I went to 4 HOSPITALS in 3 cities in 1 DAY

CHINA vlog: I went to 4 HOSPITALS in 3 cities in 1 DAY

When calling my dad during Christmas I found out that the MSM was blasting the world with the idea that “China was collapsing (AGAIN!!)” this time due to covid. I live in Guangzhou, China and as usual I don't see the MSM's narrative on the ground here. I only work part-time, so that I can make videos, so I decided to spend a full day from 7am to 7pm going to different hopiitals in different Chinese cities.
[+] 2 users Like cityhantam's post

Angmo cok suckers here will say it's fake video.
[+] 3 users Like Notdumb's post

(04-01-2023, 07:52 PM)Notdumb Wrote:  Angmo cok suckers here will say it's fake video.

Paid by evil CCP!  Rotfl
[+] 2 users Like cityhantam's post

So all those videos tt shows hospitals full of pple are fakes. CIA employed those hundreds of actors trying to disgrace CCP. they were given 300 millions just to do tt. Cheers

[+] 1 user Likes teaserteam's post

(04-01-2023, 08:49 PM)teaserteam Wrote:  So all those videos tt shows hospitals full of pple are fakes.  CIA employed those hundreds of actors trying to disgrace CCP. they were given 300 millions just to do tt.  Cheers

teaserteam Huat ah!  Laughing Laughing Laughing


Congress Proposes $500 Million for Negative News Coverage of China



US goes further to spend $300 million annually smearing China

teaserteam Huat ah!!!!  Laughing Laughing  Laughing
[+] 1 user Likes cityhantam's post

These r all CIA actors. It never happen, right?



https://media.tenor.com/THeFzkF0bH8AAAAM...videos.gif https://media.tenor.com/yTijjxhKy5IAAAAM...-beast.gif
[+] 1 user Likes Omnipresent88's post




(04-01-2023, 11:22 PM)teaserteam Wrote:  都是

(04-01-2023, 08:49 PM)teaserteam Wrote:  So all those videos tt shows hospitals full of pple are fakes.  CIA employed those hundreds of actors trying to disgrace CCP. they were given 300 millions just to do tt.  Cheers

teaserteam Huat ah!  Laughing Laughing Laughing


Congress Proposes $500 Million for Negative News Coverage of China



US goes further to spend $300 million annually smearing China

teaserteam Huat ah!!!!  Laughing Laughing  Laughing




(04-01-2023, 11:26 PM)teaserteam Wrote:  

(04-01-2023, 08:49 PM)teaserteam Wrote:  So all those videos tt shows hospitals full of pple are fakes.  CIA employed those hundreds of actors trying to disgrace CCP. they were given 300 millions just to do tt.  Cheers

teaserteam Huat ah!  Laughing Laughing Laughing


Congress Proposes $500 Million for Negative News Coverage of China



US goes further to spend $300 million annually smearing China

teaserteam Huat ah!!!!  Laughing Laughing  Laughing

Kanthaswamy Balasubramanian
December 2022

The West news media tells us China is having massive deaths and a total mess from lockdown reopening, yet little news is reported in China about it. 

What is the truth?

First - I dont trust a word the Western Media say.

Tody i trust the Chinese Media far more

The Combination of CGTN, CCTV, CNA, Globaltimes & DouYin, Douban are more trustworthy to me than all of BBC, CNN and every other Western Channel

However i like Logic most of all

A Simple example is the release of Avatar 2 in China.

The Movie collected a whopping $ 57 Million in the first Weekend

The Highest Hollywood Collections for 2022 and the Fourth Highest of all times

It was released on 16th December well in the middle of any outbreak

Thats roughly around 16.71 Million Footfalls

You wont be having 17 Million People flocking to watch Avatar 2 if people are dying in such massive numbers

Next - The Hospitals are working 31% to Capacity in Beijing, 24% in Shanghai and 23% in Wuhan

You can literally book your own ward in the Hospital if you download the software on your phone and have google lens

The Hospitals have between 20% - 30% Occupancy to date

For Comparison - when Delta had its outbreak - India had a 371% Occupancy in Delhi and a 163% Occupancy all across India and yet at the end of 30 days we lost 154,000 People officially

Delta is far deadlier than Omicron which while being more infectitious is less deadlier

Delta was against an unvaccinated population while Omicron is against a primarily vaccinated populace

Its logical to assume that there are bound to be far less deaths

The same B7 Strain in India is causing around 6.5 Deaths per Day even today

Next - There is no Rush for Oxygen

First Sign of mass deaths is a rush for Oxygen

Italy in 2020, India in 2021, USA in 2020 are examples

In China there is a mass rush for Ibubrofen, Thermometers, Oseltamivir and the newly patented Chinese Medicines

That alone indicates Body ache and Flu Symptoms rather than breathing difficulties which would mean Pneumonia and Respiratory Failure - the only cause for Covid related direct deaths (Unless there are co-morbidities)

So i can safely conclude that

As on date - there are NO Massive Deaths in China

As on date - there are NO Lockdown Reopening Mess in China

What you have are Shortages of Medications , that too not due to manufacturing supply shortages but rather distribution issues. The Factories are already ramping up medicines and by next week you would have more than enough Medicines to last till plateau time

Unless the Virus Mutates into a Dangerous Form like Delta - there is no issue today in China

The Western media are just spinning the stories to make numbers bigger to make it looks more interesting












Rotfl TS should go hospital and stay there

【杭州漫步】4KHDR|Hangzhou Night Walk|[KerryCenter+IN77+WulinRoad|China | New Year’s Eve |2023





Shanghai statistics on deaths pre COVID:

"Death Rate
5.50 (per thousand population) in 2019
In 2019, death rate for Shanghai was 5.5 per thousand population. Though Shanghai death rate fluctuated substantially in recent years, it tended to decrease through 2000 - 2019 period ending at 5.5 per thousand population in 2019"

It's 5.5 per 1000. Shanghai has 24m residents. That's 0.55% of 24,000,000 per year.

Therefore, 24,000,000x0.55%=132,000 deaths per year. Which is 132,000÷365 =361 deaths per day.

This means on any given day before 2019, you could always take a video of 50 to 100 copses (this is the number of copses shown in all videos) lying in a big hospital and or mortuary. Ludicrous to assume no one had died pre COVID days or that all dead bodies seen now have all died of COVID.










Teaserteam is pretending he doesn't know that during any normal day, many people died in China!

Average death rate in China is about 7 per 1000 population. China's population is 1,400,000,000.

How many people die everyday?

How many corpses do you expect to see everyday?

[Image: China-Death-rate-01.png]

美国政府发放免费试剂盒,大使馆由于防疫暂停中国业务,揭秘辉瑞神药究竟多神!中国防疫政策放开是因为白纸运动?为什么中国不引进辉瑞疫苗?罗尼专家团 本期嘉宾:Dr.王劳改 20221217

(04-01-2023, 08:49 PM)teaserteam Wrote:  So all those videos tt shows hospitals full of pple are fakes.  CIA employed those hundreds of actors trying to disgrace CCP. they were given 300 millions just to do tt.  Cheers

According to Wumao logic… if one can call it logic…


These professors, 25 dead per day r either not died from Covid. Not counted.



(04-01-2023, 11:41 PM)cityhantam Wrote:  

【杭州漫步】4KHDR|Hangzhou Night Walk|[KerryCenter+IN77+WulinRoad|China | New Year’s Eve |2023


According to teaserteam, everywhere full of dead bodies!  Rotfl

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