Why I do not respect Zelensky and think

(21-01-2023, 08:13 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  The Ukraine war could have been totally avoid if Putin did not decide to start it.

TS, thinking is twisted ...its like saying rape victim is stupid because she decided to go out for a walk....but rapist is innocent.

Yarmai. Annexing Ukraine has oways been 1 of Putins lifelong mission goals. He has mentioned dis all along in  his National Day speeches in the past. Dun blame Zelensky who has surprised everyone with his strong and competent wartime leadership. Dun think any PAPaya leader can hold up as well as him under similar circumstances. God Be With Ukraine.
[+] 2 users Like luncheonmeat's post

Zelensky is a high class begger. 
Everywhere he goes, he will ask for something. 
Does he care for his people? 
He still acts like EU and US owe him a favour.
[+] 2 users Like Migrant's post

(21-01-2023, 02:02 PM)forum456 Wrote:  Singapore has already openly punished Russia by imposing sanctions.

Russia dares not do anything to Singapore !



Don't talk big and don't provoke big country and of course don't let big nation like USA to bully our small nation Singapore.  

Even New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern also bullied by USA until she could not tahan and she has to resign.  

When has Singapore "punished" Russia, Singapore only mouthed in line with about 30 EU nations that Singapore opposed invasion of Ukraine and lies low. Singapore never send weapons to Ukraine like those EU nations. Don't talk rubbish of punish. 

You can name any sanction Singapore has done?   


[+] 2 users Like webinarian's post

(21-01-2023, 11:21 PM)webinarian Wrote:  
Don't talk big and don't provoke big country and of course don't let big nation like USA to bully our small nation Singapore.  

Even New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern also bullied by USA until she could not tahan and she has to resign.  

When has Singapore "punished" Russia, Singapore only mouthed in line with about 30 EU nations that Singapore opposed invasion of Ukraine and lies low. Singapore never send weapons to Ukraine like those EU nations. Don't talk rubbish of punish. 

You can name any sanction Singapore has done?   



Below link shows Singapore punishes Russia with sanctions.
Useless Russia dares not retaliate.

[+] 2 users Like forum456's post

Singapore is like IP Man beats Russia to pulp !



reality and common belief differs.
As politicians running a country must have some common sense
when you live beside a military super power.

(21-01-2023, 11:21 PM)webinarian Wrote:  
Don't talk big and don't provoke big country and of course don't let big nation like USA to bully our small nation Singapore.  

Even New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern also bullied by USA until she could not tahan and she has to resign.  

When has Singapore "punished" Russia, Singapore only mouthed in line with about 30 EU nations that Singapore opposed invasion of Ukraine and lies low. Singapore never send weapons to Ukraine like those EU nations. Don't talk rubbish of punish. 

You can name any sanction Singapore has done?   


She did not give an exact date for the end of the military conflict for Ukraine, she predicted peace would not coming or reached 2027.

Only the 8th Ukrainian president will be able to save his country from disaster,” Baba Vanga, who died 25 years ago, reportedly said. Volodimir Zelenski is Ukraine’s 7th president since leaving the USSR

[+] 1 user Likes Tee tiong huat's post

(21-01-2023, 09:55 AM)Gemstar Wrote:  It is Putin that started the first strike on a sovereign country. Totally wrong in doing it. Ukraine hv right to defend. Putin is a big bully and didn’t expect NATO and US to step in relentlessly in providing arms to Ukraine.

More ammo coming to stop the war... Tongue


(23-01-2023, 11:38 AM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  More ammo coming to stop the war... Tongue


More news and undate 22/01/2023


(21-01-2023, 11:54 PM)forum456 Wrote:  Below link shows Singapore punishes Russia with sanctions.
Useless Russia dares not retaliate.


This is as good as no sanction.  

Singapore banks are not helping Russia to clear USD. Anyway, Russia is already kicked out of the US banking system. So, there will be no deal of USD through Singapore banks.  

The sanction is as good as no sanction. Just pretend to sanction Russia only.   

Russian Ruble is as strong as more than a year ago before start of sanction. 

[Image: RubleUSD.png]

(23-01-2023, 12:00 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  More news and undate 22/01/2023


19 Germany tanks coming to Ukraine better than nothing...for a start. Tongue

(23-01-2023, 12:34 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  19 Germany tanks coming to Ukraine better than nothing...for a start. Tongue

Mortal combat is on at Donbas... Angry

(21-01-2023, 08:13 AM)sgbuffett Wrote:  The Ukraine war could have been totally avoid if Putin did not decide to start it.

TS, thinking is twisted ...its like saying rape victim is stupid because she decided to go out for a walk....but rapist is innocent.

Let me ask u a simple question and u must answer.

What is the end game for Zelensky and Ukraine?? Enlighten us

[+] 1 user Likes Niubee's post

(23-01-2023, 12:59 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote:  Mortal combat is on at Donbas... Angry
More ammo is sent from west to Ukraine. Tongue
[+] 1 user Likes Tee tiong huat's post

Now the War already started. So the common sense objective is to try to end this War by negotiation. Like Mr Teo Tiong Huat's reminder..more ammo is sent to escalate it instead of trying to negotiate to end it.

So now sgbutt understand why I say he is an idiot ?
[+] 1 user Likes *天哥*'s post

Stop admiring this idiot Zelensky like sgbutter..latest is Putin willing to negotiate but Zelensky refused.

