my cousin from a rich family now stayed in Airport

srsly not trolling
he was from a rich family, back in the 80s, they oredi own business, private properties, car and hifi
everr since his parents passed on, he mismanaged the money
today he goes everywhere to sleep, he is in his 60s now

Questions: is there a way for us to setup something like trust fund that would only pay my kid say $2000-$2500 mthly after I pass away ?  
I hear trust fund is for the super rich, I only has less than $900K cash(CPF) + HDB
I dun wan my son to be like my cousin
pls kindly advise

(08-01-2023, 10:14 AM)limpeh394 Wrote:  srsly not trolling
he was from a rich family, back in the 80s, they oredi own business, private properties, car and hifi
everr since his parents passed on, he mismanaged the money
today he goes everywhere to sleep, he is in his 60s now

Questions: is there a way for us to setup something like trust fund that would only pay my kid say $2000-$2500 mthly after I pass away ?  
I hear trust fund is for the super rich, I only has less than $900K cash(CPF) + HDB
I dun wan my son to be like my cousin
pls kindly advise

I believe you can do so ie set up a trust fund. Consult a lawyer and ask him/her to draw up a will that includes your instructions to set up a trust fund.

tomorrow will be a better day

(08-01-2023, 10:14 AM)limpeh394 Wrote:  srsly not trolling
he was from a rich family, back in the 80s, they oredi own business, private properties, car and hifi
everr since his parents passed on, he mismanaged the money
today he goes everywhere to sleep, he is in his 60s now

Questions: is there a way for us to setup something like trust fund that would only pay my kid say $2000-$2500 mthly after I pass away ?  
I hear trust fund is for the super rich, I only has less than $900K cash(CPF) + HDB
I dun wan my son to be like my cousin
pls kindly advise

same with my cousins. their father died early and left behind a provision shop with few condos. all the siblings raised up to be spoilt brats. auntie spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to send both of them to US and UK to study for their degrees. came back and beh kan, one was unemployed as he couldn't stand the working stress while the others decided to drive a taxi. other siblings also squandered off my aunt's wealth in gambling..

(08-01-2023, 10:14 AM)limpeh394 Wrote:  srsly not trolling
he was from a rich family, back in the 80s, they oredi own business, private properties, car and hifi
everr since his parents passed on, he mismanaged the money
today he goes everywhere to sleep, he is in his 60s now

Questions: is there a way for us to setup something like trust fund that would only pay my kid say $2000-$2500 mthly after I pass away ?  
I hear trust fund is for the super rich, I only has less than $900K cash(CPF) + HDB
I dun wan my son to be like my cousin
pls kindly advise

look like we are related.

he is my cousin as well.
[+] 1 user Likes K88 shu shu's post

These are all lessons in life. 
If it's your money, spend it. Do charity. 
Leave only a gift for your children.

whether your son will end up like your cousin is up to him
no need to provide for him after u dead

Endless stories and worries for humanity....pleasant and unpleasant...damn cham

(08-01-2023, 12:02 PM)K88 shu shu Wrote:  look like we are related.

he is my cousin as well.

sucks, dun tell me we have the same wife Yui Hatano like edmwer always said 

(08-01-2023, 11:56 AM)fishbuff Wrote:  same with my cousins. their father died early and left behind a provision shop with few condos. all the siblings raised up to be spoilt brats. auntie spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to send both of them to US and UK to study for their degrees. came back and beh kan, one was unemployed as he couldn't stand the working stress while the others decided to drive a taxi. other siblings also squandered off my aunt's wealth in gambling..

if their father did setup something for them, at least they get minimal income mthly to survive
actually Gov shd drive a cheap trust fund structure for middle income family or educate ppl how/where to look for one
I google only DBS advertising this. and dunno what is the charges

(08-01-2023, 12:06 PM)singaporean1964 Wrote:  whether your son will end up like your cousin is up to him
no need to provide for him after u dead

It is our culture here, that we leave some money and properties to our surviving children........and perhaps some money can go to charity...... Big Grin

(08-01-2023, 10:35 AM)surfer Wrote:  I believe you can do so ie set up a trust fund. Consult a lawyer and ask him/her to draw up a will that includes your instructions to set up a trust fund.
I google only DBS doing this, and look like cater for the super rich
I feel GOV shd drive this, or at least educate middle income ppl where to look for affordable trust fund

(08-01-2023, 10:14 AM)limpeh394 Wrote:  srsly not trolling
he was from a rich family, back in the 80s, they oredi own business, private properties, car and hifi
everr since his parents passed on, he mismanaged the money
today he goes everywhere to sleep, he is in his 60s now

Questions: is there a way for us to setup something like trust fund that would only pay my kid say $2000-$2500 mthly after I pass away ?  
I hear trust fund is for the super rich, I only has less than $900K cash(CPF) + HDB
I dun wan my son to be like my cousin
pls kindly advise

what kind of a man are you....................!!!

you should use your money to help out your cousin what...............

as for your own can set up a trust fund but the lawyer might laugh at you since you're not a tycoon...............

