After more than 2 yrs (now 3 yrs!!), Trump wants to stop the war??!!

波蘭出兵烏克蘭!哈爾科夫超1200波蘭人陣亡 俄軍否認扎波羅熱核電站撤離 烏軍開始建造第聶伯河浮橋俄軍未阻止 烏軍第20旅第3摩步營進攻普洛先卡40人陣亡2人被俘

一周對策 | 俄運輸機 頻繁密飛中國 準備發動一場大戰? 2022 1129

白俄羅斯宣布擊落波蘭無人機!俄羅斯空天軍對斯拉維揚斯克烏軍司令部大樓發動空襲 波蘭總統杜達抵達白俄邊境第11野戰砲營視察 美軍解密文件公開 俄羅斯計劃對烏克蘭西部波蘭進行核打擊

俄軍全殲烏軍第114領土防御營 烏軍第110旅第56旅和第68旅發動帕夫洛夫卡反攻 第114營被包圍戰損80%全軍覆沒 盧甘斯克軍隊佔領比洛戈里夫卡 俄軍頓巴斯全線反攻開始

烏軍陣亡超10萬人!俄軍撤離扎波羅熱核電站 米哈伊洛夫卡政府大樓俄國旗被撤下 波洛格俄軍撤往馬立波 赫爾松4萬烏軍集結扎波羅熱準備發起進攻 俄軍退守別爾江斯克防禦亞速海補給通道 扎波羅熱戰役一觸即發


Ukraine war: Biden will not talk to Putin; Russia to encircle Bakhmut; Estonia wants HIMARS

US President Joe Biden does not intend to speak to his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, about ending the Ukraine war as conditions for such discussions currently do not exist, the White House said on Friday.

"We're just not at a point now where talks seem to be a fruitful avenue to approach right now," national security spokesperson John Kirby told reporters.

普丁下令30萬俄軍出兵白俄羅斯 紹伊古明斯克簽署駐軍協議 12月中旬首批俄軍抵達烏克蘭邊境 美僱傭兵哈爾科夫被俄軍重傷截肢 美英F-15戰機抵達波蘭 俄軍炸毀克拉瑪托爾斯克兵工廠



普丁下令報復基輔!俄軍發射超100枚巡航導彈 烏克蘭全境響起爆炸聲 澤倫斯基已進入核地堡緊急避難 波蘭緊急出動F-16戰機和愛國者導彈進行防禦 烏軍在利沃夫 基輔等地軍事指揮中心被俄軍全部摧毀

普丁震怒俄烏戰爭升級!烏克蘭攻擊俄戰略核力量!恩格斯空軍基地圖-95MS 圖-160戰略轟炸機被毀 北約向烏克蘭提供能打到莫斯科的戰略武器藉烏克蘭之手摧毀俄三位一體核力量 俄宣布莫斯科地區進入戰備狀態

普丁親自駕車通過克里米亞大橋!烏克蘭導彈落入摩爾多瓦境內 俄軍發射100枚巡航導彈烏克蘭全境停水停電 普丁前往南部戰區 俄軍巴赫穆特戰役成功消耗烏軍有生力量 前北約指揮官克拉克要求烏軍撤離巴赫穆特

U.S. wants to aid Ukrainian rockets to launch glide bombs

Russian missiles are crippling Ukrainian electricity, and the consequences are unbearable

巴赫穆特戰役總攻開始!澤倫斯基抵達斯拉維揚斯克督戰 烏軍再出動無人機攻擊俄布良斯克軍用機場 北約升級烏克蘭無人機提供高精度打擊能力 俄軍部署T-90 俄烏雙方即將在頓巴斯上演坦克大戰



美烏折磨俄方耐心 破壞默契的後果難料 2022 1209

俄烏首次坦克大戰!頓巴斯馬林卡俄烏雙方數十輛坦克展開坦克會戰 摩洛哥確定向烏軍提供T-72主戰坦克 俄羅斯向阿爾及利亞提供軍火 俄烏戰爭外溢 北部非洲成為美俄爭奪新熱點

烏克蘭:俄發動無人機攻擊 敖德薩地區斷電|普丁: 對西方失去信任 未來更難就烏克蘭問題談判【全球現場】 20221211 @Global_Vision

巴赫穆特前線夢幻般場景讓歐美志願軍不敢進場! 烏克蘭俄羅斯新兵終生難忘的一戰!