(23-01-2023, 11:30 PM)*天哥* Wrote:  Now the War already started. So the common sense objective is to try to end this War by negotiation. Like Mr Teo Tiong Huat's reminder..more ammo is sent to escalate it instead of trying to negotiate to end it.

Russia carries a missile to negotiate with Ukraine who carries a gun, do you think who will win the negotiation ?

a robber carries a gun and want to negotiate with you (you are unarmed), do you want to negotiate ?
[+] 1 user Likes forum456's post

(23-01-2023, 11:32 PM)*天哥* Wrote:  Stop admiring this idiot Zelensky like sgbutter..latest is Putin willing to negotiate but Zelensky refused.

if Malaysia invades Singapore and want Woodlands to be part of Johore, do you agree to this negotiation ?
[+] 1 user Likes forum456's post

(23-01-2023, 11:32 PM)*天哥* Wrote:  Stop admiring this idiot Zelensky like sgbutter..latest is Putin willing to negotiate but Zelensky refused.

a neighbour carries a gun and knocks on your door.
he asks you to give up a room for him to stay in your house.
he wants to stay in your house to make sure that you do not own any gun to harm him.

will you agree to his negotiation to let him to live in your house ?
[+] 1 user Likes forum456's post

(23-01-2023, 11:30 PM)*天哥* Wrote:  Now the War already started. So the common sense objective is to try to end this War by negotiation. Like Mr Teo Tiong Huat's reminder..more ammo is sent to escalate it instead of trying to negotiate to end it.

So now sgbutt understand why I say he is an idiot ?

We can also see from your posts that you are the  bigger idiot  because you have not rebut sgbutt Rotfl

Laughter-13  Laughter-13


(24-01-2023, 12:19 AM)forum456 Wrote:  if Malaysia invades Singapore and want Woodlands to be part of Johore, do you agree to this negotiation ?

Do we have the means to pull it off ?
If Malaysia is nuclear power, yes we have to nego


[+] 1 user Likes Niubee's post

(24-01-2023, 12:00 AM)forum456 Wrote:  Russia carries a missile to negotiate with Ukraine who carries a gun, do you think who will win the negotiation ?

a robber carries a gun and want to negotiate with you (you are unarmed), do you want to negotiate ?

you are an idiot like sgbutter, did any robber come ? 

The answer is no..that is a speculative scenario..u are talking about a possible event.

but the Ukraine WAR already happened and it is an actual event.

so what is the best way to end it ?

definitely through negotiation when there is human lives at stake.

otherwise why the police has hostage negotiator in hostage situation...why not just go ahead like Zelensky and counter start bombing everyone ?

No wonder u are mere mortals and I m a high ranking immortal....KOOOORRRR PUI !

(24-01-2023, 02:43 AM)Niubee Wrote:  Do we have the means to pull it off ?
If Malaysia is nuclear power, yes we have to nego


u r wise unlike the sgbutter and gang idiots here.

The best solution now is :

Since Putin willing to negotiate,

Negotiate  :

Condition 1 for Putin : Russia to withdraw troops from the occupied Ukranian region.

Condition 2 for the idiot Zelensky: The invaded region to be held by the UN instead of returning to this idiot

Condition for both countries : UN to conduct voting in the returned region and the people to decide what they want to be, Russian or Ukranian

If both leaders agree, then The War will end...

understand now ? PUI ! Never study hard in school now want to come this forum to challenge me...sgbutter and gang mere mortals no wonder doomed to remain as coolies...pui !

(24-01-2023, 04:44 AM)*天哥* Wrote:  The best solution now is :

Since Putin willing to negotiate,

Negotiate  :

Condition 1 for Putin : Russia to withdraw troops from the occupied Ukranian region.

Condition 2 for the idiot Zelensky: The invaded region to be held by the UN instead of returning to thr idiot

Condition for both countries : UN to conduct voting in the returned region and the people to decide what they want to be, Russian or Ukranian

If both leaders agree, then The War will end...

understand now ? KNNCCB...PUI ! Never study hard in school now want to come this forum to challenge me...sgbutter and gang mere mortals no wonder doomed to remain as coolies...pui !

If the suggested negotiation concluded successfully, it will reveal who is the real crooks by the voting result of the invaded region people

If the negotiation failed, it will also reveal who are the real crooks and idiot

Whoever refused this suggestion is the real devil because he is fearful of the voting result.


(21-01-2023, 11:21 PM)webinarian Wrote:  
Don't talk big and don't provoke big country and of course don't let big nation like USA to bully our small nation Singapore.  

Even New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern also bullied by USA until she could not tahan and she has to resign.  

When has Singapore "punished" Russia, Singapore only mouthed in line with about 30 EU nations that Singapore opposed invasion of Ukraine and lies low. Singapore never send weapons to Ukraine like those EU nations. Don't talk rubbish of punish. 

You can name any sanction Singapore has done?   



well said ...u r very wise indeed!
[+] 1 user Likes *天哥*'s post

look at that face of Zelensky..he is very conscious not to be caught smiling...what a hypocrite. Human lives are at stake here.

Only I can tell that Zelensky is a hypocrite because my mind is clear as crystal unlike some idiots found here.

I nickname myself tiankor because I m born with a third eye and can tell any hypocrites easily.

No mere mortals like sgbuffer and gang can be like me. They are born without previous lives memory and hence their wisdom is never accumulated. Hence they are doomed to be mortal coolies, just look at their posts u can tell how displease they are with life and the Creator.

I am different, I carry my previous lives memory with me and my wisdom is accumulated through the ages. That is why I am an immortal billionaire and sgbutter is a mortal coolies.

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