(09-12-2022, 11:33 AM)kokee Wrote: let see can Ukraine hit moscow next Feb!!
zelensky, person of the year by Times!!
TIME names Ukraine's Volodymyr Zelensky 'Person of the Year'
all these comie liars in this forum!!
where is russia nuclear weapons!!
how about winnie & china nuclear weapons?
they know once they use, end of themselves!! all the dictators in this world!!
all these moronic comie dogs here bark how powerful is russia nuclear weapons, rockets, missile, hypersonic & whatever BS, where are all these dogs now!!
same to all their BS on chin a technology, money, HSR, expansion, foreign affair nonsense, movies or whatever steal technology or copy cat or fake or imitate, spam on this forum day & night!!
If putin & russia nuclear weapons so powerful, they lost till pantless today? till putin plan to run road today? putin run to china? my foot, china got balls to keep putin? LOL LOL!
all these know nut comie dogs here!!