What to do if you have COVID-19 symptoms or your antigen rapid test is positive

Cheryl Lin

23 Sep 2021 06:02AM
(Updated: 23 Sep 2021 06:02AM)

Q: I have COVID-19 symptoms. What should I do?

Symptoms of COVID-19 are similar to acute respiratory infection symptoms – such as fever, cough, runny nose or loss of taste or smell.

If you have any such symptoms, skip the self-test.

Instead, consult a general practitioner at a Swab and Send Home (SASH) clinic, says the Ministry of Health (MOH). You can find a list of these clinics here https://flu.gowhere.gov.sg/.

If you have mild symptoms, you should also avoid seeking treatment at a hospital, added the ministry.


Q: I’ve tested positive on a self-test kit. Now what?

If your ART shows a positive result but you are asymptomatic, you should:

1. Stop going to work, cancel your social activities


2. Do not rush to a hospital to get tested


3. Self-isolate for at least 72 hours


4. At the end of the 72 hours, do another ART test

If the result is negative, you can have “peace of mind” knowing you have recovered, said Assoc Prof Mak.

You can then “progressively” resume your normal activities, he said.

5. If your test result is still positive after the period of self-isolation, consult a GP

Take a photo of your ART test result next to your identification card.

Have this photo and your identification card with you when you go to the doctor.

6. If you are then given a PCR test, self-isolate while waiting

You should head home via private transport and self-isolate while awaiting the results of your PCR test. Keep your mask on.

Your doctor will inform you of your results generally within 24 to 48 hours, according to MOH. You may also check your results via HealthHub.

Q: If my PCR test is positive, what happens next?

Continue to self-isolate in a well-ventilated room. Do not have contact with your household members.

MOH will contact you on the next course of action.

Home recovery is the default care management model for those who fulfil these criteria:

- Fully vaccinated

- Aged 12 to 69 years old

- No or mild symptoms

- Have no severe comorbidities or illness

- Household members do not include elderly who are more than 80 years old or people in the vulnerable group such as pregnant women or those with weakened immune response or multiple comorbidities.

You can expect to receive an SMS within 24 hours, with a link to provide your details, to start your home recovery.

If you're unsuitable for home recovery, MOH will make the arrangements for you to recover at a community care facility or hospital.

Full article here: https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapor...iy-2191716

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