this. 

I don't like CECA. But i also won't go say India is in decline or say india is doom. Because that's not true. 

Look at thing as it is and not just anyhow bomb just to justify the hatred

(03-11-2022, 11:50 AM)Blasterlord2 Wrote:  If you go to edmw to say this you'll be bombarded left right center.

Let's avoid going down to the level of EDMW....moderated by 12 year olds for content suitable for nursery kids. Tongue

(03-11-2022, 11:45 AM)28cMostlyCloudy Wrote:  Ask anyone from china they will tell you.  They are definitely better off now than 10 year ago.
Many other country can feel china buying power the increasing yearly

Decline ?.....
[Image: jeremy-clarkson-rubbish.gif]

When come to any debate about citizen trust on Gov between China and US, I love cite this 2020 Harvard report:

The survey team found that compared to public opinion patterns in the U.S., in China there was very high satisfaction with the central government. In 2016, the last year the survey was conducted, 95.5% of respondents were either “relatively satisfied” or “highly satisfied” with Beijing. In contrast to these findings, Gallup reported in January of this year that their latest polling on U.S. citizen satisfaction with the American federal government revealed only 38% of respondents were satisfied with the federal government.

George Yeo knows what he is talking when the topic is about China's geopolitics. Looks like he received LKY's 真传 but not that son.
XJP is the Chinese leader that will not bow to Western pressure and has the capacity to push China forward in the face of constant threat from US. I think other Chinese leaders like Hu or the guy before him would have bowed to US and that's why US loves the Chinese to have weak leaders so that they can shxt on the Chinese heads. Call XJP dictator or whatever names you may, but China needs him. His current team is carefully selected to face tougher pressure from US and go war if necessary.

Some sacrifices to the economy are necessary to push through in the current unofficial cold war with US. ..... Rolleyes

 Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge
                    Carl Jung
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Y need to dig up who say what. Y not check how much  banks will charge 4 buying the 5 year CDS fpr Commie China.  If the  risk of buying bond is high,  the bank would charge higher premium 4 the CDS. History chart will tell if the country bond is more riskier to buy today or 10 or 20 years ago. If the Country is growing healthier, the CDS premium should go lower.


(03-11-2022, 11:29 AM)Manthink Wrote:  China is worried too - as according to GY's in an an earlier interview.   Quote from Mothership:

The Chinese are very worried.
This is the reason why when they commemorated the 70th anniversary of the entry to Korean War, they've been bringing it up to the Chinese population, that you must be prepared for war

He is telling us 以暴制暴。 Big Grin
I dont agree at all.

What China needs to do now is to continue what they are good at and keep on doing it ? Cannot give up!
OBOR and HSR, this will bind all the land countries together to become 1 strong continent beyond Asia.
This is what US is most fearful about.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

(03-11-2022, 08:25 AM)Soulhacker Wrote:  Because he ish just a nobody to the world, why the world want to waste time challenging this dickson yeo? Wha had his 'intellect' contributed to the world beside earning himself milions nia? We should be glad that at least some sinkie in Aljunied still has the intellect to tell a real talent from fake and voted him out.

Beside this guy still living in an illusion that ish outdated by a decade.

If go back 10 years ago it maybe true that CCP are getting stronger since the world are pumping their $$$ and tech into AT land, but under this current winnie leadership CCP ish on the path of decline instead.

Actually USA is lagi worst with their out of control spendings and inflation
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(03-11-2022, 01:26 PM)teaserteam Wrote:  Y need to dig up who say what. Y not check how much  banks will charge 4 buying the 5 year CDS fpr Commie China.  If the  risk of buying bond is high,  the bank would charge higher premium 4 the CDS. History chart will tell if the country bond is more riskier to buy today or 10 or 20 years ago.  If the Country is growing healthier,  the CDS premium should go lower.

Hmmm...contradicting to your single CDS story... Bloomberg report China's debt ranking is between M'sia and Vietnam and better than Indonesia and Israel.. The difference is in 2022, the debt crisis worsen globally. No thanks to Biden and USD interest rate policy to protect itself from  runaway inflation.

(03-11-2022, 01:32 PM)RiseofAsia Wrote:  He is telling us 以暴制暴。 Big Grin
I dont agree at all. What China needs to do now is to continue what they are good at and keep on doing it ? Cannot give up!
OBOR and HSR, this will bind all the land countries together to become 1 strong continent beyond Asia.
This is what US is most fearful about.

The Chinese aren't looking for a fight. Not for at least the next 10 years.

Reason is simple - The World has rapidly enter into great stress in many dimensions from Ukraine to USD-driven inflation to breaking of existing order and supply chain to possible end of Globlisation. None of that serve China's interest as it needs stability, especially in our region.

In contrast, the US knows it is running out of time and resource to "contain" China. Which is why we see suddenly so many US plans from AUKUS, QUAD, IPEF (a substitute of TPP), changing of US's TRA, and now passing of CHIP 4 bill - All targeted at China. George Yeo has alluded to that in many of his interview...

US also knows they cannot wage any major military adventures when dealing with 2 fronts against Russia and they invest more in creating proxy wars (Ukraine and TW) and finding NED to drive overseas Color revolutions (Iran and maybe Saudi next) The problem with such strategy is US has overplay the same game many times, hence no longer a secret...

The real problem is America forget who the REAL ENEMY is - Itself. That is why, in that same SCMP interview, GY says "We are worried for America".

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