Stay in airport hotel lah.

This is because parent never focus on children .they only care their business and themselve

How to stay in airport?

I have never believed in the concept of inheritance becuz it breed the beneficiaries to be lazy. Spend ppl monies is easy but earn ppl monies is so tough. Earn so hard give beneficiaries spend which is better proposition? Of cuz beneficiaries! This is why I strongly against inheritance. My late dad monies given to me I will give to my dotters and for my own earned monies to charities or spend on myself. This is correct compensation for the monies I earned so hard
[+] 1 user Likes sgh's post

it is not religion

if you can see the truth in us all

it is all about the SINS we have
and those SINS bought about the never ending mayhams

that is why we are HERE

(08-01-2023, 03:26 PM)grotesqueness Wrote:  it is not religion

if you can see the truth in us all

it is all about the SINS we have
and those SINS bought about the never ending mayhams

that is why we are HERE

We are built in the image of God so the sins we commit reflected on the Creator character traits.

(08-01-2023, 03:31 PM)sgh Wrote:  We are built in the image of God so the sins we commit reflected on the Creator character traits.

Any proof of what you just typed??

(08-01-2023, 04:07 PM)RichDad Wrote:  Any proof of what you just typed??

It is the same as asking for proof that God exist

(08-01-2023, 04:10 PM)sgh Wrote:  It is the same as asking for proof that God exist

It is blasphemy to ask this question........ crying

The so called GOD exist
but the so called GOD and it existant is not what human can understand

it is like quantum math

1+1 may not be equal to 2

it depends on location location location

(08-01-2023, 04:22 PM)grotesqueness Wrote:  The so called GOD exist
but the so called GOD and it existant is not what human can understand

it is like quantum math

1+1 may not be equal to 2

it depends on location location location

There is always a counter balance. God exist so does Devil. Without Devil God got no opposing force to keep him on his toes. So if one believe in God one should believe in Devil as they come in a pair. God is not as merciful as we know from so many stories like killing Egypt first born Pharoah son, Sodom and Gommarrah and so many other incidents. God is violent and will resort to violence to achieve his objectives.

(08-01-2023, 04:27 PM)sgh Wrote:  There is always a counter balance. God exist so does Devil. Without Devil God got no opposing force to keep him on his toes. So if one believe in God one should believe in Devil as they come in a pair. God is not as merciful as we know from so many stories like killing Egypt first born Pharoah son, Sodom and Gommarrah and so many other incidents. God is violent and will resort to violence to achieve his objectives.

the devil exist because of us
not because of GOD

we exist the devil exist
we dont exist the devil also dont exist

long ago only GOD existed
not us not the devil
then the devil exist and that bought us into existence

that was what happened after we ate the apple

the technology here we are talking is far far way way more advance then we can imagine

(08-01-2023, 12:39 PM)limpeh394 Wrote:  I google only DBS doing this, and look like cater for the super rich
I feel GOV shd drive this, or at least educate middle income ppl where to look for affordable trust fund

No lah. Go see a lawyer to arrange what you want.

tomorrow will be a better day
[+] 1 user Likes surfer's post

(08-01-2023, 04:33 PM)grotesqueness Wrote:  the devil exist because of us
not because of GOD

we exist the devil exist
we dont exist the devil also dont exist

long ago only GOD existed
not us not the devil
then the devil exist and that bought us into existence

Not sure if you got read Bible or not. God has angels and one of them break off and there is a war and he lead away 1/3 of them and from then on war against God. That is the Devil I am talking about not the so called our inner demon concept. This angel is quite powerful becuz if not during the war God would have kill him. Just like God it take many forms but most ppl say he has horns and hoof foot and a tail perhaps and God ppl say got halo and wings but who really seem both of them to decide how they look like in reality?

In Singapore, no way he can turn the tide
He's finished

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