Russia is ready to supply gas to Europe via the intact Nord Stream 2 line

The sabotage of the Nord Stream offshore gas pipelines was similar to the attacks on Nicaraguan oil infrastructure in 1983 that were supported by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency.

Around that time, saboteurs hired by the CIA organised strikes against Nicaragua, which included blowing up an oil pipeline in one of the ports.

The CIA created a guidebook for the contras in October 1983 that endorsed terrorism and assassination. In a closed-door meeting in late 1983, Clarridge informed Congress that the contras had murdered “civilians and Sandinista officials in the provinces as well as heads of cooperatives, nurses, doctors, and judges” with U.S. assistance.

This was an acknowledgment by the administration that it had been clearly in violation of the Executive Order that forbade US participation in assassinations.

Additionally, a war of economics was launched by President Reagan against the Sandinistas. American businesses that do business with Nicaragua came under political pressure. In October 1982, Standard Fruit departed the nation after deciding not to buy any more Nica bananas.

In December, Nicara-gua received a 30-million-dollar short-term loan from Bank of America. Bank of America refused to approve the loan as a result of pressure from the State Department. The United States slashed the Nicaraguan sugar quota by 90% in 1983 after already cutting economic help and preventing financing from the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB). Although the United States was an original signatory to the pact, the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT) found that this judgement violated it.

However, the United States disregarded the decision. Operations against Nicaragua’s economic infrastructure were carried out by the CIA directly.

In September, CIA commandos invaded Puerto Sandino and then went back to destroy an oil pipeline under the sea. The oil and gasoline tanks at Corinto were set on fire in October by CIA commandos. Numerous individuals were hurt, and since the fires were so fierce, 25,000 people had to be evacuated for two days while the fires were put out. President Reagan gave the CIA broader permission to attack economic infrastructure in December. CIA commandos assaulted the petroleum installations at Puerto Sandino and San Juan del Norte in March after U.S. personnel stormed the Potosi port in January. CIA commandos buried mines in all of the main ports and shipping lanes from January to March 1984.

On Nicaragua’s Atlantic and Pacific coasts, from January through March 1984, CIA operatives laid explosives in all of the key ports and trade channels. Ships from the Netherlands, Japan, Liberia, Panama, the Soviet Union, and Nicaragua all ran afoul of mines in April. The Reagan government denied any involvement and attributed the deeds to the contras. Later, the United States was compelled to reimburse these nations for their damages by the World Court in The Hague, which rendered judgement in favour of the governments of Nicaragua, Japan, The Netherlands, Liberia, Panama, and The Soviet Union. The verdict was disregarded by the Reagan administration.

(06-10-2022, 10:43 AM)Niubee Wrote:  Whole NATO pull out Ukraine and stop expansion. Same results.

What the hell are you talking about? Ukraine is a sovereign country and has the right to invite NATO country into its land as alliance whereas Russia come in uninvited as an invader.

Your logic is basically ok for your enemy to come into your house  uninvited to rape all your family members

Laughter-13  Laughter-13


(06-10-2022, 11:03 AM)ROFLMAO Wrote:  What the hell are you talking about? Ukraine is a sovereign country and has the right to invite NATO country into its land as alliance whereas Russia come in uninvited as an invader.

Your logic is basically ok for your enemy to come into your house  uninvited to rape all your family members

U are a pariah that show no respect for other concerns. So be it... the results is today outcome.


(06-10-2022, 10:46 AM)teaserteam Wrote:  A US helicopter flying over pipeline already claimed US sabotage. What happen if they found US submarine on vessels near the pipeline?

Most like the new terms to use NS 2 will b one sided. Pay in Rubies at much higher price to earn back piping cost quickly b4 EU get more pipes from Norway


Sweden investigate the pipeline explosion. Now designated area as crime scene

Sweden's prosecution authority said in a press release that it had designated the area as a crime scene.


Russia plays gas politic, very soon will get fingers burnt


(06-10-2022, 07:20 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  Russia is ready is because it needs the money.

Rest of Europe ready to fund dictator warmonger?

Better not swallow the poison pill they will live to regret if ever they become dependent on Russia

When the people are suffering in cold, F...k yr ideologies. Laughing


[Image: 6-C246-CE3-FAFC-4902-8-AA8-19-CBC54097-AB.png]

no doubt the idea was mooted by usa, it won't proceed unless european countries agree to months ago. european countries will not take action but let usa do it, europe not innocent hor.

(06-10-2022, 09:14 AM)ROFLMAO Wrote:  You liar.. As soon as Russia pulls out all its troops , cease fire can happen immediately..

What talking you?

Russia pulls out and NATO moving their weapons to Russia's door step. 

Why don't you say NATO stops moving bases towards Russia and there will be world peace? 


(06-10-2022, 03:26 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote:

Western analysts have so far mostly pointed the finger at Russia as being responsible for the sabotage.

Sachs — a world-renowned economist and director of the Center for Sustainable Development at Columbia University — was criticized for echoing a claim made by Russian authorities.

“A lot of the world is watching these events in horror,” Sachs said.

“They view this as a horrible clash between Russia and the US. They don‘t see this, as we do in the media, as an unprovoked attack by Russia on Ukraine.

“Most of the world doesn‘t see it the way we describe it. Most of the world is just terrified right now, frankly.

“I would bet (the explosion) was a US action, perhaps US and Poland,” he said.

Bloomberg host Tom Keene quickly interjected, asking Sachs to produce evidence for his claims.

“Jeff, we’ve got to stop there,” he said. “Why do you feel that was a US action? What evidence do you have of that?”

Sachs said radars detecting US helicopters in the area, coupled with key statements made by the White House regarding Russia’s stranglehold on European energy supplies, led him to make the conclusion.

“Well, first, there is direct radar evidence that US military helicopters that are normally based in Gdansk were circling over this area,” Sachs said.

“We also had the threat from (President Biden) earlier this year that ‘one way or another we are going to end Nord Stream.’

“We also had a remarkable statement from Secretary of State [Antony] Blinken last Friday in a press conference where he said ‘this is also a tremendous opportunity.’

Sachs acknowledged his take “runs counter to our narrative” in the US and accused his nation’s media of neglecting the issue.

“I know it runs counter to our narrative, you‘re not allowed to say these things in the West, but the fact of the matter is all over the world when I talk to people, they think the US did it,” he said.

Even reporters on our papers that are involved tell me ‘of course’ (the US did it), but it doesn’t show up in our media.”

(06-10-2022, 03:25 PM)webinarian Wrote:  What talking you?

Russia pulls out and NATO moving their weapons to Russia's door step. 

Why don't you say NATO stops moving bases towards Russia and there will be world peace? 


All these ppl dont read history lah. Big Grin
They only believe the script written by western media.

My posts all got evidences one hor…

Till now nobody needs to answer for Iraq war? This was one of the worst lie created by the West. The funny part those jokers still believe them.

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind"

(06-10-2022, 11:03 AM)ROFLMAO Wrote:  What the hell are you talking about? Ukraine is a sovereign country and has the right to invite NATO country into its land as alliance whereas Russia come in uninvited as an invader.

Your logic is basically ok for your enemy to come into your house  uninvited to rape all your family members

What the hell are u talking about?

Why in 1962 Cuba wanted to have a Soviet Union base in Cuba, US wanted to challenge Soviet Union to a nuclear war if Soviet Union did so? 


八毛 talking about logic without knowing the logic of history. 



Sweden investigation suggested sabotage. Kremlin denied it has anything to do with it. Every 1 Waiting 4 detailed report


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