俄軍巴赫穆特擊落烏軍米-8直升機 瑞典 美國僱傭兵逃離巴赫穆特車禍身亡 羅戈津抵達頓巴斯戰場 烏軍被俄總參謀部拖進頓巴斯絞肉機 烏軍有生力量消耗在頓巴斯 白俄羅斯邊境俄軍進攻基輔利沃夫獲得戰場主動權

almost 100k russia army died in Ukraine war, no more russia army to attack, only can use missile or rocket fire from far, this way will never win the war as we need army to occupy, so russia can only move all back to russia & wait for Ukraine army to attack russia land once Ukraine is ready with all weapons from US & NATO!! ong range to hit Moscow anytime!!

Ukraine going to attack crimea this winter, russia army in panic!!
putin & russia are in panic now, ton of russia army going to lose their life again!!!
russia economy already collapse, nothing to talk about, russia oil & gas price no takers & has upper limit price which is much lower than open market price to sanction & destroy russia economy totally!!!
almost all comie dogs here will never get 1 case right from their all fake communist sources of media & news!!

Ex Supreme Allied Commander: Ukraine Is Close To Encircling 150000 Russian Soldiers, Putin In SHOCK

Big Panic in Russia! Kremlin Fears of Losing Crimea! 


ton of russian already run road out of russia, especially male & young, to US, thailand & neighboring country!!
no morons will die for dictator!!

Ukraine already hit Russia land, bomb several army warehouse & airport.
with longer range rocket & drones available, 70% Ukraine army to hit moscow by next feb.
ton of russian already run road, especially younger generation to avoid military!!
russian people running like headless chickens to everywhere now, especially to US & Thailand!!




(09-12-2022, 11:33 AM)kokee Wrote:  let see can Ukraine hit moscow next Feb!!
zelensky, person of the year by Times!!


TIME names Ukraine's Volodymyr Zelensky 'Person of the Year'

all these comie liars in this forum!!
where is russia nuclear weapons!!
how about winnie & china nuclear weapons?
they know once they use, end of themselves!! all the dictators in this world!!

all these moronic comie dogs here bark how powerful is russia nuclear weapons, rockets, missile, hypersonic & whatever BS, where are all these dogs now!!
same to all their BS on chin a technology, money, HSR, expansion, foreign affair nonsense, movies or whatever steal technology or copy cat or fake or imitate, spam on this forum day & night!!
If putin & russia nuclear weapons so powerful, they lost till pantless today? till putin plan to run road today? putin run to china? my foot, china got balls to keep putin? LOL LOL!
all these know nut comie dogs here!!



俄烏戰爭升級!美軍海馬斯轟炸克里米亞俄兵營 梅利托波爾 巴赫穆特俄軍兵營同時被烏特種部隊夜襲 伊朗向俄軍出口數百枚導彈 15架蘇-35戰機下月抵達伊朗 中東軍備競賽升級 俄烏戰爭外溢全球

(12-12-2022, 09:28 AM)kokee Wrote:  almost 100k russia army died in Ukraine war,

This lady has corrected your statement :  Laughing

[Image: c23dee4-51c6ce8-12.jpg]

On 30 November, Ursula von der Leyen, the Head of the European Commission, dedicated her address to the plan of confiscation of frozen Russian assets and the creation of a special tribunal to punish Russia for the crime of aggression against Ukraine. The text and video of the address has been published on the website of the European Commission and on von der Leyen’s social media accounts.

At the beginning of her address, von der Leyen said that Russia's invasion of Ukraine brought death, devastation and untold suffering, and that it was estimated that "over 20,000 civilians and 100,000 Ukrainian soldiers have died in Ukraine to date."

俄軍炸毀巴赫穆特M03高速大橋 烏軍失去北撤路線 烏軍第93旅戰損嚴重撤離巴赫穆特 烏軍將T-72坦克車門焊死進行“死亡衝鋒” 巴赫穆特戰役烏軍陣亡超10000人 一名美軍醫抵達巴赫穆特戰區陣亡

俄軍斬首澤倫斯基!俄無人機群攻擊烏克蘭首都基輔行政大樓 美國緊急向烏克蘭提供愛國者防空導彈 伊朗確定向俄軍提供進程彈道導彈 美國通過向烏克蘭軍事援助逐漸升級俄烏戰爭摧毀烏克蘭削弱俄羅斯捆綁歐洲

The Battle of Bachmut can be called a "meat grinder", with countless casualties.

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